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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Exclamation [AMA] Ask The Developer Anything - December 3rd

    Please join us Wednesday, December 3rd, at 2:30pm PST for our next Developer Ask Me Anything! Please join us in discussing and asking questions about current features and future development.

    We will once again be joined by:

    Derez: Lead Game Designer
    WaffleKing: Producer

    This time we are trying something new so as to allow those in other time zones to participate and this thread will be unlocked Tuesday at 5pm PST so that you may post your questions in advance. The Developers will arrive Wednesday at 2:30pm sharp and will be answering questions here for two hours! The thread will then be locked at at the conclusion of the AMA. We'll answer as many questions as possible.

    Remember any posts that violate the Forum Code of Conduct will be removed. Furthermore, any post that attacks, insults, implies insults, harasses the Development Team will result in an immediate and permanent ban. Please keep everything on topic and constructive.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    You may now begin posting your questions for the team to answer tomorrow at 2:30pm PST!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I have two questions for ya

    1. Will there be any chance of materials for crafting being sold in the stores for gold and honor? As it is right now there really is not enough materials going out to do much crafting. Would love to see materials we could buy or new head/shoes/artifacts in the store!

    2. What is the deal with these new individual conquest rewards? A chest with a unit with no bonus is a pretty terrible reward for the money people spend in conquest. I would recommend going back to way it was or give out items with boosts with it to make those prizes more ideal.

    But I really do appreciate you guys doing this again. Thanks

  4. #4
    Jnsolberg's Avatar
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    May 2013
    North Carolina
    1). We have this new game logic for determining who wins battles, but we have no idea how it really works!

    What are the ratios between unit stats, equipment stats and Hero stats?

    You said that you would work on a new way of showing us how a battle is won. Any progress on that before the war? I don't want to go through all the confusion that we had last war again.

    Our Conquest Attack bonus did not work during the last war. We've been working hard to win Conquest Attack bonuses for this war. Will it work this time?

    2). Skill points are broken. Attack and defense effect units, equipment and Hero. Hero Strength effects nothing, except the damage one does to a mob. When will this be fixed?

    3). I don't like all the chests for prizes, both for the ILTQ in the war and in the Epic Boss, Raid Boss and box events. One of our memebrs finished top 200 in the war, and got a lousy unit, mad of course without a boost. Not much incentive to spend gems there anymore. Too much randomness. If I wanted to gamble, I can get a casino app, or just visit Vegas!

    4). Please don't use the new stats in the EB or RB events. At least until you get the bugs out, and we understand the new metrics. You will lose a large portion of your customer base if you bring out the kind of chaos we had in the last war.

    5). I like the new loot (like the ring and health and energy refills) in the RB event. When can we see a Trial Quest for equipment instead of units?
    Of course we could farm for equipment if we didn't have non stop Trial Quests. Lol
    Purple Squirrel

  5. #5
    Lys's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    1. With the advent of the new stats, there seems to be a major lack of ability to attempt to farm mobs for the best weapons and armor... as all of our energy is going into the trials that have taken the place of every other form of individual LTQ. Are there plans to attach gear as a % chance drop from the Trials mobs, or?

    2. War Rewards, especially the individual ones... I spent most of the gems I had remaining helping my guild out, and I got something like, three chests. Not a single one of them yielded something new I could equip, and there were no bonuses attached to those items... major insult, and a waste of time and gems there.

    3. Back to the voucher gear... I saw the basis of those items was the % increase of the hero versus comparable % increase of the army stats. However, the lack of any bonuses on a single voucher was a massive slap in the face. Not to mention the fact that I am already replacing all of those voucher items between Raid Boss DROPS and Crafting Items... at a Level Five building. We're talking items that have been invalidated that were earned via Raid Boss, Epic Boss, Chest Random Events, Guild Quests, Individual quests... do you see the concern here? What, if any, plans will you take for us to not feel like we wasted all of our time on those vouchers? Because we did.

