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  1. #31
    East Coast Bias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relic View Post
    Right now all we have to offer in return is that we've absolutely passed along the feedback to the team, and that doesn't seem to make the community very happy.

    I have, however, forwarded to the dev team that a weekly thread with responses to your feedback be posted, so they're aware of it. It's a great idea and I think it would be a great addition to the forum.
    Why would you think that merely passing the info would make us happy? There are tons of outstanding issues that have never been addressed, while your company continues to roll out new features and events - totally ignoring our feedback. Now, do you think that we are unreasonable for being unhappy? Again, this isn't about you guys who are being dumped into this situation, but please don't try to make it seem as though the community has not acted in good faith or has not been patient. But rather, your company's attitude and lack of responsiveness is to blame. In what world is asking to slow down and fixing problems before pushing out new crap is unreasonable?

  2. #32
    Pidgeot's Avatar
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    To add to this, the only thing taken away that we have voiced was the removal of equipment. If you really listened to us, you would know we dont want a 7 day WD. We even had a poll and many threads saying we did not like or ask for it. Is anything being done about the 2.1b issues the games are having?

  3. #33

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    Quote Originally Posted by Relic View Post
    Right now all we have to offer in return is that we've absolutely passed along the feedback to the team, and that doesn't seem to make the community very happy.

    I have, however, forwarded to the dev team that a weekly thread with responses to your feedback be posted, so they're aware of it. It's a great idea and I think it would be a great addition to the forum.
    The point is bigger than just this thread. Once upon a time, if people had issues or questions, they'd post them in a thread, and they'd get answered by the gree moderators/community managers either from knowledge, or by going away and asking the devs and reporting back. They'd take ownership of answering the question. This just isn't happening anymore. This is despite acknowledgement a couple of months ago during AMA's that communication needed to improve. Since then it's gone backwards. Right now there are some massive issues with the game... not least the 32bit restriction on Android, and alliance defence bonuses not seeming to work. Yet there's not even an acknowledgement of these issues, let alone communication of when they are likely to be fixed. From the community perspective, its really really hard to understand why this would be the case. In Tadahah's day, while there were still lots of game problems, he/she at least was visibly communicating with us and trying to solve issues. The practice now, for whatever reason, appears to be to one of ignoring everything and hoping it goes away.

  4. #34

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    I guess I'm one of the less unhappy folks around as far as the game is concerned. Generally for me the game works, there are some issues out there and unintended glitches. I feel for the Android folks who are locked out - that needs sorting as priority.

    The point in all of this, is communication and a roadmap of intended change would go an awful long ways to giving players their faith that the company
    A. Cares
    B. Recognises that there are things that need attention
    C. Has a plan of action

    I'm less bothered about the next event publication, I am bothered that any good IT company plans a scheduled set of releases to fix issues and tells customers when they plan to do it. Usually they plan major and minor releases

    Release x.x - minor release
    Planned to fix bugs x, y, z
    Target release April 15
    Release x.x - major release
    Planned for new content, plus significant fixes a,b,c
    Target release June 15

    Then allow time for incident handling and emergency fixes. Based on the capacity of the team and the impacting of the work with allowance for the inevitable contingencies to deal with unexpected issues.
    Get the Devs to communicate at that level and as time gets closer a confirmed release scope list.
    Guess what most of the players will be more understanding. It's the absence of any visible plans that create the rumours, speculation and downright condemnation/vitriol that arrives through these threads.
    Say what you are going to do, then meet your promises and if you can't for some reason say it early. Bad news never ages well...

  5. #35

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    Conclusion: we want dialog, we don't want to speak into the void.
    This is the main "feedback" in this week.

  6. #36
    Check again when building complete, ive noticed that stats used to show as soon as you hit build, now they don't show till complete.

  7. #37
    Rolinz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relic View Post
    Just to make you aware and to reiterate what's been communicated on this before: Clem and I pass along the feedback on a weekly basis, often more than weekly. Please note that once feedback is passed along it is up to the development team.
    How about at least responding to this thread what you guys have forwarded to the Developers. It feels like no one is listening to us when we post our feedback and you guys do not acknowledge what you have forwarded to the Developers.

    If you at least respond that this issue or that issue is being addressed, we would not feel like we are talking to a wall.

    Communication is a 2-way street. It might get redundant but at least we will know if we are being ignored or at the least heard and you guys are doing something.

    I updated to v5.05 and Specials Inventory is still empty. I am guessing the "fix" did not work.

