1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Ever wonder why your dbl/trpl strike ends in a loss? Gree half explains here

    I put a ticket in because I would lose all of my double and triple strikes against a player in WD that I was dominating. I wanted to know why, since it was happening to my faction mates.

    This is Gree's reply which leaves more to the imagination than the actual answer:

    Matt Wilson (GREE International Inc.)
    Feb 21, 09:08

    Hi Italius,

    Thank you for contacting Modern War Support.

    I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing losses when a double or triple strike is received. If you are attacking a player who is close to being "too beat up" to further attack, and your attack that triggers a double or triple strike puts that player into a "too beat up" condition when your double or triple strike hits, it will not count and will register as a loss.

    If you have experienced this loss from a double or triple strike and then continued to attack that same rival without them becoming "too beat up" to attack, please re-open this ticket and reply back with the date and time this happened, along with any additional information or screenshots which may document the matter.


    Now, I'm not a genius at this game, but why would there be a situation where a target is "too beat up?" How do we, as players, know when a player we hit, who is completely anonymous of their "state" is "too beat up?" If Gree is going to create a function in the game like Double Strike and Triple Strike, wouldn't you assume it's going to work exactly the way it's described? Where the hell did this "too beat up" scenario come from? Is there a function to the game that only Gree Customer Support knows about? Or is this another BS explanation to something that doesn't work like it's supposed to?

    Anyone care to share your thoughts?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I get what support means by too beat up: when you fight someone on the boards. However I am talking about World Domination. If game designers are going to use the same functionality in two different scenarios (fights and WD), there needs to be two sets of outcomes.

    Clearly there is no limit on hitting your opponent in WD, as opposed to fighting someone from the boards which 12 hits is the limit. The same outcome should not apply to two different scenarios. Someone in Gree needs to figure that out.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    The support person doesn't understand how WD works. He's refering to normal PvP. Obviously you can hammer a good target until you run out of health packs and gold in WD.
    Viking Swarm 950943987
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  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Way up North
    That makes no sense. A response like that is an insult to the intelligence of anyone who can spell their name two out of three times.

  5. #5
    Customer service at its finest

  6. #6
    Rolinz's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Blankboi View Post
    Customer service at its finest
    That is the problem with GREEdy Customer Support. They give us the feeling they do not know what they are doing or what the left hand and right hand are doing!

    When that "loss" happens to me in WD, it never registers as a loss in my wins/loss register. So explain that CS!!!

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    if you look at the popup screen when you get a "lost" from a double/triple, it actually says that you have still gained cash and valor (not lost)

    I think it is rather a display glitch then an error, + I often get these during WD where players by definition cant be "too beat up" and there the hit still counts as a win

    REG at heart


  8. #8

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    May 2013
    I recently sent a ticket in asking why I was being attacked 60 or more times a day when the limit has always been twelve before you are "too weak to Attack".

    The reply - "the game has changed" and you can now be attacked without limit. In other words, the exact opposite of what you were told...

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Julius Wheezer View Post
    I recently sent a ticket in asking why I was being attacked 60 or more times a day when the limit has always been twelve before you are "too weak to Attack".

    The reply - "the game has changed" and you can now be attacked without limit. In other words, the exact opposite of what you were told...
    A rival is limited to hitting you 12 times, however the total number of times you could be hit by multiple rivals within a certain time period was changed a long time ago as there was essentially a cool down period where you could not be hit again. Unfortunately I no longer have the info so you would have a better idea of how many times you could be hit but do know the higher your level the more hits before your cool down period went into effect. For example level 10 people may only be hit say 3 times before their cool down period starts and rivals get the two weak to be attacked message while a level 75 player may be hit say 36 times before their cool down period goes into effect. I think if the same rival may be able to hit you again a little later as well and get money. A rival may see you on their rivals list a couple hours later and hit you again and get cash if you aren't in the too beat up category yet. I know those numbers aren't correct just trying to explain it so you hopefully understand it better.

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