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Thread: World Ratings

  1. #16
    This is awesome

  2. #17

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    Quote Originally Posted by Polarbear View Post
    I do not doubt your world is fairly active Unabomber, but again it isn't a graph of who can score the most BP here or that... Sure if you only count the sharks fighting 27 would be up there, but little fishes also have to be considered. A quick visit to 25 would show a more evened out alliance top 10, meaning there is a better distribution of good players. This is rather important as it generates more competition outside the top tiers, creating a very solid player base.

    Fish will only stay if they feel they have a "chance", otherwise they just move on to the next world. Unfortunately the image fin may have created as an all powerful alliance, may have chased away quite a few. Of course this is just speculation, but the numbers of your world do show a very strong top tier, but a sharp dropoff after.
    I totally agree with everything stated here. I guess I was mainly just throwing out ideas or other things to possibly take into consideration

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Zack Zed View Post
    Thanks for posting

    Now i know my world is dying i wont spend any more in it.
    Which world do you play in?

  4. #19
    Lolsies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zack Zed View Post
    Thanks for posting

    Now i know my world is dying i wont spend any more in it.

    You did not realize until now that spending is not the way to go? Free-to-play is much more worthwhile than spending.

  5. #20
    Lolsies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dnd View Post
    I'm questioning it because I'm intrested. I don't see your point of doing a graph if it's just a guess and you are not willing to open it up? I'm really surprised someone did anything like that and I think it's cool, but if it's based on false assumptions, it's as good as nothing. I base my knowledge and assumptions to a large amount of discussions, the data and my own experience.

    I would like to know if you just play with the rankings, or do you have something deeper you really base it on. I find it awkward you spend a chitload of time doing such a graph and now you won't open it up when someone is interested. A shame, as you're not exactly gaining anything out of it, except a potential good discussion.
    Now, now, let's not start a flame war.

    He didn't spend so long on that graph. He simply entered data that his friend gave him and voila.

    Polarbear does not play anymore, he quit some time ago.

  6. #21
    Lolsies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zack Zed View Post
    Thanks Moderator, thats great advice coming from a gree representative. I wont spend another single penny on the game now.
    Note to everyone:
    I am an INDEPENDENT CONTRACTER of GREE, I am NOT a GREE representative. I do not represent the company in any way whatsoever.

    To Zack's reply...
    Of course, you can spend money to get ahead of the competition you face in the game, but I personally suggest against it unless you are aiming for the top spot on the leaderboards for every event.

  7. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Lolsies View Post
    Note to everyone:
    I am an INDEPENDENT CONTRACTER of GREE, I am NOT a GREE representative. I do not represent the company in any way whatsoever.

    To Zack's reply...
    Of course, you can spend money to get ahead of the competition you face in the game, but I personally suggest against it unless you are aiming for the top spot on the leaderboards for every event.
    Lolsies, unless you noticed, you actually do represent Gree in a way AND another. You have been chosen as a moderator at this board - not by the users, but Gree. And as you say, you are "independent contractor of Gree". It kind of sums the issue. But good job, keep on going!

    In opposite to "not spending", I encourage everyone who likes the game and can afford to put some money in it once in a while to do it. It's much more enjoyable that way. Doesn't mean you have to spend $100 every month. But in example occasional "porting spree" is a very nice way to relief your frustrations and you can have a couple ports for $25 bundle pack. It opens up the game in a very different way. Just don't think you can win events that are made for big coin, and you're good to go.
    In example a top position in a player war is really doable without money at all, but it's much more fun with the ports.

  8. #23
    Wait, what am I missing? I thought there were only 19 worlds and world 19 was just opened not long ago...

  9. #24
    Lolsies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercuryZ View Post
    Wait, what am I missing? I thought there were only 19 worlds and world 19 was just opened not long ago...
    There are now a total of 36 open worlds in iOS. The Android situation may be a little bit different compared to iOS.

  10. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Lolsies View Post
    There are now a total of 36 open worlds in iOS. The Android situation may be a little bit different compared to iOS.
    Ohhhh these are iOS numbers, that makes sense, I'm in world 11 on android and it's very much alive which didn't really work out with these numbers

  11. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by -Unabomber- View Post
    Nice data! Very interesting. I would just like to point out one thing (and this isn't an attempt to start a cock fight lol). I would say W27 is very active especially considering the number of alliances from W27 in the top 50 during the last xwars. I believe W27 had the most alliances in the top 50 by a fair number.

    With that said, no doubt W27 (especially Fin) drops an absurd amount of coin. However, most of this coin (at least in Fin) is spent during xwars. No Fins have finished top 50 in individual global arms races so far. Also, I know most fins rarely coin box events anymore. I believe we only have 1 maybe 2 members that currently do box events consistently. Just something I thought worth mentioning for future data.

    Also I will agree that Fin does dominate W27 (not trash talking for those of you in 27, just a polite discussion) but so do most top alliances in their respective worlds. With that said, I do believe that the rest of W27 is very competitive. There are always close battles for 2nd and 3rd as well as the other positions. Fin members (at least the original ones) tend to leave lower alliances and lower level players alone (assuming they dont purposely piss us off). I personally believe I always try to help players in my world when they ask (idk maybe someone else from 27 can chime in here). I think it would be good to look at alliance war bp totals for world activity. The last alliance war in W27, Fin accumulated over 3B bp while alliances 2nd through 4th all accumulated well over 1B each. Thats well over 6B UV in the top 4 scores alone. People may argue that people boost in bp events but I can assure you Fin is not boosting in alliance bp events and considering the fact we are winning by 1-2B bp, I think that is pretty believable since there would be no need for boosting to win. Anyways, my point is, all that UV had to come from somewhere which is why I believe W27 is still fairly active and competitive.

    Maybe someone else from W27 can weigh in on this. I obviously have a skewed point of view but I would say I honestly try and look at things from all points of view.

    Also, I'd like to reiterate that I am not trying to start the "my world is more active/better/this/that/etc. debate". I agree with a lot of the statements above, just trying to have a friendly convo
    Question about arm com. I'm assuming he has 2 sets of sbs. One for building and one that's all fuel. Would this be a fair assessment? He was somewhere in the area of 1b uv last cw. I've done 400m but think 600m is my upper limit and only if there's some kind of world truce to not attack me as with that much uv, bases will be hard stacked.

  12. #27

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    I would not mind seeing actual Gree data. This is some dude who is assuming a lot Based on couple types of events. Example, some people I know port and collect BP all the time not just during events, some alliances and players are known to boost their BP totals with alts during events- i like to call these people losers, some people dont participate in box event because its a gamble and would rather save for events that is not based on coin and luck. His data doesn't reflect any of these scenarios and his is only based on couple types of events. I hope his gathering of the data gives Gree the idea to actually put out the data but this data has no hard numbers on it and ton of guessing. Remember 90% of all statistics are made up.

  13. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by 100bullets View Post
    some alliances and players are known to boost their BP totals with alts during events- i like to call these people losers
    We call them kones lmao

  14. #29


    What happened to finality in crossworld? A supposedly dead world according to rankings won it

  15. #30
    Lolsies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rexhom View Post
    We call them kones lmao
    More like TW.

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