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  1. #76

    Angry Unanswered questions

    Gree seems to not want to reply to my message about how if u wanna sell a building you can,& get ure money back from it,why not have that option on valor units,since a bunch of us players spent tons of valor on ****ty units,were good,til they came out with new ones....there not smart enough too implicate this???? Or too lazy

  2. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by OwainCymro View Post
    The building is not supposed to add 500k to your overall defence. It is supposed to add another 500k to your defence when people raid that building of yours. Similarly defence buildings give a boost to a certain area, not a boost to your whole defence stats.

    I'm surprised you even saw a 24k defence boost, which doesn't make sense.

    I thought about that, but why add such a high defense stat to a building that has such a poor payout? I'm not complaining, just trying to make a good decision about how valuable this building is in my individual plan. The defense buildings show a ring which lets you see how far their influence extends, since I dont see that with this building my assumption is that the stat is building specific and doesnt extend to nearby buildings (which would have made this a very interesting building).

    Who knows, maybe this trend will continue with the next buildings. Making the buildings harder to rob, especially by adding such a high invisible def value would go a long way towards helping to counter the massive stat inflation and the absolute inabilty to protect your base.

  3. #78

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Seriously guys, I'm just gonna say what Gree is thinking but won't come out and say.

    We need buildings that benefit all players, not just the ones who have been playing for infinity years and already have all the fancy toys (and have paid infinity dollars). It's all or nothing for this game - either you make it fun for all or it's fun for nobody.

  4. #79
    Whining, whining, whining, to expensive, to cheap, not fully in the water or what ever, if you don't like it, don't buy it😎

  5. #80
    Web323's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    so for me maximum payout every 48 hours will be roughly 86 million.

    Derek of iDelph

    iDelph faction code: 792-952-652

  6. #81

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by e.. View Post
    Whining, whining, whining, to expensive, to cheap, not fully in the water or what ever, if you don't like it, don't buy it��
    very well said!

  7. #82

    Join Date
    May 2013
    It is absolutely insane hoe many people complaing about the stupidest things man. WHat kind of building is coming. Hoe much does it cost. WHere is it. DOEs it fit. Whats the iph. WHat time does it come out. WHy so cheap. Why so much. COme on man. WAIT! when the building finally makes it out, whether on time or not, decide if you want it or not. Theres no need to come on here and complain for hours and seconds about every little thing man. Maybe Gree isnt perfect. We obviously know they have screwed up in the past. But for petes sake, the odds of making over 5 million people happy every time an event or building come out is slim to none. Get a grip people. Its a damn game! Stop damn complaining over every damn thing!

  8. #83
    Upgrading to level 10 gives a bonus unit of +5% ground defense. This may be a silly question, but if you upgrade two of these buildings to level 10, does the bonus stack? Will it end up giving you +10% ground defense?

  9. #84

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr TAS View Post
    Upgrading to level 10 gives a bonus unit of +5% ground defense. This may be a silly question, but if you upgrade two of these buildings to level 10, does the bonus stack? Will it end up giving you +10% ground defense?
    You will get only one unit. So there is no bonus to stack.
    You get units with passing LTQ by building and upgrading building (s). Once 1st building is upgraded to level 10, LTQ is finished and there is no goal to upgrade 2nd building.

  10. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Annihilator2 View Post
    You will get only one unit. So there is no bonus to stack.
    You get units with passing LTQ by building and upgrading building (s). Once 1st building is upgraded to level 10, LTQ is finished and there is no goal to upgrade 2nd building.
    Thank you for your response. Appreciate it.

  11. #86
    If I build a second one, will I get the 500k def from that too?

  12. #87

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Hey Commanders,

    First, let us apologize for any confusion made by posting the building defense. We can understand why there is some confusion as we don’t normally post this information.

    We’ve spoken with our game designers and other teams; all buildings, in fact, do have a base defense.

    In order to set the record straight, we do want to reiterate that all buildings do have a base defense. The LE Building does not function as a defense building, or as a special unit with a specific defense boost. The base defense provided by this building, and all money buildings is invisible and you will not see it listed in your bonuses or a s a visible increase in stats. It does add to your defense to help protect you from raids.

    We have not published this information to players previously, but we are in discussions about possible ways to display this in the future.

    Again, we apologize for the confusion and thank you all for your understanding.

  13. #88
    What are the upgrade costs for this LE building?

    I can understand the top players views on this building, but us low level players love it. Most of my faction has built 2. First building in a long time that we could actually afford.

  14. #89
    Expect 100 times lvl 1 price for the lvl 10 upgrade, so give or take 300m, Total 1 to 10 give or take 1B without the upgrade discount. Raided a lvl 10 already earlier today for 9.6m

  15. #90

    Cant build robotics

    Hey everyone. I cannot build the SEAL building any advice?

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