    4. Hero Skills... WHAT ARE THEY FOR, WHAT DO THEY DO, AND WHEN CAN WE BLOODY RESET THEM?! Caps for emphasis. There has been no breakdown as previously mentioned, and without a reset, I am stuck with an army of 1.7 billion attack losing fights to those with 500 million army defense simply because I didn't get the chance to put points into Hero Attack and Defense skills. Not to mention the fact that Hero Strength doesn't seem to affect anything at all, which is where ~95% of my skill points have gone... And there is a war in less than 3 days.

    5. New stats in Raid Boss and Epic Boss. Please, for the love of god, tell us that you're going to hold off on even trying this until you can get #4 worked out... The last thing I want to go through is an event with a boss health still hitting ~2.147 billion, and all of a sudden we're all doing thousands of damage due to calculation errors. Please say that you're going to check, double check, triple check, send it out for a fourth check, then do a fifth check before even considering a deployment?

    6. Crafting Building. So, some folks do use gems to speed things up. Energy Refills, 20 Gems. Battle Health Refills 25 gems. Buildings, something like 5 or 10 gems per hour... So why is it that the crafting building's crafting is a speed up cost of 5 gems per minute? This is beyond absurd, was this an error, or?

    7. The boxes for bloody everything in a cycle. Can we please avoid this again in the future? If I wanted gambling, I'd go to the Gulf Coast and go bounce around the tables or machines there. The Rare % chance is simply too low, and overall, I'd say between Raid Boss and Epic Boss alone, the stat gain was down ~ 30%, of not more, because of this switch. Not to mention this currently running Box Event... You think I'm going to spend gems for that?

    8. Nestled Box Events (Thanksgiving Related Box Quests). Please, please, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... can you NOT put the item being opened in the item pool? It should be that if one spends those 20 gems, then they're guaranteed an item. However, using 20 gems on a Durtucken to get a Core, then opening said core to get a Durtucken... well, I just pissed 20 gems away with nothing to show for it. Plus, this made the unit collect quest downright impossible to complete. While the innovation was there, some serious issues were present. Any plans to do an event like this again, and if so, will you look at NOT having us get the item that we can go and spend 3 energy killing a goblin at the Crossroads to get?
    KA - Lys - ID 176-137-752

  6. #6
    Timmygammer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    knd is love, knd is life

    [AMA] Ask The Developer Anything - December 3rd

    Here are a couple I have from me and my fans. Hopefully you guys can answer all, thank you for your time.

    1- When is the "Epic Boss Contest" & "Epic Armor Contest?" and you can I get more info about it.

    2- Will there 6-stars armors in the future and if so what will it look like, and will it have special visual effects?

    3- Is there going to be something such as 6-stars armors? if so, when can we expect it?

    4- Can I have more Information about upcoming Rings & Amulets?

    5- How high will the X Chest go up to? 10X? 15X? 20X? (ex. Thanksgiving chest was 10X)

    6- Will there be dual element Heroic Mode in the future?

    7- Will there be any kind of armor trading in the future?

    8- What are you attending to do new next year in the game, 2015?

    9- Will you fix the raid point issue? where the top guilds have negative score since they reach point limit.

    10- Why are some free gems video offers not give any thing?

    11- Why so many wars? like weekends, and weekdays.

    12- Will there be a expansion in the future for your kingdom or more Buildings?
    Last edited by Timmygammer; 12-03-2014 at 02:14 PM. Reason: added a question
    -Greetings, awesome

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Jnsolberg View Post
    1). We have this new game logic for determining who wins battles, but we have no idea how it really works!

    What are the ratios between unit stats, equipment stats and Hero stats?

    You said that you would work on a new way of showing us how a battle is won. Any progress on that before the war? I don't want to go through all the confusion that we had last war again.
    Yes. Please explain the logic behind determining the battle outcome.

    Is it even possible to know with a fair degree of certainty if we're going to win or lose the battle, given that we know our own Unit, Equipment, and Hero stats and our opponent's defense stats? It's been said that the algorithm also takes into consideration opponents' attack stats which are unknown to us. Obviously this adds an element of gamble to the outcome. It's also been hinted that this may change.

    Please explain how the algorithm really works. If you could post the exact formula behind it, this would settle this issue once and for all!

