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  1. #31
    None have left because of current issues but some are complaining about the issues. I've had members leave for previous issues though. People will come and go always regardless of issues. Thats life.

  2. #32
    WinkadInk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    1 over current stuff, but in the past 5-6 months we have lost roughly 20 good people to leaving the game
    Wink (Crime city)
    lvl 184
    225/180 mil
    Indian member since 5/2012

    Dr Glickenstein (modern war)
    Lvl 193
    274/240 bil
    Skynetcommand (SNC)
    Max bonuses purchased, contact for joining)

    Kingdom Age (retired)

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Many players in top 10 factions have decided to go gold free from now on. Gree has too many problems. Some players can barely get into game and others are missing items from inventory, ect ect. Gree has really screwed up this game. Its a shame

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I'm thinking I'll quit. I don't spend like many do but I enjoy(ed) the game and if $100/month made my experience more enjoyable, I never hesitated. The game has become such a mess as they're trying to have so many things going on that none of them really work properly. For me it's not the money, if I found a rival game that cost me time and half the $ but was ran twice as good I'd be gone in heartbeat. Really too bad, I've enjoyed this game very much but sadly it appears to be time to move on.

  5. #35
    Thatkidyouknow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Up yours!
    MW was doomed a long time ago. All of the games are some just hit their peak earlier than others. That's why Gree should either reset all bonuses that are attack/defense mods and reset stats.
    I run my own gaming community. We may not make as much as gree, but our players are a wee bit happier.

  6. #36
    We have had 5 quit over one problem. The free gold issue on android no videos for months as other faction members on iOS get free gold videos,they hung around waiting to be on level field with iOS players.Got disgusted said not buying any more gold and no fix ever coming.All 5 players were 2 yrs plus players who bought gold regular when everyone got free gold.Now 7 more saying they are gone at the new year if nothing has changed.Shame this is a fun game if its run right

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Houston, TX
    I'll probably get booted since I can't load the game anymore. Or maybe I'm quitting? Call it a forced quit, mandated by Gree.
    Faction ID: 975-498-211
    Health Regen Time -22%
    Bldg Def: + 15%
    Inf Def: + 20%
    Grd Def: + 15%
    Air Def: + 20%
    Bldg Output: + 10%

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by ogel45 View Post
    I'm getting close to quitting myself after 3 years. I foolishly thought the fix released today would help with my problems. Now I can't get into the game at all. I've sent in a ticket. Will be interesting to see what comes of it.
    How did you send in a ticket when you can't get into the game?
    Faction ID: 975-498-211
    Health Regen Time -22%
    Bldg Def: + 15%
    Inf Def: + 20%
    Grd Def: + 15%
    Air Def: + 20%
    Bldg Output: + 10%

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Zedsdead View Post
    How did you send in a ticket when you can't get into the game?

  10. #40
    My faction has lost about 20 members (most with multiple accounts and they all bought gold) due to all of the issues. I started playing a couple of months after the games release. Had I not decided to stop spending money last year then im sure that I would have passed the leadership of the faction that I founded (when factions first came out) and quit myself. But I had decided to stay for my members but only play free now. I still cant believe how much I had spent before I quit buying gold... hopefully my wife wont find out lol. However my stress level has plummeted since I quit paying and just do what I can with what Ive got. Without the added stress of losing money and the realization that ill never be able to complete most events anyways, I have found that this is a decent game and just throw my hands in the air when there is another mistake as there is nothing more that i can do to fix the problem.... the funniest part is that i paid for a fishing bot on our chat app and it gets used more than our members play MW. At least we are still communicating lol.

  11. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Adm. J(K96) View Post
    Thanks for posting this link. I almost gave up hope. Sent them my device crash logs for the game, maybe that will get their developers attention!
    Cheers and remember it is just a game. ;-)

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