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  1. #31
    Waffleking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by truthteller View Post
    what do you mean by "vastly superior" cause I am 1.1 billion stats and I hit a guy with 224m DEF, yet I lost
    Hello Truthteller

    is your army attack 1.1 billion or are you adding up all your stats and calculating against his defense. Also if you like to post your player id we can look into this more and get you a more detailed answer.

  2. #32

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    Quote Originally Posted by Waffleking View Post
    Hello Bob

    Derez is writing a battle calculation post that should help to explain the questions about the calculations.
    What I can tell you is that if you have an army that is vastly superior to your opponents then hero equipment and army equipment are not heavily weighted enough to "cause" a loss.
    Are you sure about this? Based on other player feedback here in the forum and own observations, I'd say that if you have much better both equipment categories and hero categories, then you win regardless of the unit difference.

    You yourself wrote it takes the majority, but what we've observed that in this case majority is not >50% but slightly lower. Can you explain the amounts these three categories have of the total result?

  3. #33

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jnsolberg View Post
    Thanks to the developers for coming to help us understand the new changes. I would like explanations / clarifications on the following points:

    1). We have this new game logic for determining who wins battles, but we have no idea how it really works!

    We do know that it uses unit attack and defense, equipment attack and defense and Hero attack and defense. But we do not know the ratios.
    Is it 34%, 33%, 33%?
    60%, 25%, 15%?
    20%, 60%, 20%?
    Something else?
    Is defense weighted heavier than attack?

    To spring this on us with no explanation the day before a war was unconscionable.

    I've seen a plea for ONE stat that will help us to understand who will win a battle or raid. That would be a GREAT thing to do. Keep the unit, equipment and hero stats, so we can work on improving them, but roll them into a "master stat" so we can determine the outcome of battles better. Right now it's just a roll of the dice.

    2). I don't see any value for the vouchers we worked so hard to get during guild events. A Pumpkin Head, without a boost, worth 13/13 for 39/39 in the Icabod Chain Raid Boss event instead of the previous RB prize of the Cutthroat Cultist 302k/177k unit with a +3% alliance size increase? It seems that you have lost touch with reality. Or maybe you just haven't explained how the pumpkin head is better. I sure don't see the pumpkin head as being worth much of anything at all.

    3). The individual rewards in the war were a joke. I won a Wand of Affliction 68/45. My oldest game has 138 weapons stronger than that. Of course, it did replace a weaker weapon, but not much of a gain that I can see.

    4). Skill points. I never saw any use for attack or defensive skill points. So I never got any. Suddenly, that all changed. Will we be able to reset our skill points?

    5). Crafting. So far, all I can see are some weak weapons and armor, and some new foot and head gear and artifacts. Since we didn't have any head and foot gear and artifacts before, they do increase hero attack and defense a little bit. Better for killing mobs, and less need for Hero skill points. But the weapons and armor are not very good. You can buy stuff in the store and get better stuff dropped on the maps. So far, I don't see much value to crafting. We have had a bit of vague info, but it's not very helpful.

    6). A suggestion: How about when we pick a trial, we have a choice of a trial with units as prizes (like we have now), or a trial with items as prizes? I have old games with lots of strong items, and newer games with very few items. The choice would help us out.


    Let me run through your notes in order:

    1. Battle calculations now run 3 different battles between the two players. It takes the ATK / DEF stats from each group and weighs what the outcome of a battle would be. Armies have the most weight and can win a battle in cases where their power greatly out weighs their opponents. Because both players now attack and defend within a battle just having a higher attack then your opponents defense no longer guarantees a victory. This was changed so that all of the stats that players have been building now have more importance.

    Army Equipment has the second highest weight in the battle outcome followed by the Hero's Equipment. We have plans to make Hero Equipment play a bigger part in other events going forward including a revamp to the next Epic Boss and some new PVP Events that we are working on.

    2. This concern was address in some of the posts last Friday as well. Before 3.0 all of your stats were all dumped into one calculation so the low stats of the head piece would not help any of your stats in any way. Now that all equipment items are calculated on their own wether in your army or on your hero the lower numbers are actually comparable to your armies that are at 300k+.

