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  1. #196

    Wisp Shaman

    I wasn't sure if I could do multiple entries in one post, so I decided to split them into separate ones. A third may still follow tonight.

    Name: Wisp Shaman

    Element: Fire-Air

    Background: There are many tales throughout the kingdom of mysterious lights guiding people into Misty Marsh. While some claim these lights to be benevolent spirits, others believe them to be tricksters, causing people to wander the marsh forever...well, at least until the Swamp Kraken finds them. However, little could anyone expect that these lights are manipulated by a shaman living deep in the marsh, guiding people to his house for plans only he and the Dark Prince understand...

    Description: The Shaman is a floating old man, who would be dressed in muddy robes, White/Grey in color, with patches of brown and green from having lived in the Marsh for so long. He wears a cloak or hat, which obscures his face, except for a sly grinning mouth, which is still half hidden by a long white beard which is singed at the edges. He hold a gnarled wooden rod, adorned with a rough red gem, which is his weapon of choice. Around him are several wisps, small balls of fire, which leave a tail-like trail as they move.

    Friend Code: XBH-WZR-QHX

  2. #197

    The Fang

    Elements: Earth/Spirit
    Name: The Fang
    Origin: In a small village there was a man with a pet wolf. He ventured into the woods and was captured. He was experimented on by evil scientists, with wolf, deer, and bat DNA. The creature broke out of the lab, only to kill the scientists and go on a rampage.
    Code: XBF-HDR-BDC
    IGN: CrYo of RKa

    Entry #2: The Rogue

    The rouge's design is a tall and slender man wearing robes and wielding dual knives. The elements would be Fire/Air.
    Story: There was a man hired by the dark prince to kill the light Prince. The Rogue completed this job but then go washed over by guilt. The guilt caused him to attack the dark prince, but got transformed into The Rogue, feared by all, in an eternal Storm of rage. Who will stop him?

    Entry 3: Zalx

    Zalx was a knight just like you and me, but then got kicked out of the leigons due to his uncontrollable power. In the wild he tamed a monsterous bird and takes revenge on everyone. He is spirit/air.
    Zalx is wearing flight gear (or steampunk) in the colors of the epics, magebane aegis and wingstorm battlegear. He rides a bird which looks like the pheonix epic boss in the same colors.
    Last edited by CryoCrystal; 12-14-2014 at 07:23 PM. Reason: Extra entries
    Epics: Aegis of The Sky Majesty Foregestone Aegis Runic Robes Armor of the Peacock Firestorm Vanguard Maelstorm Irons Tectonic Mantle Soulshard Necromantle Crystal Finmail.

  3. #198

    King Arthur

    The fateful day king Arthur was killed, an ancient evil was founded deep in the earth, til this day it never found arthurs remains... Until today that is, he was forged in the deepest depths of the underworld and merged the powers of all the knights of the round table to himself, now the Black Doom Knight rides to decimate all who oppose him, and he will find the one who struck him down, so prepare for a battle royale, as the pure evil of this spirit reins hell upon earth.
    My friend code is WBW-ZCG-PNZ
    My in game name is Black Knight Lct
    My design is in this link,
    Element for armour: mono spirit
    Last edited by Dark Knight of lct; 12-13-2014 at 01:02 PM. Reason: forgot to add element for eb

  4. #199

    New epic boss design

    Dragon king that's the title given to the beast after it's name was forgotten in time.