    Having to play the game without knowing the rules is frustrating to say the least.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    In so many places the game forces us to click many times which from time to time causes us to spend gems unintentionally. For example: splash screens when starting up with "limited units", accidentally selling buildings while collecting gold, buying 100's of gear in equipment store due to lag or miss click it is too easy to spend gems, this has happened several times to me and tickets invariably end with "sorry no refunds". Please find a way to remove this annoyance. 99% of the items that can be bought with gems are completely useless with a ridiculously bad cost/benefit ratio, why are they even in the game if not to trick the players out of gems?

    We need a clear explanation, exactly how it affects army/equipment stats and hero stats.

    Chests would be more acceptable if (like in guild rewards) all the rewards are earned up to the rank achieved.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Is it possible in the future to sell units and materials we no longer use?

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    1. Because of the constant need to spend all your energy towards trials it is very hard to get decent gear from attacking mobs, will you implement chances that you can choose whether or not gear will be dropped with trials. As a prize or from the mobs, either way some additional way is needed.

    2. All though I understand the need to cool down stats inflation, nowadays there are hardly any stats boost that are being given out. Will there be other means of acquiring those in the future, or should we just stick with it that those that have the highest multipliers now are simply untoucheable? (Not taking gear in account)

    3. Would it be possible to implement some sort of list where we can actually see what our strongest 1500 units, weapons, armor and so on are?

    4. Crafting is nice and all but the ways of obtaining materials for crafting are, as is the issue with gear in general, VERY slow. What do you plan to improve or increase this?

    Sorry for sloppy post but I didn't have much time today.

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    1)Just some explanations on which stats and skill points affect which aspect of the game would be helpful . Is hero strength and Attack count the same ?? I added my recent skill points to Attack and defense instead of hero attack .
    2) still not sure what is included in the pve Attack damage number . Yes , my damage inflicted went up , but so did the attack value of the weapons . I have a 200 point Attack bonus ( 100 for Cupid's bow and 100 from another unit ) there is no way these bonuses are being counted my high damage is 596 ( my weapon is 270 of it ) .

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    1) Is there going to be a skill point reset before war? (Or is this never going to happen?)
    2) I like the idea of implementing a list in KA to see our 1500 best armor/units, can this be added in the future?
    3) change individual reward during war please, why would I gem to earn a stupid box with a chance to earn a unit that will contribute 0% to my stats..
    4) when can we upgrade the workshop from crafting to L10?it's not even worth wasting materials now as we barely have any

  13. #13
    Totalwar's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    When is Gree going to enable the players to transfer the game again.why don't you use game centre to save games and the account swapping would end over night and Kingdom Age would be tired to our Apple Acount not the device.

    Why do we have so many war bonuses like I have five now All temp only used once.please can we have some permanent bonuses back.

    Why are war rewards so poor they used to be really good sorry they getting pathetic.

  14. #14
    Box Events:
    What are your plans to revise or improve the odds at moving from 9/10 to 10/10 for these events. Many do not gem these events any longer after shelling out 2-3K gems only to miss the last unit or last box item. It's borderline ridiculous to have that minute of a chance to finish while other "lucky" individuals spend not a single gem and are left with all items.

    Player Base:
    What are your plans to help bring in new players? You yourself have mentioned a shrinking player base, and ostracizing older players with odd battle calculations or penalty for skill point allocation; while at the same time making some event near impossible for small guilds or new players to be successful finds that your bath tub full of water has a leak that we as the remaining player base have yet to see fixed. Poor analogy I know but you get the point.

    Hackers/Unjust Players:
    There are still many players that have excessive units, doubled buildings, etc. outside of the normal playing rules. Do you have any actionable plan to remove these players from the game? There are multi-billion stat players that have earned their way to the top via great amounts of spending, while others unjustly hack the game to achieve these types of results. I will not name any names, but in top guilds it is well known who has justly earned their place, and who has not.

  15. #15
    Captain Buck Slayer's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    All warfare is based on deception - Sun Tzu
    Its about to start
    Slaps Fighters Team

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