    3 and 5. Again, we looked at all existing items in the game and have match what these new items should be at stat wise within the new calculations. Crafting is going to be a core feature of the game going forward and Level 1 is balanced for players that would unlock it at Level 10. We are finializing the additional Levels and upgrades for the Crafting Workshop, the existing items within the game will be around the Level 4 crafting items.

    4. Stat reset item coming soon, see Waffle King's post.

    6. There will be other events going forward that will reward items. For a long time they dropped out of the game and with the update to Hero Equip and the addition of Crafting they will be playing a bigger part going forward.

  4. #34
    Jnsolberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waffleking View Post
    Hello Truthteller

    is your army attack 1.1 billion or are you adding up all your stats and calculating against his defense. Also if you like to post your player id we can look into this more and get you a more detailed answer.
    One of my games, 985-329-082 during a battle early in the war had 543m unit attack, 20.9k EQ attack and 1198 Hero attack. He lost to an opponent with 141m unit defense, 142k EQ defense and 3642 hero defense.
    Dure to a display bug, that 142k EQ defense was actually his EQ attack. His real EQ defense was @ 117k

    We met that same team a couple of days later when my player improved his EQ attack to @ 30k. Still lost
    Last edited by Jnsolberg; 11-19-2014 at 04:40 PM.
    Purple Squirrel

  5. #35

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    I still have to disagree. How is it my 278mil unit attack and my 38k equip attack beats a guy who I hit in war who had a 115mil unit defense and 80k equip defense 20x BUT in that same war I moved to a higher level(not much higher) with 120mil unit defense and 90k equip defense but could not best him for anything not even on a MEGA. Please explain this.

  6. #36
    [JAG] Ryan's Avatar
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    i also saw some members who had Superior army stats (but lower army equip stats) and who lost in last war. By superior i mean that their army stats were like 2 bil in attack while the def from the opponent was far below 1 bil. So oviously there must be other relations in factors playing a significant role.

    However, when can we expect to get this battle calculation info?

    Also what happens to items with boosts which are not equipped to hero. Is the army using them instead or just the plain item stat without any boosts?

    Also can you please explain how in detail the army equip stats and hero stats are calculated and what exact role the skill points play on this
    Last edited by [JAG] Ryan; 11-19-2014 at 04:45 PM.
    Fun in Black

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    Add me on Kakao. My id is RyanJAG

  7. #37
    the_bob's Avatar
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    Few more simple questions.

    1) Will Conquest Attack bonus be fixed soon? Also, will this stat boost your equipment numbers or just your army numbers?

    2) How does a Mega Attack work, now? Is it only applied to army unit stats or does it also affect equipment as well? Is it still +50%?

    I hear you say that Army unit stats far outweigh equipment stats and I'm sure it's supposed to work that way on paper, but in practice there is something very, very wrong. I strongly urge you to comb over that code again.

  8. #38
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    Just a comment from a player, from FUN to free, a Forum Knight, and has been playing since KA launched...

    I loved the game the way it was. You had a great game!

    All of these changes are interesting, but not for me. If I wanted to play a new app, I would have.

    I hope it works out. Good luck in the future.
    Line ID: clementine88

  9. #39

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    Thought we were getting a battle calculation which in theory would include numbers and what's on what?? This answer is vary vague and still leaves us in the complete dark where we have been since this new style launched. Sorry just seems we are running out of time and gonna be left with no answer

  10. #40

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    We'll keep answering questions past the deadline.

  11. #41

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marabout Khidir View Post
    - How is the Hero Strength and Hero Defense calculated?
    - Which skillpoint(s) affect Hero Strength and Hero Defense and by how much?
    - How does the other skillpoints affect the other categories of stats?
    - Does your level affects your stats? In that case which stats and by how much?
    - Is there any other parameters/algorithm that affects the outcome of a PvP-fight/war rather than the three stats-categories?
    - In the last war you couldn't immediately see the opponents full stats. Only after you attacked you could click and get up the full profile. Will this be changed now since we need all stats on the table to determine the outcome of a fight?
    - Will you try and even out the gap in which a guy with considerably lower Units-stats can win over a guy with high stats? Yes, "best of 2 out of 3", but still, this gap is too big to be fun. We would wish that you put in an algorithm stat stops this gap at, let's say 20% higher than your own.
    - When will our extra allies return (for us that won those kind of bonuses in the past)?
    - When can we upgrade the Crafting Workshop?
    - And get some decent recipes to craft?
    - Will there be any new guild-bonuses now to complement these new updates? Like a Army Equipment-bonus?
    - Will you compensate us in any way as an excuse for how things went haywire when the war started?

