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  1. #1291

    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Yes... thankfully GREE got this update working.

    Hard to understand why it took them 5+ weeks. Probably lost $12-15 billion in cash collections and 2-3 billion in stat increases by not being here to participate in various events.

  2. #1292

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Update showed up on Droid , but did not work still 4.5

  3. #1293

    Nope, doesn't work

    A long time player registering just for this issue.

    Haven't been able to log in for over a month. Using a 1st gen iPad. The new update didn't change a thing. The game still crashes while downloading whatever. Before the update, which broke everything, the game was laggy, crashy but somewhat playable.

    To make it short, THE FIX ISN'T WORKING.

  4. #1294
    wow 87 pages... thats not very long for crash reports!

    my mw crashed over 100 times a day for almost year and half!

    touch any map... force close..

    more u try to hit faster the force close..

    usually can get to 5-6 hits depending on update version but when 3/4 come out bang 2-3 max hits and force close.

    it could take me over 4 hours pain and suffering to do prestige 1-6.

    due to hit this npc x amount force close restart load map hit force close restart etc etc over and over i had to leave my team as i could not keep up in the fltq to help them my base suffered massively going from top 150 to top 1500 because of bugs and force closes.

    cc was changed too but no map bugs existed except for shoreline map which still exists.

    but every update on mw was total pain frustration and depression.

    gree killed me inside as all i like to do is try play and help teams.

    now my base is so damaged and so far behind i just jump to help lower teams and one im helping last few weeks just beat their first prestige rb.... i cant say i did it alone i had to call in a sup and vff to help and thank you so much to them both.

    but all the bugs and things have made me very ill. on top my existing pains and thr are very few games can i play.

    due to my hands not being able to hold game pads or be able to play fast action games and i many types of ganes i dont like call of duy etc there are many others like bird whatever....

    so to help fill my useless days of pain i suffered extra pain playing gree games and having to suffer not being able to play gree games.

    my mw crashes is in the tens of thousands.

    and if id hv joined this forum year ago u wld be on page 100,000 for complaints lol.

    thank fully thanks to gree. my network and my health now being far worse than ever it was stupid to hv joined the forums really.

    i hope my game ends by new year.

    i hope the suffering many ppl hv from these games will also fall. someday hopefully games wont hurt ppl and frustrate ppl as much as these games do.

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    Last edited by Cannot Connect To Server; 12-14-2014 at 08:01 AM.

  5. #1295

    Battle/Raid Stats Backwards!!

    This game was fun when I first started but the higher in level I go the more problems with the game I have, I've spent more time emailing GREE about problems to fix than I've been able to play the game. For Instance, Currently they have my Stats showing in my profile backwards .. My battle wins are now showing as battle losses and my battle losses are showing as my wins, my failed raids are showing as successful raids and my successful raids are showing as failed raids.. I sent them a screenshot when I was level 82 with 8 failed raids now at level 100 those 8 failed raids are showing as 8 successful raids.. In same level 82 ss it shows lil over 1900 battle wins now at lvl 100 my profile shows 543 battle wins.. How is that possible to go from over 1900 battle wins at level 82 to only 540 ish wins at level 100 ? Proving that my Stats for Battles Won/ Lost n Successful / Failed Raids are currently showing up backwards! GREE has yet to Fix THIS!!!i can't battle right now bc the wins are adding to my actual losses of 540 ish.. SMH!! So right now my rating for this game doesn't even merit 1/2 of 1 Star.. It merits -5 whole Stars.. GREE FIX MY GAME STATS SO THEY SHOWUP CORRECTLY!! N MAKE SURE MY WINS ARE ADDED TO MY ACTUAL WINS which are Currently showing up as my losses over 2000! SMH! MY Profile Stats Currently making me look like a complete looser! Fix my Modern War game ASAP!
    First ss shows correct battles won/ lost second ss shows numbers are now backwards and wrong! N that when I battle or raid the winnings are now added to my losses on the second ss where the numbers are backwards! Fix this ASAP! PS: I had to give 1 Star to be able to submit this review.. If you don't give at least 1 Star you cannot submit review

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