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  1. #1

    Forum Suggestions and Gree

    I got a question which I probably already know the answer too, but what the hey...

    There are some really great suggestions by players on how to improve the shortcomings of the game yet it seems like they fall on deaf ears. I really am starting to hate the "we'll bring this up to the team" line I read. Do those idiots actually read the valuable feedback here? Do they give two pickles so long as the 1% of players keep shelling out thousands of dollars?

    I actually like the game. I do. It's just a shame that the people who run it are so out of tune with their player base.

    - Epic Boss is fubar for 250 lv players

    - 24hr and now 11hr war? Great idea on the 11hr war. I'm sure those who aren't able to take advantage due to time zone locations are thrilled beyond belief. This is on top of the fact that this is just an obvious cash grab. One might say that people have the option of not participating... no one asked you.

    - No 40% gold sale for anniversary month? Since my last thread was closed... bam, in your face.

    - No access to other modifiers unless you shell out thousands of dollars and be in one of the top 5 syns? I get it's a special reward, but at least change that puppy up and let others have a chance at some of those once in a blue moon.

    - Cash weapons need a serious upgrade. The hey is up with that crap being sold in there anyway.

    - With stat inflation and the absolute worthlessness of Attk/Def stats, can we get a reset option? Or is the problem that it would allow players to reallocate wasted points into Energy and make LTQs easier to finish and put a few less dollars in your pocket? GreeDY Unicorns.

    - High level players have a legitimate gripe about doing something to reward them for playing a long time. Raise the level cap already and/or do something about making it worthwhile to level up. A player is better off stalling from getting to level 250. And to all those who say, "it's about playing your own style"... kiss a toad.

    - Maybe once in a while you could throw us some scraps and have an LTQ that doesn't require over $100 to finish. I think most players don't even bother with them anymore.

    - Can we has events that start on time? Or at least post a start time in the event list? Or maybe no time is listed because it gives Gree a buffer for screw ups.. which happens more often than not.

    - Fire your customer service staff. My last ticket got a response from an idiot who clearly didn't even read what my problem was and responded with an answer completely unrelated to the issue. It was so fail, I couldn't help but laugh.

    - The amount of glitches and technical problems this game has from event to event is mind blowing. I've played many mobile and mmo games and this is by FAR the worst when it comes to the sheer volume of technical issues. Do you hire programmers from Craigslist?

    Brb while I take a picture of my fuzzy wuzzy kitten so you can send that to your team to discuss.
    Last edited by Clementine; 08-12-2014 at 04:05 PM. Reason: Inappropriate Language, Insulting GREE Staff

  2. #2
    Dipstik's Avatar
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    Send a ticket.
    Quote Originally Posted by murf View Post
    Dippy, may be a little harsh in this thread, but he's right...
    Still mad at Bostick.

    I'll be back when the moderation is reasonable. Enjoy the forum you created, Gree.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    In before it's closed

  4. #4
    legalious's Avatar
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    Suggestions are what they are, just suggestions. Some great ideas work into the game well, while some don't. Knights and Dragons finally got a update for a Guild Raid, which other users requested this prior.

    Well I understand from a free players perspective that being top player requires $$ or 24hrs of your day.

    Technical issues take a while to finish as they have to go through processes.
    Find Error > Test Code > Make Changes > Send for Approval > Verify > Update > Go Live
    I might miss a few steps but this can take a while. Multiple groups and lots of signatures by staff go into any game change.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Dipstik View Post
    Send a ticket.
    They're discussing it

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Vancouver BC
    Awesome post I agree 100% can I also get an fuzzy wuzzy kitten pic in before you send yours in. If u really want to change things get taw and sas to not use gold this 11hr battle then they'll change their tune right quick
    Last edited by Clementine; 08-12-2014 at 04:06 PM. Reason: Inappropriate Language

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I approve this message.
    Level: Low
    Stats: Beast

    That is all....

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Revisit old LTB's

    I would like to suggest that the previous LTBs be made available for players who did not have the opportunity to purchase them when they first came out. Perhaps they were not CC players at the time or too new to take advantage of them or just didn't by them for no good reason at the time. It would be nice even if they offered them at a higher cash rate or possibly sell them for gold like the NC's and other decent gold buildings.

  9. #9
    Nighteg's Avatar
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    A bit harsh but 100% true. Too bad Tadaaah or whoever is gonna delete the post.

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighteg View Post
    A bit harsh but 100% true. Too bad Tadaaah or whoever is gonna delete the post.
    Then we'll make another.
    Level: Low
    Stats: Beast

    That is all....

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Nighteg View Post
    A bit harsh but 100% true. Too bad Tadaaah or whoever is gonna delete the post.
    As a moderator, that is his right, but to me that'd be just trying to sweep a major issue under the rug. My words might be harsh, but I think a lot of players have the same frustrations. We love the game, but there is a clear disconnect or lack of giving a weasel about what many players think.

    On top of that, it's not like many of the suggestions are far fetched or unreasonable. In fact, many of them are plain commaon sense to improve faults yet Gree either ignores it or doesn't care.

    GreeMlins, you have a game that thousand of people enjoy playing. Listen to your player base and make the game even more enjoyable.

  12. #12
    Nighteg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrapMaster View Post
    As a moderator, that is his right, but to me that'd be just trying to sweep a major issue under the rug. My words might be harsh, but I think a lot of players have the same frustrations. We love the game, but there is a clear disconnect or lack of giving a weasel about what many players think.

    On top of that, it's not like many of the suggestions are far fetched or unreasonable. In fact, many of them are plain commaon sense to improve faults yet Gree either ignores it or doesn't care.

    GreeMlins, you have a game that thousand of people enjoy playing. Listen to your player base and make the game even more enjoyable.
    You're preaching to the choir. I have been trying to get through to them since the dawn of time, but it feels like a waste of time.
    Here's a similar thread i made a while ago
    Last edited by Clementine; 08-12-2014 at 04:31 PM. Reason: Language

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Nighteg View Post
    You're preaching to the choir. I have been trying to get through to them since the dawn of time, but it feels like a waste of time.
    Here's a similar thread i made a while ago

    Perhaps it is a waste of time, but the sheer apathy shown by Gree is really amazing. I mean, if I'm in charge, my goal would be to try and improve the game while sucking money from the players so that I could drain them even more; not ruining the game while sucking money form players and having them leave.

    It's too bad, this game is actually somewhat enjoyable to me. Golf clap to you Gree.

  14. #14

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I hope gree will take some of those suggestions into consideration. Would really make the game more enjoyable.

  15. #15
    Simon.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camper View Post
    I would like to suggest that the previous LTBs be made available for players who did not have the opportunity to purchase them when they first came out. Perhaps they were not CC players at the time or too new to take advantage of them or just didn't by them for no good reason at the time. It would be nice even if they offered them at a higher cash rate or possibly sell them for gold like the NC's and other decent gold buildings.
    Umm...they're LTBs (limited Time Buildings)...not RLTBs (Recurring Limited Time Buildings)...The limited time is Up!!!

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