    With the passing of time kingdoms rise and fall. Eons ago a dragon came to these lands to claim it for it's own, cities were destoyed by it's blue fire and the storms it creates with it's wings. The kingdom fell and the dragon took the abandon ruins of the capital as it's home. The people so afraid they started worshipping the beast, bringing it offerings to keep it pleased. A new king was crowned and no one could take the throne that this dragons rested on. Until the new generation was tired of living in fear and rather died then live there lives in the shadows and rise as an empire. They took up arms and declared war to the beast. A fears battle was fought, the roars and screams could be heard for miles. In the end only the last remaining knight could tell the story how he stabed the beast in the heart and that it turned to stone. The beast was not dead but frozen in time, he said. But as long as my sword remains in it's heart it will never roam these skies again. After hearing the story of the dying man the elders ordered the gates to be closed and never to be opened again, a power so great should never be released upon this world. With the years passing by the stories and name of this Enormous creature faded just like the city it once claimed. Until the new crowned prince opened the gates and pulled the sword out of the beasts chest. The stone formed around It's skin slowing started cracking and the purple scales it was once famous for were shining again. The beast is awake again to rule the skies and take this world back to the long forgotten ages of darkness.

    A giant dark puple scaled dragon covered in red spikes. these rock hard scales cover the the weaker parts of it's dark black skin. It's front arms much bigger then it's legs are not only meant for hunting but also for walking. A large head with one horn on it's nose and horns covering the top of it's neck. The horn on it's nose is said to be the sourse of it's power glowing in a bright light. Enormous wings not only strong enough to carry it through the skies but also to create heavy windstorms.


    link to the design

    My friend code is XBQ-CZN-BCF

  5. #200

    First epic boss entry from NaK Reality

    Name: Louloudi the Aurae

    Backstory: Louloudi was the youngest of the highest respected Aurae from the Pneuma woods. Her family trained her to only use her tentacles to defend the weak and innocent, but she felt she only needed to protect herself. As a result of fear, Louloudi murdered her family becoming feared in all the Pneuma woods. Causing everyone to go into hiding. Legend says she still resides in the Pneuma woods, using her tentacles to take in anybody who tried to go against her.


    My friend code: XBC - PFZ - HFZ

    element: spirit/ air
    Last edited by NaK Reality; 12-14-2014 at 05:04 PM.

  6. #201


    "Adalarn has born on the planet Carinae in Mugwort's family. His planet wasn't very save, because of food lack and never ending winter. His tribe was dying very quickly so his parents decided to send him on the other planet, where he would able to live. They put him into the big meteor (it was like capsule, it was empty inside) and shot him to the galaxy wherein he spent thousand years. In this meteor he had a lot of food, robots which took care of him and the books (he learned from them everything).

    One day, after these all years in galaxy, he landed on the mysterious planet. When he got off from his capsule, he saw very big castle and a lot of small, weird creatures in armors. This planet was ideal for him, but its inhabitant weren't happy about his presence.
    They started the war, but they didn't know Adalarn's powers."

    People need you to help them in the war with Adalarn! If you kill him, you'll become invincible, thank to armor of his skin!

    Adalarn has two pairs of wings; first pair (the biggest one) is ended by hands, which can shoot lightning bolts; the second pair (little bit smaller than first pair) which helps Adalarn fly.
    He doesn't has legs, but he can "float".
    On his round head are two horns and a pair of long ears.
    He has big, green, cat's eyes.

    Infomrations about character:
    Character's name: Adalarn
    Drops: Lightning bolts
    Elements: Spirit/Air

    Informations about myself:
    Name: (In Game) Hershel (For the Forum) kserksess
    Guild: Polska GRA
    Friend Code: XBH-RHY-MHQ

  7. #202

    war spirit

    a lot of wariors died in war dark in both side dark prince knows that. he fuse all dead knights and most powerfull armors to make the most powerfull warior the WAR SPIRIT
    friend code :XBG ZGP GQN
    guild : Nova wolf pack
    name: NW Shady
    elements earth spirit

  8. #203

    Ebic Boss Contest Submission

    Story:From being top of all gladiators.Luther lost his trust with the Dark King for disobeying his orders by not executioning the bandit.Luther was thrown out of the palace and out the city.Luther was sent to the outside prison,tied to a chain locked to a 5 ton boulder.His fellow peers luaghed at him and he feeling embarresed for doing the right thing.He planned revenge and destruction against all. He was filled with darkness the element of spirit.His spirit was his power.While he restlessly tries to free himself from the chain.Luther will approach the Dark King and will accomplish his order.
    Friend Code:WBQ-VFF-NYZ
    Name: Gl Cookiie
    Have a happy holiday everyone! (:
    Last edited by Gerles Zeron; 12-13-2014 at 11:24 AM. Reason: forgot element

