Faction Points/Leader Board NOT WORKING - Page 6


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Thread: Faction Points/Leader Board NOT WORKING

  1. #76
    Consistent Contributor
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    Colossal eff up. With a 'hey guys it's good now' poor action plan. At least it sorta has been fixed. Anyways. Let's add this straw to the ios glitch(s), astronomical price to value of vaults, and countless other eff ups. This is likely the straw that breaks the camels back for me. Plus CoC is fun and never goes down and doesn't necessitate me spending 100+ a month (I know I'm small time but 2.5 years adds up). Sorry tadahhh you are working for a half a shady company. Gl with that

  2. #77
    Consistent Contributor
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    Morning folks, I am impressed how fast issues can be fixed!

  3. #78
    Verbose Veteran good gawd noooo's Avatar
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    I think taaadah is trying to do his job however he has yet to address what these glitches have cost the players. Dl doesn't go down cant attack other players depending on team that could be a 5k or 100k lost that cant be earned back. just like the walls issue that went on my team had 8 walls count as being used that never went up that's a lot of in game cash and thousands of bricks down the drain and for what. or walls that reappear and have to be taken down again that is a bunch of hits earning 40 points that should of earned 300+ a hit. WELL tadaahh you want us to stay classy then address all the issues how is this gonna be remedied?? What do your loyal patrons get in return for tolerating another of gree's blunders? also don't forget to address the gold users that poured actual money in trying to earn points but burned it taking down a dl for third time or droppings walls again??? I find it insulting (although at same time amusing) that you post all is fixed and we are supposed to be like ohh okay thanks that was fast don't worry about all your mistakes cost us.. How about confirmation that you are aware of what this has cost us and an idea of how gree intends on making it right?? is that too much to ask??

  4. #79
    Verbose Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by 786TRYX View Post
    Morning folks, I am impressed how fast issues can be fixed!
    Why shouldnt issues be fixed fast? gree has had a LOT of practice at fixing its stuff ups on the fly.

    I told them to stop playing with the misnamed'collect all' and do so testing, pitty thay didnt listen
    Last edited by sstuutss; 08-16-2014 at 07:32 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tadaaah View Post
    Let's set the record straight! The collect all button does not collect raided buildings for either iOS or Android!

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tadaaah View Post
    We double checked... Looks like all 'lost' points were found and returned along with Win/Loss.

    And remember:
    My individual points and wins have not returned!! It shows only 3 wins and 1000 points after 500 gold spent in battle and all hits were wins! I have no clue where I stand on individual goals or individual wins! Yes I have restarted the game several times! No, my gold wasn't returned! No, I will not participate another second until my points and wins show up where I can see them, or my gold is returned! This is beyond frustrating at this point and shameful that paying customers are treated like this!

  6. #81
    Master of Musings Agent Orange's Avatar
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    So just curious but what would be an equitable way of fixing this problem? Ok the technical issue appears to be resolved but in terms of the added cost to players? Since the game likely tracks gold spending would it not be fair to refund gold to players who were spending during the time of kaos?

    That would seem fair to me, granted in the bigger picture have everyone got the correct number of wins and losses? Gree says yay but sadly I have to confess that I don't actually believe them, considering they say certain other issues work when in fact they do not...

    Individual leaderboard for example appears to take the stats from the faction and not the individual when calculating points to next goal. Granted this is broken overall so I'm guessing folks have just resigned themselves to the fact that stuff doesn't work like me...
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