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  1. #106

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    Dec 2014
    You know Longbeard, I would love to know what this "next step" you constantly threaten to do is . Every time you say that (and yes it has been countless times) all you do next is make another whiney post or thread. Stop with the ", the clients..." and "...can and will expect...", it does not make you seem intelligent, it just makes your already whiney posts even more nauseating to read.

    If this game constantly makes you want to "take the next step" and gets your blood boiling over every little change, it might be time for a break. Find a new game, go outside and get some sun (it doesn't hurt I promise), or possibly even, if you get really really REALLY lucky, meet a woman! But in all honesty, stop with your whiney posts, you sound worse than a little girl.

  2. #107
    legalious's Avatar
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    Southern California
    Let's stay on topic and refrain from personal attacks.

    My guild is missing quite a few slots and this is a setback as we are struggling to be top 600+.

  3. #108
    From what i've heard the schedule's gonna go blitz/raid/war back to back to back which is definitely one of the dumbest moves gree has ever made. There are people that are apart of my guild who are stuck in other guilds because they went for a top run during blitz and now they cant get back. Does gree even think about the effects of these decisions before they make them? because it sure as hell doesn't seem like it

  4. #109
    roookey1's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Totally agree with Gadrizyn. All this guild swapping turns war competitions into ridiculous events that are totally out of balance and unfair.

    The other reason why many players start to gradually pull out of the game out of frustration is once they realize no matter how much effort they put into wars, just a single player in the opposing guild can completely neutralize a whole team's efforts and overkill only 1 of their players dozens of times to suck as many points out of them as possible. This is totally insane and makes no logical sense except money milking.
    Not begging anyone to 'join my guild' since like ...ever.

  5. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by Longbeard View Post
    Please everybody push it also through to support:

    Contact Gree support ( options > settings > FAQ > support: feedback) or:

    Dear Gree,

    You just made it impossible for most guilds to prepare for the RAID war. The Chaos Knight Raid follows the current fusion war directly. Giving the alliances and guilds no chance to transfer there members to the guilds that will go to war.

    This means that only a few strong guilds can run at all and that the rest of the guilds will go Free-To-Play. Is this really what Gree has in mind? It will result in less gemming because most guilds will give up if they haven't already.

    I urge Gree to reconsider this schedule and delay the launch of the RAID war with 24 hours. So we players have the time to prepare.


    I kinda like this, it takes the BORING out of raid wars and always seeing DK # 1.
    Guild Master of Sugar Rush

    Currently recruiting players for new FREE PLAY guild, please message me in Line app!

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  6. #111

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    Quote Originally Posted by Regretz View Post
    You know Longbeard, I would love to know what this "next step" you constantly threaten to do is . Every time you say that (and yes it has been countless times) all you do next is make another whiney post or thread. Stop with the ", the clients..." and "...can and will expect...", it does not make you seem intelligent, it just makes your already whiney posts even more nauseating to read.

    If this game constantly makes you want to "take the next step" and gets your blood boiling over every little change, it might be time for a break. Find a new game, go outside and get some sun (it doesn't hurt I promise), or possibly even, if you get really really REALLY lucky, meet a woman! But in all honesty, stop with your whiney posts, you sound worse than a little girl.
    Nice troll.

    It seems you don't want to address the problems players have but try to muddle the case by targeting me personal. But let me address your question.

    The next step is as anyone knows a step most people never take, and you seem to to try to avoid by personally attacking me. Instead of your proposal of turning away, going in search of another game,

    I demand the level of service I as client can expect from a company. Something you seem not willing to do and turn instead to trolling instead of addressing the issue.
    Last edited by Longbeard; 01-09-2015 at 11:35 PM.
    Looking for an active guild? Join Phoenix Lord. Phoenix Lord is part of Legacy an active family of FTP and gem guilds. We have place for every kind and level of active player. Helping you to grow and enjoy the game.

  7. #112

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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ColombianThreatMachine View Post
    I kinda like this, it takes the BORING out of raid wars and always seeing DK # 1.
    I agree it makes it interesting. However it leaves people hanging outside their guild. It leaves guilds unprepared except those who where filled up for fusion.

    Yes DK will be beaten, because its empty, because DK members are spread through out the game. Instead off a 'real' comparison of guild strength as Gree claims the situation is at the moment, we end up with some guilds fully loaded, due to seeing filled up for fusion, and others severly handicapped because their members are in other guilds and even outside the guilds.

