Thread: Lack of troll?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2012

    Lack of troll?

    Has anyone noticed the lack of trolls the last few days or am I just missing their comments?
    Seems GREE my have got rid of them fingers crossed

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I think you are missing them

  3. #3
    Ramshutu's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Munch on it View Post
    Has anyone noticed the lack of trolls the last few days or am I just missing their comments?
    Seems GREE my have got rid of them fingers crossed
    There are still plently of trolls. There seems to be a distinct lack of fake profiles though....
    Proud owner of a sense of humour - and is not afraid to use it.

    365 587 968

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramshutu View Post
    There are still plently of trolls. There seems to be a distinct lack of fake profiles though....
    K yeah that's what I meant sorry lol

  5. #5
    Dipstik's Avatar
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    *raises hand*
    Quote Originally Posted by murf View Post
    Dippy, may be a little harsh in this thread, but he's right...
    Still mad at Bostick.

    I'll be back when the moderation is reasonable. Enjoy the forum you created, Gree.

  6. #6

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Why anyone would play this game us beyond me. It involves no skill, mind numbing tapping and just spending endless amounts of cash to get meaningless prizes. Free play is a joke and you can never hope for anything meaningful ... This is not a free game. You are stupid if you think otherwise.

    Most of the big spenders here are refunded some amounts by Gree or are on their payroll somehow. They get to beta test and get additional stuff others can never hope to get, which is why you can NEVER hope to even catch up. Which means the game is rigged and stacked up against you. Why would anyone want to play a rigged game? There were glitches that were exploited and apparently fixed, and I am sure there are currently still more around that the "chosen few" still exploit. Again this is stacked against 95% of the player ... The real players Gree makes money from.

    Events used to be fun and for the players, this is not the case anymore. Now it's how many events can be run and how much money can be made. They are not fun! There is not a single fun event on at the moment.

    Events are badly designed and coded and full of issues when released, server problems, reused graphics and competitions for users ideas (weapons, characters etc) are signs that the Dev and artistic teams are going downhill. There are issues galore. Again this apathy means that this is going downhill!

    The game mechanics suck and will always be about tapping, getting some prizes and/or some ranking which result is some meaningless increase in stats .... Depending on how much money you spent and then doing it all over again. This gets boring FAST and if you are doing it for more than 6 months or are either lazy to do anything else, bored of your life, lack morale and self esteem or basically hate your parents and want to piss their money away. No smart, successful person ..... Professional, businessman, celebrity or even housewife/husband would play this game without realizing it's screwed up ... Either way you have to be mentally deficient to play this for any reasonable amounts of time.

  8. #8
    Ah, there's your troll right above me.

  9. #9
    Dipstik's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Just joined and already accusing people of being "trolls?" Shall I say "welcome back?"
    Quote Originally Posted by murf View Post
    Dippy, may be a little harsh in this thread, but he's right...
    Still mad at Bostick.

    I'll be back when the moderation is reasonable. Enjoy the forum you created, Gree.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Probably just a noob trying to sound cool by calling out people as trolls.

    Or he saw that he's banned and assumed he's a troll because of that even though he hasn't taken it into consideration that the mods rule over this board like communist dictators and will shoot anyone who disagrees with them.

    Or maybe he actually is someone's sock account.

  11. #11
    No, just going by the text book definition as I seen the same post almost verbatim by the same account on an immense amount of threads. I have not made the same mistake of trying to be social. My apologies for stirring up something I did not know existed.

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