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  1. #16

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by bam bam. View Post
    Is this like a new system a month?. Why is it always a new process?. Why not just read the forum and listen to us.
    It is easier than really to resolve the bugs and issues.
    There are no needs in reading because nobody will fix anything.

  2. #17

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    in my haus
    Did anybody hinted you that iLTQ's/fLTQ's are LAME and supa BORING when you run them non-stop like this now ALL time... Give us a break, I wanna finish my enemy encampment missions, but can't do it because some lame ltq cockroaches popping up everywhere straying me from true missions...

  3. #18

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Here's a suggestion I posted in a different thread (slightly modified for this one):

    1) Change how the rivals list works. Instead of match-ups by level, match by attack/defense stats (or rank). Change the news feed to have a 24h limit so players don't fear lengthy reprisals. Or, change the news feed so that they disappear after the players have been 'revenged'.
    2) Have only 1 LTQ per cycle. Make them permanent (so, ah, not LTQ) and have very large energy requirements (for example, normal might have an energy requirement of 65,000 energy, prestige 130K, master 520K). All players can get the good rewards but some will get there sooner, and some will pay to get there now. But with these numbers, most players would hope to get the normal reward in 2 weeks, Prestige in 1 month, and master in 4 months.

    Following this model, due to the overlapping nature of events, players would have to prioritize a bonus on Master or buy energy packs to keep pace with the monthly releases.

    Players win, Gree wins.

  4. #19

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    in my haus

    Angry Can you please remove all FLTQ/LTQ along with Soldier Equipment

    Because it is LAME and got sooo overused and boring just tapping those bunched-up moving cockroaches everywhere all the time... Can you use some creativity cells left there and come up with something more exciting please?!?

    MW Communitah

    No?... How about perhaps LESS of those during cycle?.... 1x FLTQ and 1x LTQ?.... Just sayin'...
    Last edited by 2MblaZ; 02-12-2015 at 02:29 PM.

  5. #20

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Community Event? Don't you ever learn Gree?

    So in dealing with the fallout from removing equipment out of the blue, and ticking people off for not listening to us sooner, you follow it up with another Community Event like the failure at Christmas?

    Seriously, I tried. I really really did try to give you the benefit of the doubt (again), but you come right out with yet another thing we told you WE DON'T WANT to replace removing the thing WE DON'T WANT.

    There really is no getting through to you, and no hope for saving you.

  6. #21

    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    I see

    they want the "community" to kill 2.6m bosses

    tier 1 751,221 kills for a care package
    tier 2 1,502,443 kills for a 5% building output
    Tier 3 2,128,460 kills for a 5% infantry DEF
    Tier 4 2,629,275 kills for a 2% alliance DEF

    So IF...........and only IF...............we get ALL 4 prizes killing a total of 2,629,275 bosses, then we "ONLY" need 17,529 players to kills 150 bosses and we are good


    if each goal resets after its completion, then we need 7,011,399 kills or 46,742 players killing 150 bosses Each

    I see GREEdy doing the same as in the 7 day WD screwup, Kills will count double, triple and quadruple so we can at least get a couple of prizes

    well...........I like killing bosses, so kill at least have fun doing that and hope there are individual goals
    Last edited by truthteller; 02-12-2015 at 03:52 PM.

  7. #22
    East Coast Bias's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Don't worry, even if we fail, they will give us the prizes. No need to jump up and down and scream.

  8. #23
    Kefa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Bias View Post
    Don't worry, even if we fail, they will give us the prizes. No need to jump up and down and scream.
    So true. And since it's community-wide, it really doesn't matter - we'll all either be ahead the same amount, or not, when it's all said and done. Net zero, excluding any new accts that start after the event, so let's be happy
    Navy SEALs (Warring Since Brazil): 133-849-473
    Militia SEALs 361-119-847

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  9. #24

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Like WD it will most likely be cumulative. But health is increasing so who knows what kills will be like. But really, who cares if we get them. Yes boosts affect everyone differently, but overall we will all stay approximately the same from anything we do get.

  10. #25
    Pidgeot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    It can be good. They just dont need to overshoot the kills.

  11. #26

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    It doesn't matter if there is 1 kill or 100b kills, there is no net gain for anyone, so the whole thing is pointless. It's just more inflation.

  12. #27

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    In-Game Events
    - Personally I'm fine with them, you either do or don't do them.

