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  1. #16
    danman_085's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    North Carolina

    Your case count bug opinion is flawed

    Quote Originally Posted by pick_sax View Post
    Disagree, for at least one reason.

    The tickets are close, but the issues are not fixed. There are some bugs out there which are over 2 years old. Next brief case event just watch your case count when you get a sorry, try again. You case counts is not decremented.

    I submitted the ticket 2 years ago, it was closed, and it still isn't fixed.

    so tickets are just bs! The ios energy issue. Over a year. Wonder if any open tickets on it? At last check it's still glitching.

    So many reported issues, closed tickets, and no fixes.
    If the case did NOT open, why would the case count be decreased? The case didn't open so the count should remain the same. The case does not get discarded just because it didn't open.

  2. #17
    ScrewThis's Avatar
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    The irony...

    ...of a post complaining that complaint posts should be deleted.

    You're either a complete moron or have a brilliant wit. Either way, it made my day.

  3. #18
    Tee's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    ^ What he said.

  4. #19

    Join Date
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    In Your Head
    I find it amusing that the majority of people who posted in response to my thread are the very ones cluttering up the forum with useless garbage and drivel.

    Thank you all for proving my point!
    Last edited by Evil Mastermind; 09-11-2014 at 03:52 AM.

  5. #20
    KingDante!'s Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    OH... IO!
    I visit this forum about once a month now, just to see if anything has changed...

    Nope lol

  6. #21
    KingDante!'s Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    OH... IO!

  7. #22

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    In Your Head
    Maybe all of you are correct. The forum is fine the way it is currently. Whiners and complainers are lot of fun to be around. keep it going. The rest of those still lingering around here are just trolls on a feeding frenzy (as evidenced numerous times in this thread). What I find funny is they actually THINK they are witty and entertaining. Really they just need to grow up. I guess Danimal and LarryJ are the only helpful ones left.

    Happy Moaning, Whining and Trolling!
    Last edited by Evil Mastermind; 09-11-2014 at 09:16 AM.

  8. #23

    Join Date
    May 2014
    While it would be lovely if all threads (even those stating complaints) were worded in a constructive manner, we won't be removing all threads. You may see us start cracking down on the name calling and language. The forums are a place for open discussion. We are aware that means we'll receive some negative comments. If these stay constructive, they will remain. Hopefully, we'll start to see more positive threads as well.

    Also, moving to Off-Topic as this does not relate to gameplay.

  9. #24
    Love the ten post rule before you can start a thread...this is number 4 so just ignore me.

  10. #25
    I'm done complaining and providing feedback as is a number of my other top 25 mates. Actually we are done with gree completely and based on the groups I am in, it appears to be happening more and more. I will no longer play any game with a gree logo. Lesson learned. Please boot me from this forum now. Happy gaming

  11. #26
    Can we post suggestions or are they labelled as complaints aswel ?

  12. #27
    If all complaint threads were deleted, it would include this one. Just sayin'.

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