Aussie Paladins are recruiting new players. 3 slots are available.
We ranked #79 in the last war.

What we ask is daily partecipation to the game, installing Line on your device as chat app,
scoring at least 20k cp in war. Especially we ask participation in all the GLTQ.

We are a team, we have to work as a team.

Our bonuses

Casuality rate: -23%
Health regen: -19%
Energy regen: +5%
Building upgrade cost: -26%
Building upgrade time: -40%
Infantry defense: +25%
Magic defense: +15%
Machine defense: +10%
Beast defense: +5%
Infantry attack: +10%
Magic attack: +5%
Member increase: +32

If you are interested to join us, send me a pvt message with your ID, Level, attac and defense.

Kaylua (ID: 201-543-686)