Application Date: 10/2/2014
Forum User Name: legalious
Active Member Since: April 2014 (Forum) / Feburary 2014 (ingame)
GREE Game(s) Played: Knights and Dragons / Crime City
In Game(s) Friend/Profile ID(s): WBP-HMG-HMV

Why do you want to be a Forum Moderator and what makes you a good fit for this role?
I would like to be a Forum Moderator to assist new players with building an constructive environment with others to build upon. Not everyone is good with communications and I want to assist by bringing the community together. Since the current forum moderators are Gree employees, it limits the time for them to moderate. I would provide assistance to those off hours that require more of a direct action and response.

Do you have any previous experience as a Forum Moderator/Admin? If yes, please explain.
Yes, I have been an Admin for various forums in the past. I was the Original Members for Counter Strike groups, Minecraft, WOW, Runescape, DMO, and other various games I have played in the past. During such time, I would update and clean up the forums with news, events and contests. Providing a direct line of communications and feedback is what I like to provide.

What is your favorite GREE game and why?
Knights and Dragons. This game has every type Art and Character design that I look for in Fantasy style games. Now if only I can get some merchandise.

Are you comfortable moderating the entire forums or only for certain games?
I can moderate the entire forums for clarity and information. Certain aspects of the game will be out of my scope but discussions and communications within the community will be the main focus.

What was a controversial change in a GREE game that you did not like? Why?
Removal of LAW. The quick removal was the main issue. I would have posted an end date prior to the release of the cancellation status.

How do you tell the difference between constructive criticism and blatant bad mouthing?
The topic has to flow with the discussion. This has to be viewed by a case by case basis.

“This update does not work and should be fixed” – Constructive (yet vague)
“Gree please fix your **** of an update” – Bad

What would you do if a user made a post that attacked you personally, how would you handle it?
Depends on the situation. If there is no information that I can build upon and the poster intended to cause me stress I would flag it first. If it continued then I would just post the Fourm Code of Conduct that they have violated, and so on.

How much time per week can you commit to being a forum moderator?
Almost every day for more than 4 hours. Weekends are harder but I believe that is when forum moderators should be more active.

Have you read and understood the GREE Forum Code of Conduct & the GREE Terms of Service?
Of course. Don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, so to speak.

Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
I am quite an avid gamer and an Trainer/Tech Writer (which is how I understand coding). I have played an array of games such as Battlefield, WOW, Diablo, POE, Digimon, Pokemon, Magic the Gathering, Kingdom Hearts, Mortal Kombat, Portal and many more. My main Enneagram Type is Troubleshooter, so that means I will work with you to find the problem and fix it. Making people happy makes me happy as well.