    The members outside the guilds are having a very boring month ahead of them if Gree really goes back-to-back in January..

    So all in all it seems to me that Gree doesn't play test their game as a provider of a game should do. And instead of turning away as Regrets wants me to do I fight for this game.
    Looking for an active guild? Join Phoenix Lord. Phoenix Lord is part of Legacy an active family of FTP and gem guilds. We have place for every kind and level of active player. Helping you to grow and enjoy the game.

  8. #113

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Well keep fightin the good fight there buddy. You fight for us "clients." But ih wait, there is one thing... YOU DONT WORK FOR GREE. You have no authority or say in what they do, stop acting like you're owed something for playing their game. This might be news to you, but they can and will do whatever they want as it's their game! As for all of you saying they are sucking your banks dry with the back-to-back wars/raids, YOU DONT HAVE TO SPEND GEMS IN EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! GREE is not sucking your banks dry, they dont force you to buy gems you do it yourself! Missing a few top runs wont kill you.

    Please, just stop with the nonsense and think you dictate how this game continues. Yes you pay, but you dont have to GREE will continue on without your money believe me. They are a company, you are not part of it, you are a simple consumer with no say. Let it roll, play it as it comes. If you try that you might have more fun...

    (Not intended to be a personal attack at all)

  9. #114

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    Mar 2014
    Regrets, I don't own Gree, but as consumer and client of Gree, I and all players have rights. Rights Gree does not honor. Those rights are enforced by law. In the country where I live, in the USA, where Gree has a farther large department and in their homeland, Japan. At the moment Gree doesn't comply to those laws and I call Gree on them.

    As client of Gree it is my right to do so and to demand the service a company by law must provide. Gree would probably love it when I leave and do not ask them to fulfill the service they should fulfill. But I will not. And in the process of claiming once consumer rights there are some steps you need to take. And I'm just following the steps the Dutch law* demands.

    * Most non Europeans firms forget that if you service European countries you are bound to the laws of the EU. All legal disclaimers claiming that you can only claim your right in the country of their origin is not vallid in the EU.
    Looking for an active guild? Join Phoenix Lord. Phoenix Lord is part of Legacy an active family of FTP and gem guilds. We have place for every kind and level of active player. Helping you to grow and enjoy the game.

  10. #115

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    Mar 2014
    We had player appreciation month in decembre, january is leech appreciation month, join a guild, sit back and just enjoy the rides back to back to back to back

  11. #116

    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    To all those saying "oh we didn't have time to swap members to our guild" tough! The whole idea of a guild is a group of people that play together to support their guild. Not the people with the most gems that we can swap into it for this war/raid etc from a much bigger alliance. It's bull****! You are abusing the system!

  12. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by Gradrizyn View Post
    YES!!! a few days would be fine, I feel like this guild swapping is manipulating the system
    Quote Originally Posted by Gradrizyn View Post
    Now imagine more than 1000 guilds being within reach of the top 25 1000x40= 40000 X at just 5$= $200000

    Are you saying there are people who dump $1000. a month on this insanity? Wow people be cray cray
    I have ran with Death Knights and we buy 3-4 rainbow packs. Sale or not ! I've spent over $10k plus on my game .... you think that's a lot you dont even know the half of it! Some of these accounts in game have spent beyond what ive done. Not crazy ! We are deicated to our alliance! Plus we have awesome JOBS !

  13. #118
    Yeah...but NO LIVES

  14. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by HHMblackwidow View Post
    I have ran with Death Knights and we buy 3-4 rainbow packs. Sale or not ! I've spent over $10k plus on my game .... you think that's a lot you dont even know the half of it! Some of these accounts in game have spent beyond what ive done. Not crazy ! We are deicated to our alliance! Plus we have awesome JOBS !
    Not something to brag about buddy

  15. #120
    SBBL Indigo's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Pease View Post
    Not something to brag about buddy
    He's not bragging he's just making a point. To the person who said about f2p people not having a say well of course they should and do but the responses are due to the schadenfreude of a lot of those players going haha at those who regularly push t1, t10 etc. we are entitled to be upset about this. The back to back wars hasn't stopped us pushing t1 in Singapore Legends and I don't see any unusual entries in t10. Just the usual allied guilds only with a lot of annoyed people in them with Gree having sprung this on us with no forewarning or time to move people where they should be for the armour they want to achieve.
    Indi RE
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