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  1. #121

    Pre buying units = punishment

    That'll teach us to buy anything in the game before the actual event starts...[/QUOTE]

    Great point, ich

    The game's performance during Front line is a crawl. I thought pre buying 3000 tanks was a 'smart' move. Dumb.

  2. #122

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Gomer View Post
    The event did not start yet.... Thus why did you pre-buy units? You assumed they would be the same.... Did gree say that they were for this frontline? NO.... Thus you should only blame yourself.... You all know the past history of gree changing things.... You took a chance and rolled the dice... YOU LOST.... Get over it and take responsibility for your choices.
    Check the store. They are clearly labelled "Frontline". To use your explanation, does this mean we shouldnt buy gold unless gree states its for a certain event.

    Edit...heres where they said buy FL UNITS
    Last edited by Stumps; 10-10-2014 at 01:04 AM.

  3. #123

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    State of Jefferson
    Quote Originally Posted by Pidgeot View Post
    I just dropped 256m on tanks a few hours ago, then I find out about this. A little pissed because 256m is not easy for me to come by.
    you can come up with that easily. raiding is broken, find someone with 10x your stats and raid their buildings.
    Former Gree supporter and defender.

  4. #124
    Congrats gree you just knock me and my faction out of the only event we can do and get decent units. Guess we get the weekend off.

  5. #125

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    You can still use your tanks crybabies.

    I'm pretty sure that gree stated in the past that the same units would not always be used for the front line events. Yeah it sucks for those people who dropped big bucks for tanks, but at least you'll be stocked up for the next event you'll be playing.

    And to all those people saying they won't play this event, stop lying. You all know you'll be dumping your tanks and scraping money to buy the better units. Lying on the internet is just embarrassing. Stop it.

  6. #126

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The devs have nothing to do with this. It's the one is responsible for events and prizes. And it's a woman. So yeah logic much? Probably has her pms now, all will suffer

  7. #127

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Well changing the units makes no sense unless something else changed in the event as well. However, I'm sure Gree would have let us all know by now if more changes were taking place.

  8. #128

    Join Date
    Dec 2013

  9. #129

    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    I don't think it's an option to give us back the money, my vault can't protect that amount... so I would be an easy target to attack and my money would be completely lost.
    Bad decision to change this event and unist this late...

    Sorry for you Tadaaah to get all the beatings for this decision, which I am sure you did not take.

    Join our faction Hans Blix- 580 090 099

    Quote Originally Posted by Tadaaah View Post
    Hey Commanders,

    This frontline event will use all new units except the Frontline Main Carrier unit. The old units will be used in future events.

    The new items are
    Name Cost
    Frontline Mil MI-17: 377580 Cash
    Frontline Armored MBT: 5 Gold
    Frontline Elite Gunner: 3185333 Cash

  10. #130

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Can't wait to see the event lagging as hell... Still lmao

  11. #131

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    This is how I image you guys:

    now give it a shot and see what the new frontline is about. I am looking forward

  12. #132

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by EZfodder View Post
    This is how I image you guys:

    now give it a shot and see what the new frontline is about. I am looking forward
    Ive already stated this doesn't effect me too much as my IPH can handle it. BUT...

    Before you go calling ppl cry babies, get some time up. Once you've been ****ed around as much as others, you might just change your view.

  13. #133

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    How about.....instead of Tadaah having to be Gree's customer punchbag, the boss of Gree gets off his solid gold toilet, finishes wiping his ass with our real money, get to his computer, and posts his email address so we can send our complaints straight to him. He could read them while smoking one of his money cigars, remembering to keep an eye on his other computer which will be showing his ever increasing back balance?

    I would like to know who is the regulator for the mobiles games industry so I can contact them about the disgraceful way you treat your customers. Please reply with those details, which I have previously asked for but with no reply.

  14. #134

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Awesome work once again gree. Congrats on pissing the entire MW community off. I myself have just bought 400 tanks. Luckily I have another spare 8 bil cash but not everyone has access to that sort of money. Besides, I could've used that cash on these new units. Do not change the units for this event. Change them for the next one

  15. #135

    Gree not sticking to terms and conditions again n misleading / selling

    How many more times do gree want to play this game with their network of players. It seems to me gree have are are getting very close to rock bottom customer satisfaction. They are still mis-selling in-game for which I'm still waiting them to get back to me about a breach of their terms and conditions.
    This is just another example of chimapnzies eating bananas and tapping keyboards making no sense at all.

    Gree.... re instate everyones money so we can start it again, or
    Hold back on new units, or
    Let us keep the tanks n replace the highest cash stat unit, or
    Let us keep the tanks, return the money, and give us 250 free top units and 100 gold. It is customer non-appreciation month after all.

    My faction along with many are possibly sitting this one out now, n people wont be buying gold for it, or at all now.


    Pull your socks up, take a 'swallow my pride' pill, n give your players some appreciation.

    Rant over

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