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  1. #1
    • Arena

    I have noticed that revenge battles have returned to my device, It has been many months since I saw this feature and it is nice to have it back. I have noticed one glitch though and that is that some of the revenge battles will show the knights main armor as a recent epic but once you enter the battle there is only one knight present and all he is wearing is basic fire armor. This is not really game breaking and does not upset me but it does kind of feel cheap to win this way. I only fight those revenge fights to give myself a little challenge in the arena where you get fed easy wins until you get close to around a 9 win streak. Being able to fight in revenge battles against stronger opponents makes the game slightly less dull

    Hopefully this small glitch can be rectified to provide a little more polish to the game.

    A suggestion following on from this to make the arena less dull (it could use a little revamp to make it interesting again) My suggestion is the option to always be able to fight stronger players. This could be done by having a separate panel which shows a list of 5 stronger players. I can see how this would be possible because the game already ups the difficulty of your opponents as your win streak gets higher. This could give players a chance to test their stronger armors in a random battle rather than in a guild war/raid where you already know the opponents armor set and all wins are practically guaranteed. The benefits for this option could be more points or maybe a better tiered reward system for getting win streaks in this stronger fighting class (the overall placement rewards and milestone rewards for overall points stay the same)

    • Epic Chests

    It has been over 2 months since any new armor has been released in epic chests that is remotely interesting. We are still seeing new mono epics that are weaker than the heroic + armors that practically every reasonably active player possesses. Sure there is the chance to get the plus version of the epic which is far stronger but that chance is completely remote even before you consider that even getting the new epic is quite unlikely. Currently the only reason to buy chests is for the + armor you offer with a 1400 gem price tag which is a nice bonus. Hopefully you don't plan on continuing releasing only monos after you release the inevitable spirit mono epic that is the last piece of this puzzle. Go back to your mono, dual, mono, dual pattern that used to make it at least interesting and worthwhile to open chests.

    • Armorsmith

    This is another minor complaint. When combining armors the game always puts epic armors at the front of the selection even when they are fully levelled and still constantly used in game. I can't see many people wanting to fuse these away so why have them default to the front of selection where a player is just going to have to skip past them every time. Just something I would not mind seeing changed, this is only a minor inconvenience.
    Last edited by zhaneel; 02-25-2015 at 07:12 AM.

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