  9. #204

    Epic Boss Creation - Val-Steinn



    Once he was a bloodthirsty Norse warrior who has survived for hundreds of war and once called a mortal god of war. Finally slain in the great Norse battle of gods he has been ressurected as a wandering spirit on the land he had fallen, the cursed Mount Draugur, united with the earth itself and became the mystical guardian of the mountain, Val-Steinn (means, the slain stone in Old Norse language)
    The ravaging war between the Dark Prince and the alliance broke into the cursed mountain and finally re-awoke him. A clash with the undead guardian is inevitable.

    He is big and tall, wearing a Norse helm and iron body plate mail with a fur mantle on his shoulder. His left arm and both legs are made of stone of the Mount Draugur with a purple glowing eyes and a purple orb on the center of his belly. He's using a giant Norse battle axe, the Fjolnir and drop stone gauntlet when defeated.


    In-game name : Nas
    Guild : Middle Earth
    Last edited by navantgarde; 12-13-2014 at 11:42 AM.

  10. #205

    epic boss spider queen

    name:spider queen.
    story:the spider queen was once a normal spider until the dark prince made her grow huge and used her as a weapon.
    now shes being sent out to the kingdom to destroy it so the dark prince may rule.

    design:she will be a bright red/orange spider with huge jaws and really dark green eyes.

    friend code:XBQ-XBB-HMN
    Last edited by warriorxp7; 12-13-2014 at 11:52 AM.

  11. #206

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Lightbulb Contest Winner

    Name; Yashio Samurai
    Elements; Fire/Wind
    Drop item; Part of Sword
    Friend Code; XBN VDV XFV
    Guild; Blademasters
    Username; Awesomeness
    Description; Hails from the Dark Princes 'Army of Warriors'. He was trained from birth to kill all the Knights that stood in the Princes way so his Army can rule the entire kingdom. His skill knows no bounds, he is said to be a more powerful samurai than the samurais from the 'Wano' land. At one point in Yashio's life he had slayed a dragon in one powerful swing of his Fire/Wind Kantana. The sword he holds glows in burning flame and his body radiates the heat through his armour making him untouchable. Defeat him and you will truly be the strongest warrior of the kingdom.
    Images of Epic Boss;

  12. #207

    Epic Boss idea


    Story: His name the lost Demon escaped from the dark prince and has been wondering for years causing trouble for all knight. Wind and spirit

    Drops: demon soul

    Guild: The Legion of Dragon

    Name: LOD Wingedhades

    Friend code: WBN-RHB-HVD
    Last edited by Anthony Montoya; 12-13-2014 at 11:59 AM.

  13. #208

    epic boss dragon priest

    name:dragon priest
    story:a big worshipper of dragons and a devout follower of the celestial dragons who attacked a few months back.
    he was feared by people all around as the evilest sorcerer alive but hes nothing more than an extremely old man now having been given the power of never aging by the celestial dragons hes technically immortal.
    but not if hes defeated.

    design:the dragon priest will be a guy with a huge dragon like staff in his left hand and his right hand will be a green dragon claw.
    he wears a purple mantle around him.

    friend code:XBQ-XBB-HMN.

  14. #209

    epic boss lonely maiden

    name:lonely maiden
    storynce she was a beautifull woman loved by many.
    but once she thought she had found her true love but he betrayed her.
    she was killed and ever since she haunts kingdoms seeking for this man and to settle the score.

    design:she will be a ghostly woman with hair going upwards and a long dress moving around her with a knife in her hand.

    friend code:XBQ-XBB-HMN

  15. #210

    so much stealing

    Love all the story entrys without drawings at least they seem to be original. For y'all that didn't read the rules coping pictures is not allowed. Your entry doesn't require a picture.

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