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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Kingdom Age Weekly Feedback (02/10/15)

    Hello Kingdom Age Community!

    This thread is for you to post your valuable feedback on Kingdom Age. Every Tuesday we will sticky a new weekly feedback thread so you can conveniently post your opinions on the game. This thread will not only give you an easily accessible place to share your thoughts with us, but it will also consolidate your feedback making it more efficient for Community staff to gather and report to the Development Team.

    When providing feedback, please keep it constructive, on-topic, non-inflammatory, and break it down into the following categories:

    • In-Game Events
    • Customer Support
    • Community Support
    • Game Stability & Issues

    Please note that this thread is not a substitution for reporting bugs and issues to Customer Support.

    Thank you,

    The GREE Community Team

  2. #2
    bird1992's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    tallassee alabama us
    Will the next Raid Boss health be same as last and will battle health be in the drops and the free January ""Skill Points"" reset were is it ?? Thanks
    Last edited by bird1992; 02-10-2015 at 07:52 PM.

    KA 519-263-877
    Mw 681*865*283
    Evolve Calculator for LAW units Enjoy

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by bird1992 View Post
    Will the next Raid Boss health be same as last and will battle health be in the drops and the free January ""Skill Points"" reset were is it ?? Thanks
    Yes - the last raid boss was:
    A) brutal- when you gave to quit with 2 days and 1000 orbs - it isn't fun
    B) the normal 39/39 wasn't even worth recruiting jumpers
    C) it was nice to have orbs for the first time in a while don't change that

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bird1992 View Post
    Will the next Raid Boss health be same as last and will battle health be in the drops and the free January ""Skill Points"" reset were is it ?? Thanks
    If im not mistaken, they said the reset skill point token will be available when KA version 3.2 comes out.

  5. #5
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    in your dreams
    Quote Originally Posted by bird1992 View Post
    Will the next Raid Boss health be same as last and will battle health be in the drops and the free January ""Skill Points"" reset were is it ?? Thanks
    Wrong thread: This thread is for feedback not questions for developers.

  6. #6
    Konan-Barbarian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    When will you fix the upgrade build time bonus.

    1st you say
    Game Stability & Issues

    Please note that this thread is not a substitution for reporting bugs and issues to Customer Support.
    OK I've done that several times over the past 6 months. Not fixed yet. Never acknowledged it exists, yet every new building I build gets the incorrect time off.

    I have 2 bonuses for "Construction Time". 4% and 2%. This should knock it down to about 22:34:45

    I get 4% and 0.02% off and the timer starts at 22:59:48 and refiguring using these percentages comes out to this amount, which is wrong.

    I remember once when you added a new bonus building, the second of the type, you had this same math problem.

    So my feedback is
    Having broken features and poor customer service makes the game overall not as fun. A Less fun game usually means a person doesn't play as much or stops altogether and certainly doesn't keep spending real money to get broken features.
    Last edited by Konan-Barbarian; 02-11-2015 at 07:26 AM.
    KA - Konan of Bloodbath and Beyond - 646-557-670.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2013
    I am excited to see that there is a PvP event scheduled. I understand yesterday's event was just a teaser, so maybe the PvP will take a different shape (and maybe my excitement is unwarranted). But for now my feedback is positive.

    Other items of feedback:

    -Chests are still hated nearly universally by all players.

    -Individual war prizes are awful. I have never received a piece of equipment that would improve my hero stats, and I have consistently been a top 100 - 150 scorer. What's worse, one of my guild-mates was a top 25-scorer, and even she couldn't use her equipment. It is a joke really. Armor/weapons that we earned gem-free over a year ago are still better than indy war prizes that we spend many mountains to attain.

    -EB still sucks. It isn't fun. It is a long, boring event that takes way too many hits. You have given virtually no way to improve your hero's attack as the individual war prizes are nearly all garbage. Chest items are typically useless as well. Most of us have long-since crafted max epic items for our hero. We are stuck with the same hero strength, but the bosses keep getting stronger.

    -RB was a complete disaster for most guilds. You took a fun event, and made it completely unattainable for 99% of the guilds. And the prizes you gave for completing normal and heroic did not reflect the massive increase in difficulty. The prizes got worse, the effort required sky-rocketed. Again, this makes events NOT FUN. (And let's not forget that Gree lied to us when they said they would not change RB.)