    And a sincere request from everyone in Celtic Angel Warriors:
    Please, please GREE: don't launch any updates right before a war again, but rather after it is over.
    Celtic Angel Warriors,

    - How is the Hero Strength and Hero Defense calculated?
    Answered in my reply post to Jnsolberg.

    - Which skillpoint(s) affect Hero Strength and Hero Defense and by how much?
    - How does the other skillpoints affect the other categories of stats?
    Hero Strength is currently the only stat that affects Hero ATK / DEF. We plan to allow players to re-spec their character and have discussed additional changes to the skills system to make them more in line with where the game is going but that is still in the air.

    - Does your level affects your stats? In that case which stats and by how much?
    Your level does not directly affect your stats. However, crafting items will be level locked requiring players to be at a higher level to have the most powerful items in the game.

    - Is there any other parameters/algorithm that affects the outcome of a PvP-fight/war rather than the three stats-categories?
    There are no additional factors outside of what I mentioned in my other post.

    - In the last war you couldn't immediately see the opponents full stats. Only after you attacked you could click and get up the full profile. Will this be changed now since we need all stats on the table to determine the outcome of a fight?
    We actually wanted to make other changes to the outcome display but some of our team was worried about changing it too much. The original design awarded points to each player for each category which made it apparent where you may have been failing. The main concern was that all of the large stats would no longer be shown and it may have felt too disconnected and confusing.

    - Will you try and even out the gap in which a guy with considerably lower Units-stats can win over a guy with high stats? Yes, "best of 2 out of 3", but still, this gap is too big to be fun. We would wish that you put in an algorithm stat stops this gap at, let's say 20% higher than your own.
    This will even out. In the case of a 20% gap it should not be happening but with everyone not having items for armies or hero it is possible that it created a bigger initial gap than anticipated.

    - When will our extra allies return (for us that won those kind of bonuses in the past)?
    This is actually just a display bug and will be fixed in the next update. All of your allies are actually being calculated correctly.

    - When can we upgrade the Crafting Workshop?
    We are still testing some features and balance with the additional levels and hope to have more levels out very soon. We have planned up to level 10 but the next update may max out at level 5 as our team has also been busy with our next update.

    - And get some decent recipes to craft?
    Better crafting coming with higher levels.

    - Will there be any new guild-bonuses now to complement these new updates? Like a Army Equipment-bonus?
    We are looking at new bonuses but it is currently not at the top of our todo list.

    - Will you compensate us in any way as an excuse for how things went haywire when the war started?
    Going forward we will be working on better ways to communicate and plan out new feature releases so that this type of issue happens again.

  12. #42
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    Tadaaah, please don't lock this thread when the AMA is over so the convo can continue among the players. Maybe move it to a sticky in General? This info is too important.
    Line ID: clementine88

  13. #43
    If you ask me, Gree should do the calculations and provide us with one "battle score" so we would know who we can beat and who we can't. If I wanted to do math problems I'd go back to school. I play KA to relax not to try and wrack my brain on complex math formulas. A simple aggregate score would be easier and leave little to doubt.

  14. #44

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tadaaah View Post
    We'll keep answering questions past the deadline.
    Thank you that helps out.

  15. #45
    [JAG] Ryan's Avatar
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    @ Derez: you said before that Hero Strength is the only stats that affects Hero Stats. That cant be as many people who have a lot of skill points in HS have much lower Hero stats (with same weapons and items) then other people with far less Skill points in HS. Can you please explain how that relation from HS to Hero Stats should be if the only factor?

    It appear to me that skill point in Army attack influence the Hero Stats as by all calculations and comparisons it leads to that estimation.

    I also heard about that old formula not sure if true, but gets close to the reality.

    (Skill points in Army Attack * level of player) / 10 + hero stats from items + hero individual attack boosts = Hero Stats

    Can you confirm that or tell us the factors of how Hero Stats are calculated or can be improved?
    Last edited by [JAG] Ryan; 11-19-2014 at 05:08 PM.
    Fun in Black

    Allways looking for good and active players.
    Add me on Kakao. My id is RyanJAG

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