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  1. #16
    Jnsolberg's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    North Carolina
    Sounds interesting. Will you give us time between quests to do these?
    Purple Squirrel

  2. #17

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    OK, so you launch Trials so people start one, then you start a guild quest less than 24 hours later while people are still doing their Trial.

    Here's some advice: please, please put some sodding dates on quest lines so that people know when to schedule in their Trials. I'm glad you've done something new, even though it's just a variation on a theme, but it's not very helpful to stick a guild quest in so people have to use their energy there instead of the Trial.

  3. #18
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    in your dreams

    Something needs to be done about the app update. Bad reviews are posted on iTunes; many have posted here, too. There are too many players unable to play after updating. App is slow and constantly crashes.

    The 3-Day War is scheduled to begin tomorrow.

    Please let us know what's going on.
    Line ID: clementine88

  4. #19

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Big issue with Iphones/Ipods, missing graphics options, slowing us way down..

    My Ipad has 3 graphics options that were on my IPhone 4 prior to update:
    Particle effects
    Parallax FX
    Parallex angled

    The IPhone has no option nor my soon to be outdated iPod to turn these off, both are having same issue on top of the Ipod being able to load any map except ones I am doing a quest on, so no questing w/o crashing. Have reloaded too many times to bother again.

    Back to graphics issue:
    Loading maps is slower now, but not a huge amount of time, but attacking a mob or raiding a player, it takes around 30 seconds for my lil guy to move, walk over and hit the mob, then 15 seconds before I can select the mob again. That is way slower than before, and raiding will sit there and show the same repeated graphic for 30 seconds each time after taking 30 seconds to get to the screen, almost regen stamina as fast as I attack.

    Please give us an option to take the graphics down a notch since they are noticeably more detailed and could very likely be the reason for this issue.

  5. #20

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Love the new trials adds another dimension to play

  6. #21

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Milky Way
    Quote Originally Posted by Bri the Bru View Post
    Love the new trials adds another dimension to play
    Yeah i bet, especially with the implemented Bug that allows you to do these trials for free.

  7. #22
    what bug??

  8. #23

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Charlotte, NC

    Tadaah- please address the creature feature issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Tadaaah View Post

    They require energy just like any other LTQ. They do not affect any other event that is taking place.

    You may start a new one once the time has expired.

    There are numerous threads in the General discussion area that require your immediate attention.
    First the distribution of the Jäger Mammoth through the "Creature Feature" event. The prize for the Creature Feature was the DemonESS Hunter but the Master Slayer Event is looking for the Demon Hunter.
    There is less than 4 hours left in event. Please give this your immediate attention!

    Second, the trials. Multiple guilds have complained the they are stuck at 59/60 total units and players continue to do the individual trials but will not register number 60. Please address this next.

    Thank you for your attention to these issues in advance!

  9. #24

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Milky Way
    Quote Originally Posted by Bri the Bru View Post
    You should get a life and get it fixed ****head
    If Gree is interested a Mod can pm me and i will explain the bug, so Gree can fix the "Free for All" Trials.

  10. #25
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    in your dreams
    Quote Originally Posted by GetItFixed View Post
    If Gree is interested a Mod can pm me and i will explain the bug, so Gree can fix the "Free for All" Trials.
    SIT. extra extras
    Line ID: clementine88

  11. #26

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    impressive that you would throw your entire guild under the bus.

    well done GIF.

  12. #27

    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    trials rewards

    I noticed that the rewards for completing any level trials are so much better the higher the level of the player. It seems not fair. Some lower level players have the edge during war on higher level players but with the rewards given in the trials, it will take off the fun out of it. Will there be changes in the future?

  13. #28
    Jnsolberg's Avatar
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    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by acarlylefr808 View Post
    I noticed that the rewards for completing any level trials are so much better the higher the level of the player. It seems not fair. Some lower level players have the edge during war on higher level players but with the rewards given in the trials, it will take off the fun out of it. Will there be changes in the future?
    Lol, this will help those higher level peeps who don't score very well in wars. Seems like it evens things out a little bit.
    Purple Squirrel

  14. #29

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Trials rewards

    Dear Gree,
    If you have a full chart over the 15/15 rewards on the various levels for these trials, I would appreciate very much to see this.
    Frederik / Knight of Light 'FiB'

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