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  1. #76

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Legalious, I'm not sure if you realize it but your posts come off as derisive and condescending. You seem to have a bad habit of admonishing commenters for what they say such as what your last post stated, that the forum is not a place to have your tickets addressed/answers. The developers spoke directly to multiple commenters during the last AMA stating that their tickets would be forwarded to support to be addressed thus creating a behavior of those who visit this site that their concerns would also be addressed if they made their ticket numbers known. For whatever reason we are all hopeful that proper order will be restored, that a fully functional game will exist and posts noting a ticket number are made because it is one of the few ways someone who is completely frustrated by the lack of progress can feel like they are being heard. While support isn't monitoring and directly answering to posts here on the forum if it gives someone hope or a feeling of recognition then let them. They are sharing their experience so that their concerns are not fully ignored. This lock out, persisting for as long as it has is ridiculous and the lack of transparency and progress is beyond what is acceptable. Not quite sure what your role is but people are looking for information regarding the state of the game to be shared, not for their hands to be slapped.

  2. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by Edbl79 View Post
    Legalious, I'm not sure if you realize it but your posts come off as derisive and condescending. You seem to have a bad habit of admonishing commenters for what they say such as what your last post stated, that the forum is not a place to have your tickets addressed/answers. The developers spoke directly to multiple commenters during the last AMA stating that their tickets would be forwarded to support to be addressed thus creating a behavior of those who visit this site that their concerns would also be addressed if they made their ticket numbers known. For whatever reason we are all hopeful that proper order will be restored, that a fully functional game will exist and posts noting a ticket number are made because it is one of the few ways someone who is completely frustrated by the lack of progress can feel like they are being heard. While support isn't monitoring and directly answering to posts here on the forum if it gives someone hope or a feeling of recognition then let them. They are sharing their experience so that their concerns are not fully ignored. This lock out, persisting for as long as it has is ridiculous and the lack of transparency and progress is beyond what is acceptable. Not quite sure what your role is but people are looking for information regarding the state of the game to be shared, not for their hands to be slapped.
    Thank you!! Very well said. Most of us just want information. If We could get a response saying we are working on it and a possible time frame I would bet although we may not be happy about the time frame your customers wouldn't be as upset.

  3. #78

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Ticket #2114815

    Its been 13 days now, lost account!

    Finally 4 days ago a mail requesting certain account details, i replied within 5 minutes.
    No news after that.

    Hope to get my main bacl before the LTBs end, but it looks like gree wants me to contact apple for refunds

  4. #79

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Same here

    Your request (#2119734)

    Several emails with all requested info sent. Screenshot, stats, name, etc.

    Nothing reply since. Missing out on EVERYTHING. Come on. Get me back and add equipment that would have been gained by faction that I was removed from since I cannot contribute. This is not of my doing so make it right.

  5. #80

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Still lost account.

  6. #81

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I'm the last one in my faction that has not got acct back..

    Ticket no ber. 2115919

    Come on Gree.. Please!

  7. #82
    Ok its been a long time but i have just got my account back! Thanks to the new thread with the link to the other thread in it. I posted my ticket number and got it back. Merry christmas and thanks

  8. #83
    Missing account

    Ticket No - 2146226
    IGN - bobby dazzler
    Player ID - 343284467

    Please restore my account as soon as you can.

    Thanks and merry christmas to all 😜

  9. #84

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Feel like I am the last one on the list to get account back.

    Been days since I got any type of response.. I reply reply reply.. Asking for uodate.. Post here and on FB.

    All my faction guys have their account back.. I sent requested information immediately when receiving request..

    Sent in ticket immediately after losing account..

  10. #85
    bam bam.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    #2147988 still locked out

  11. #86

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Ticket number: Your request #2132090.....

    Last email form support was on 18 Dec.... A reply with requested information was sent on the same day

  12. #87
    It's now been 2 weeks since I have gree requested and still do not have my account back wtf!!

  13. #88
    Hello everybody, I want to wish yall a very merry Christmas and happy new year, Gree when ever you get a chance please look into Ticket #2129436, I would like to have this account be, it's been a 6 month time frame and Its not a rush job, just please look into the ticket when time permits, Thank you

  14. #89
    Ticket #2143975 thx

  15. #90
    Agent Orange's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by legalious View Post
    The forums are not a place to have your tickets addressed/answered. If you feel like your ticket is being overlooked, please contact Clementine via PM. Due to the flood of tickets for this issue, delays could occur.
    FYI, that is not true, R&B specifically asked that those having problems with tickets for lost accounts post here.
    Also be advised that gree support sends automated replies directing those with problems to these VERY forums. In some instances we the players can help others work through their issues thus taking some of the burden off of support.

    I would respectfully request that you delete that post as it is very counterproductive and not factually correct. Also if everyone started to PM Clem she will be totally overwhelmed, I'm sure she will be really appreciative of this.
    Modern War
    IOS - Agent Orange - ID 863 440 860
    Free player
    Playing since 11/08/2011
    Level 240+

    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
    Free Player since 7/18/12
    Level 33+

    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
    Free Player since 5/30/13

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