    Customer Support
    - Remains shocking. I'm reluctant to use them as I know it will take multiple emails to get anything resolved.

    Community Support
    - You've acknowledged the need to communicate better, and have promised to do more, but it's getting worse if anything. The community is trying to help by reporting things to you and giving you feedback, but it seems to be a black hole. Reading between the lines there may be a disconnect between the developers and the community managers, and although you may be passing on feedback, they don't respond appropriately. The level gree communication and response this week has been very low, and there are important outstanding questions on how defence stats don't seem to be working and how the battle formulas have changed, which are absolutely core to the game, which haven't been answered

    Game Stability & Issues
    -- Defence stats appear to be broken, with people able to raid people with much higher stats, with result screens showing defence stats as much lower than profiles.

  13. #28

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Community support - what you did right here with my thread is just indicitive of the disconnect you have. Lumping every single thing into one giant thread to stifle and confuse discussions by us. Merge multiple threads on the same topic to reduce clutter, but don't merge every complaint as if it's one single issue. Sanitizing the forums is not going to save, or even fix, anything.

  14. #29

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I have no problem with Customer Support. All of my issues have been seen to and resolved immediately.

  15. #30

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Performance and Bugs
    - Reduce Data Usage
    - Reduce Game Load Time
    - Fix invisible NPC's. When going to a map for the first time since opening the app, NPC's are invisible and slowly load over time, one at a time. Sometimes this can take a long time and there is no way to know when the map is fully loaded. Subsequent visits to the same map are ok, but after closing the app and re-opening the app, the map needs to reload again. I'm not sure what is happening, but maybe this is part of the cause of the data usage.
    - Building Upgrades, Previously if you tried to upgrade a building and all your builders were busy, you would get a popup listing all your building currently being upgraded and telling you cannot upgrade anymore. Now you instead get a game error.

    - Stop the inflation of all events. If a character made it to 15/20 last time, and that character improved, the next event they should be able to get to 16/20 and feel like they are actually accomplishing things. Instead average players see that last time they made it to 15/20 and this time they struggle just to complete 14/20. When this happens you remove the sense of accomplishment and instead the player is disappointment and can result in players leaving the game because they feel like they cannot complete, especially somebody who is not yet addicted to the game. Not everybody is able to improve at the rate of inflation. This goes for rb also, the last 2 events were a real disappointment. I know this is a controversial topic because the top players want to continue to have a challenge. (please don't start a flaming war). I would suggest instead that the goals be redesigned so there are more sub-goals with achievements every 5 or 10 sub-task completed. Think of the Elite Boss, if you got rid of beginner/normal/prest... and only had a single ltq goal, it could be 1/50 and gets harder each round and every 5 task completed the reward is something unique, getting better rewards as you complete more. However there would never be any inflation, 15/50 would always be of similar difficulty. To add challenge to the top players, if too many people are able to complete 50/50, then the next event you add another 5 missions so the goal would go to 55/55. This will give the top players a continuous challenge, while average players can see their character grow each event. Last time they got to 15, next time they can get to 16. Players need to feel like they are accomplishing something.
    - FLTQ/LTQ
    + LTQ requires way too much energy
    + NPC's for ltq are often in very crowded areas with too many other NPC's
    - Bring back building raid events
    - Event scheduling
    + Stop back to back energy type of events, give us a break between them
    + Reduce the number of events you try to squeeze into each cycle and cut back on overlap. Exception of box events, its not a big deal for those to overlap.
    - War
    + I did not mind the equipment, but the chase to obtain the equipment was a pain.
    + The real problem with the previous change to war was the attackers def vs defender's att. Since the defenders attack skill was not shown, it provided way too much confusion. It should be clear to understand why you won or lost a war. Either provide us with the defenders attack stats or remove this from the calculation.

    - Would love to see improvement in base design. Nobody takes time to design a good looking base because they need to cram as many buildings into the limited space and it takes too long to buy a new square. Also its very limited to what we can put on our base. How about rivers, lakes, roads,all kinds of stuff.
    - Would love to be able to visit my faction members base directly from the faction member list.
    - Would love to see alias have some direct interaction instead of just being a few hundred useless numbers you add when your character just starts off and then never touch again. How about allowing me to visit a alias base once a day and have a mini game. I need to find and kill a spy that infiltrated my alias base or find and disarm a bomb. A daily goal of finding 20 spys might give me a small 1-day temp bonus.

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