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  1. #1
    Lys's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Hey, RK, err, I mean SB! Classy!

    So, there were some muted rumors going about the various chat apps (Like there always is) about another attempt at some form of boycott to protest the issues, glitches, bugs, shortened time before war, massive amounts of quests layered on like the rolls of a 700 pound woman... (like there always it) I didn't think too much about it until word reached us that RK1 was going without a single declaration this time around. With that, more people were like "Wait, really? Well hell, let's hop on board as well!"

    Imagine our surprise (READ - Not surprised at all) when once again, RK members are scattered about in SB like cheap whores on street corners in the big cities. Yup, way to stick it to GREE to make a point, hopping guilds and dumping gems like you've got the runs there. Yup, totally going to make a point there.

    Note - Those members of RK who actually stuck to their word, I applaud you. For those who went to SB, I just have one question for you... How exactly do you get that bitter taste out of your mouth after you swallow? I figure you've got to have some sort of trick for it by now.
    KA - Lys - ID 176-137-752

  2. #2
    the_bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lys View Post
    Note - Those members of RK who actually stuck to their word, I applaud you. For those who went to SB, I just have one question for you... How exactly do you get that bitter taste out of your mouth after you swallow? I figure you've got to have some sort of trick for it by now.
    Don't let them back into RK. I'm sure there are people out there with more integrity who can surely fill RKs requirements.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Did every member of Rk say they wouldn't battle? Or did the leaders decide the didn't want to?
    If people still want to battle as the boycotts never work, then I fail to see the issue.
    People are free to make there minds up to do as they wish. Many teams haven't boycotted, digging out one, when in actual fact that guild isn't on the leaderboard, isn't exactly fair.

    At the end of the day, gree do what they want. They decide on events and schedules to suit them. Nothing the players do will change that. Big company's don't let the little people dictate to them. The biggest issue is players/founders thinking they are powerful enough to force change.

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by the_bob View Post
    Don't let them back into RK. I'm sure there are people out there with more integrity who can surely fill RKs requirements.
    So does every player who is battling this war have no integrity?
    Should they all be blacklisted because they didn't do what someone else decided was best?

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by PedroPimples View Post
    So does every player who is battling this war have no integrity?
    Should they all be blacklisted because they didn't do what someone else decided was best?
    Its their money and their own call how to spend it. I don t think any player that spends from 1k up to **** each month on this game would let dictate them by someone else to stand down and not to fight.

  6. #6

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    Thank you. I completely agree. Just seems some people seem to think that these players should do what others decide rather than be allowed to make there own decisions.

  7. #7
    the_bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PedroPimples View Post
    Thank you. I completely agree. Just seems some people seem to think that these players should do what others decide rather than be allowed to make there own decisions.
    If you're agreeing with him, then I can see just how valuable your opinion is.

  8. #8
    Lys's Avatar
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    I honestly don't care what they do. I just find the irony of this situation to be amazing, especially since the understanding is that the whole no declaration was decided on as a majority within the guild. Of course, I could be wrong, but it just makes me laugh seeing the whole SB/RK butt buddies make a comeback. Most thought that was over after the whole stint of RSK guilds ended however long back.
    KA - Lys - ID 176-137-752

  9. #9
    Euchred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lys View Post
    I honestly don't care what they do.
    That's all I need to here. Fun weekend for someone who's never been number 1 before. If I didn't like Gree in the first place there's zero chance I'd still be here. All the drama is.. interesting but I'm certainly one that can live without it.

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by the_bob View Post
    If you're agreeing with him, then I can see just how valuable your opinion is.
    Well seeing as you have no basis for a disagreement other than who I do or don't agree with then you matter not.

    Give valid reasons other than because it is so obviously personal and what you say would hold more weight. As it's purely personal for you it doesn't.

    Lys if you didn't care you wouldn't of taken the time to come on here and start a thread about it.

    Euchred you love drama

  11. #11
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    in your dreams
    lol, I know who will take 3rd place next war!
    Line ID: clementine88

  12. #12

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    Dang it Pedro you have no class coming in here and making fun of this thread. HOW DARE YOU!

  13. #13
    Totalwar's Avatar
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    Been going around chat apps.

    Many condemned SB and RK for this past weekend for various reasons but now the rest of the story can be told. This past week on Monday SB lose one of the original members and very close RL friend of Sam's.

    BLOODLUST, her real name, Meredith was 32 and she loved to talk to people and the game. She passed last Monday from a complication from back surgery.

    Hate Sam or love him, his goal was to take 1st place in her memory. With the help of several of the RK members we were able to do this this weekend. Everyone in SB was asked if they wanted to take part this past weekend or step aside and take the weekend off.

    BLOODLUST was played one last time by one of her Family members and we were able to have her avatar go out as winner of a weekend event and SB spot on the map is dedicated in her name.

    May Meredith rest in peace!

    And now you know the rest of the story.

  14. #14
    Samskill's Avatar
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    R.I.P. Meredith, sadness lingers whenever I read these news.
    suggest GREE to name one of a mod with her name, think that's the lease GREE could do.

  15. #15

    Thumbs down Well said!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lys View Post
    So, there were some muted rumors going about the various chat apps (Like there always is) about another attempt at some form of boycott to protest the issues, glitches, bugs, shortened time before war, massive amounts of quests layered on like the rolls of a 700 pound woman... (like there always it) I didn't think too much about it until word reached us that RK1 was going without a single declaration this time around. With that, more people were like "Wait, really? Well hell, let's hop on board as well!"

    Imagine our surprise (READ - Not surprised at all) when once again, RK members are scattered about in SB like cheap whores on street corners in the big cities. Yup, way to stick it to GREE to make a point, hopping guilds and dumping gems like you've got the runs there. Yup, totally going to make a point there.

    Note - Those members of RK who actually stuck to their word, I applaud you. For those who went to SB, I just have one question for you... How exactly do you get that bitter taste out of your mouth after you swallow? I figure you've got to have some sort of trick for it by now.
    Well said Lys.. Glad everyone isn't so blind to what was going on.

    Pretty bad that the person meant to be looking after the interests of guilds and players alike lied to everyone to get them on board with the boycott cooked up by SB and RK. They can say they didn't know but I have screen shots to prove otherwise. Whatever respect I had for them is now gone.

    I believe the reason for RK going to SB was to stop 'filthy' (RK's words not mine) guilds like FiB from taking first while RK was drumming up good PR for themselves. I've also seen those screen shots.
    Last edited by Stormborn; 09-16-2014 at 01:29 AM.

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