    I could go on with more feedback, but those are the 4 complaints that I keep seeing over and over on this forum. If you expect to keep your player base, I would strongly advise addressing them.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    announce major game changes in advance.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I like :
    New drops for winning fights PvP , I know they are trials rewards too but a big improvement thanks
    I don't like:
    The fact that epic boss health was raised again even after top gem spending players complained about the difficulty in finishing under the new format . I've crafted the best items possible so my only chance at improving my Attack is getting lucky from the chest drops

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Love the new pvp. Txs
    Hate the idea of a 6 day war.
    Our guild may just fight last 3
    Days and see how that works.

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    The current LTB gives out chests that do NOT help the current antiquary event. The chests are the same as the chests from the last cycle.

  12. #12
    [JAG] Ryan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Fun in Black
    Dear Devs

    i believe you want to make the game less boring and more interesting, hence the recent note about the 6, or in fact 5 day war.

    KA, like many other games are based on players competition. How good am i compared to others, how good is my team compared to others, how good compared to new or old players, low or high level players, etc.. This obviously require some kind of stability within the given factors of measurements to be able to have some kind of comparing benchmarks. In addition this game also lives from in-app purchases which means that at least some people need to use money or those purchases allow people to get stronger in a shorter time period. That said, it means that a solid group of your players base is above the age of 16, has a job and/or maybe a family.

    Since years i see players asking to understand this circumstance, either in asking to have wars once per month or by asking to avoid certain time consuming events during certain holiday days where its obvious that people want to spend some more time with their families.

    Especially wars have always been the biggest team comparison event since teams interacted directly together. Many people try to pay full attention to wars since it has this competitive team factor.

    In past you have increased the war frequency from 3 to 2 or less weeks cylces. Almost the entire player base has mentioned their concerns and expressed their unhappiness about that. Finally you have changed it back to 3 weeks cycles which is less then once per month like asked for but better then the changes before.

    Now you want to introdce a 5 or 6 day war and obviously hope to make it more interesting. The opposite is for many players the case. It also doesnt really matter now that you want to use the old army stats as factor only since we all had now enough time to improve the other 2 factors so that at least a certain achievement in competition was build.

    Games should be and stay interesting so changes are required, but the frequency and heaviness of those are the deciding factors of successfull changes or complete failures.

    We have received very much changes in last 2-3 months. It started with the additional factors, which had a huge impact on several parts of the game (wars, pvp attacks, raids, etc.). You have then extended the changes to the Epic Boss and also to the Raid Boss.

    By all understanding for the necessity of a new balancing factor and the need for changes to make and keep the game interesting, please understand that too much changes in a short time are counterproductive and exactly do the opposite you may try to achieve.

    Hence i can only strongly recommend that you plan and choose the changes or adaptions wisely and keep a certain more generous time frame for their implementation in mind. Also try to understand who your players base is and what impact any of the planed changes might have (know your customer ;-))

    By saying that i cant imagine that any of the player (except the ones who by occasion have holidays and dont have families lol) who has a job and/or a family wish to have an extended war. The current 3 days war model is already exhausting enough for free players as well as for gem spenders and many people organize their lives around this event.

    Hemce if you want to improve things or make them more attractive or interesting, reduce the war duration to 2 days and/or make the cycles 4 weeks instead of 3. That would also allow you to introduce a new event each month since you would gain a week in each cycle. The additional week could be used to bring events providing more attractivity and variety since it could also be an alternating event like every month something new based on your readiness to develop something or the requests from your community.

    Sorry for the long post but couldnt do it shorter and express all i wanted to.
    Fun in Black

    Allways looking for good and active players.
    Add me on Kakao. My id is RyanJAG

  13. #13

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    o Agree war weekends 2 day events and every 4 weeks would be ideal and has been asked for on numerous occasions since wars began.
    o Splash screens of prizes in ADVANCE of events really should have happened by now,if we are asked to invest to complete these events surely we should know what prize we are to win!!!!
    o Loot drop on Trial Targets would be great,normal Map Targets drop loot but we don't get chance to farm them as there is always some sort of trial quest going on.

  14. #14

    Join Date
    May 2013

    No 6 day war GREE!

    Gree, you are absolutely nuts if you think players want a 6 day war. Change it back to 3 days. Don't expect players to stand for this.
    Last edited by E-I; 02-12-2015 at 06:10 AM.

  15. #15

    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    The pvp event looks really good, unfortunately, the 6 day war is just stupid. No one wants this war.

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