    At least the "Attack" from the news feed appears to be working.
    Last edited by Rolinz; 03-05-2015 at 08:45 AM.

  8. #38
    I agree a weekly, this is what we presented developers would put the community at ease. I know first hand the mods are working as Relic has passed along the 2.14 bp lock out for droid to developers for me and on behalf of all locked out. Much appreciated

  9. #39

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    Apr 2014
    Please sort the boost issue that has been widely reported as not working.

    Stats show in profile eg 59b defence but when someone attacks you they see 28b on their screen so it's obviously not working.

  10. #40

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbs View Post
    I believe the Alliance Defence Boosts is not working.
    It's shows in stats(IOS) but does not work!!
    I'm showing 72b defence but when I ask someone to attack me and report they see 34b defence?? And when they raid its 24.5b defence?
    I have sent Tickets,I have started a thread over a month Ago,but all I have received is an unrelated answer from CS and no answer from Mods/Devs in my post on Forum.
    This is across the board on Both Platforms from the comments I have heard,Alliance Defence is also a TOP TIER bonuses and would require a sufficient amount of Gold Use to get most of the permanent Bonuses.
    An answer or some feedback on Would be appreciated.
    Same problem here. This extremely annoying. Kind of an important feature of this game don’t you think? FIX THE DARN DEFENSE STATS/BOOSTS!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by plavine View Post
    1) another raid boss that isn't fun …
    Exactly our team’s thoughts. It used to be one of our favorite events. Now we haaaate it. Whatever nuclear bomb blew up boss health also destroyed the fun. Our team just finished normal and are taking the rest of the event off. Horrible experience.

    edit/addition: ditto on the two-way communication. Us talking in the dark without so much as an acknowledgement that we've been heard is very frustrating. Acknowledging the feedback we give coupled with a periodic status update would go a long, loooong way to gaining some goodwill from the players.
    Last edited by CC1; 03-05-2015 at 02:20 PM.

  11. #41
    East Coast Bias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pidgeot View Post
    To add to this, the only thing taken away that we have voiced was the removal of equipment. If you really listened to us, you would know we dont want a 7 day WD. We even had a poll and many threads saying we did not like or ask for it. Is anything being done about the 2.1b issues the games are having?
    I don't think the majority think that the equipment was removed due to our feedback, but they realized that it didn't work and could get them in to deep trouble because people spent gold to acquire something that could not be incorporated into the game.

  12. #42

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    I know the game can be frustrating at the moment with bugs and larger changes out of the blue. However I would advice using the three c's when giving feedback to GREE:
    Constructive, concrete and carrying. That is the only way to get this game back on the track, especially if the feedback is used and taken serious.
    Two minor things I'd like changed: The stats are sky rocketing so it get more less impossible to tell if your attack is larger than a given persons defense. Which of these two number is the largest: 439755843 or 3250984756? That can be hard to see on a little phone screen. I would like to see some separations in the number, like 3.250.984.756.
    Furthermore. It is so boring to buy walls and it takes for ever because you have to confirm every single upgrade. Building 30 walls to level 15 is 2x15x30=900 clicks. Given et takes to seconds per level (some times more if there is connection issues) it is 30 minutes of absolutely not funny gaming. At least remove the confirmation button or make bulk buy of some kind.

  13. #43

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    How about the 3 C's for GREE

    1) communicate
    2) communicate
    3) communicate

    Still hundreds of questions and problems with zero feedback!

  14. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by groovy shags View Post
    How about the 3 C's for GREE

    1) communicate
    2) communicate
    3) communicate

    Still hundreds of questions and problems with zero feedback!
    Amen. For me the stunt they pulled with increasing boss health by a factor of 10 in one month time was the last straw. Our faction went from being able to make prestige to not being able to make regular over night. It took a lot of effort as free gold faction get to the point of being able to make prestige and if that can be erased as quickly as that it has killed all motivation.

  15. #45
    Captain Buck Slayer's Avatar
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    All warfare is based on deception - Sun Tzu

    Dear GREE

    Dear GREE International Incorporated,
    I would like to speak to you about an increase in health and/or difficulty in the last Raid Boss Event. The large increase made it nearly impossible to finish Prestige/Masters Missions without large amounts of gold use, or stats in the trillions. Which players in the top 300-150 do not have. I believe the prestige missions should be geared towards factions top 300 and higher, like it used to be. I think you would make a lot more money as a company if you restored the events previous difficulty. I know that very few in my faction YankeeOne will spend gold on events this impossible. If you want our money please restore the way the game used to be. Thank you for reading.

    Slaps Fighters Team

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