Gree Police? ... Or are We... THE LAST LINE OF DEFENSE - Page 8


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Thread: Gree Police? ... Or are We... THE LAST LINE OF DEFENSE

  1. #106
    Steady Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by One man army View Post
    I'm a troll for having an opinion? Wtf, bro you obviously need to goto school if you think having an opinion is trolling.
    having an opinion that says hacking is ok and saying going for first place in a competitive game, trolls just want to create friction and support the wrong side, I oblige debating but when it comes to hacking, come on, what you think your making sense,

  2. #107
    Articulate Author
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    I think his point is valid. You chose and still choose to outspend the hacker. You are just as much at fault for the increase by supporting that. Stop spending until they get it together. SUP threatened a boycott right before war before and look how quick they jumped. Do it again, or aren't you all ready for the quick actions they put forth the last time?
    Nemo me impune Lacessit

  3. #108
    Master of Musings
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    Danger, sounds like you're upset with the way the game is run. That's up to gree. Sup in no way makes the rules, as I stated, this game would be much different, and enjoyable of we did. I think what you said makes the point I've been saying all along. You want to be competitive in the game. That's relative. If you mean competitive, at the top, that's never going to happen. Not as long as the game is about making money on grees part. They don't do it for free. They only way to change that is to make it a game that you pay once, and no on game purchases. Then you might have issues with the older players that had time to develope their bases,armies etc, but again, that's not those players faults. They didn't cause that, and why would you feel you should have the ability to be competitive in either of those cases. There are games that your performance is based soley on your ability to master the game. It sounds like you might be happier with a game like that. Pick your game based in the what kind of play you'd like to see. Don't expect the creators of the game now to your wishes. They have thousands of people all wanting so thing a bit different. My point that was that you were upset with the big spenders, because they keep you from being able to play at the top. So just how far down does everyone have to stop playing, before you can be competitive? That's totally unrealistic.

  4. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by One man army View Post
    All these sup players are coming out of the wood works just to defend what little honor they have left. It's sad that almost the whole community doesn't agree with them. Like I said before if your number 1 why give a **** if people are hacking your still number one so it doesn't matter sup players don't have the right to complain. For the simple fact of the being at the top
    After this post, you are probably mentally challenged and we should give you a lay up, we are one of the biggest groups that get to complain, unlike you who probably plays for free or cycles through the apps to get free gold, we pay for ours, we work hours during the week, we run businesses, we have careers,

    we do not in our lives look how to cheat and find ways to score points for free, your supports for this is really disappointing, why would you be mad that a person counters to you why you support the hacking? on a one on one like you said we don't have "the right" to complain, it affects us more than anyone in the game unless you score the same pts. you cant say this

  5. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by One man army View Post
    In all honestly I could put up with hackers. And like I said before its a ****ing opinion *****. Your not a troll for having what god so rightfully gave you. And it didn't go off topic the topic slowly progressed how Hackers still exist and how SUP players want to get rid of them. Remember when you guys faced a guy that had 800mill defense you guys were outraged. For people that spend 10k to get over 300k gold whining like little kids is ridiculous because it only takes 50 gold to take him out. That's doesn't hurt you in the slightest. And stop pointing out trolls when your a troll yourself.... A troll to this community.

    I BET YOU COULD lol, your probably talking about yourself hahaha

    that's the difference between SUP and many good honest teams in the game, they DO NOT allow hackers.

    and again your notion it doesn't hurt us when it hurts us most by driving the cost of the game up, again you live on the wrong notion of what it does.

  6. #111
    Master of Musings
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    Screwy, you've made it quiet clear who and what you are. This thread is soley about trying to do something g about cheating. Since sup gets accused so much of doing just that, we are willing to make the point that we will accept the same investigation and scrutiny as anyone else. We have nothing to be afraid of, and I'm willing to write that check anytime. Yes, in reality the other teams do need to agree to this. I won't go I to the technical reasons here, but for the most accurate results that has to be something they agree to.

  7. #112
    Articulate Author SimplyminiMW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speed ump View Post
    Screwy, you've made it quiet clear who and what you are. This thread is soley about trying to do something g about cheating. Since sup gets accused so much of doing just that, we are willing to make the point that we will accept the same investigation and scrutiny as anyone else. We have nothing to be afraid of, and I'm willing to write that check anytime. Yes, in reality the other teams do need to agree to this. I won't go I to the technical reasons here, but for the most accurate results that has to be something they agree to.

    It was proven that SUP had hackers. How interesting that gree runs a script and SUP cuts down to one team and their second team changes name & drops to light gold.
    You guys are totally fully of yourselves, for no reason.

  8. #113
    Articulate Author
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    No offense but, I'd be a little skeptical myself if this company to police the game was hired by the overall number one faction in the game. Makes it seem they would be a little biased for sure. Do you really feel that would be ok?
    Nemo me impune Lacessit

  9. #114
    Articulate Author
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimplyminiMW View Post
    It was proven that SUP had hackers. How interesting that gree runs a script and SUP cuts down to one team and their second team changes name & drops to light gold.
    You guys are totally fully of yourselves, for no reason.
    I agree. It didn't seem to slow OSW much, they actually reclaimed second place again I believe.

    If I'm wrong I'll edit my post.
    Nemo me impune Lacessit

  10. #115
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    The more everyone runs there mouth about sup cheating the more we allow other members in other factions get by doing the same thing that people accuse sup of doing. Don't focus on sup, focus on cheaters. I could care less if the cheaters are from sup, seal team six, redrum or any other faction in this game. The fact is people spend money on this game and if people are going to hack or have hackers help them then they need to be brought out so everyone knows and then they need to be banned from the game. The biggest problem in this game is gree. When you show them proof that people are cheating they email you back a bull crap message and nothing happens to the person. Right now I am in a faction that has a couple of hackers in it. I have turned them in and nothing has been done about it. Even though I have spent a lot of money and time to help the faction to be as good as it is I am starting to feel like I am the one that has to leave the faction. Why should I have to leave a faction that is allowing a couple of cheater come in to help make them better when I play this game the way that I am supposed to play it. Gree you need to start doing your job and start taking care of the people that are cheating.

  11. #116
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    I only know about the hipocrisy and double standards that permeates the entire culture of GREE.

    "We do not provide any refunds for units purchased with gold"

    that's the sorry excuse of a template reply I received for my request of a refund when I mistakenly purchased 100 sea units using 2450 gold during the frontline event. No "confirm purchase" screen was activated. Just immediate deduction of 2450 gold due to one single click of that "buy 100 sea units" button which was placed so darn close to the "ground unit deployment".

    However, in my not too distant memory, GREE mistakenly put up for sale a 6K attack air unit for just 1 gold. We all know what transpired thereafter. They removed all purchased units and REFUNDED our gold almost immediately upon realizing their screw up.

    So there you go, hipocrisy at its best. Morality in decay.

    How you folks working for GREE and dishing out such ridiculous answers without even any tinge of conscience is beyond me. Get your principles and morale values in check guys.

    It is that permanent contradiction between your ideas and desires and all the dead formalities and vain pretenses of your institution which makes you sad, troubled and unbalanced. In that intolerable conflict you lose all joy of life and feeling of personality, because at every moment they suppress and restrain and check the free play of your logical thoughts. That's the poisoned and mortal wound of the company you work for - GREE.

  12. #117
    Steady Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrewThis View Post
    LOL. Razors, I see you flamed just about everyone here who doesn't agree win you. Are you an infant? Because only infants do that. But sadly your reaction was entirely expected. You are clearly one of the bleating sheep I mentioned, trying to create enough noise to drum out everyone else. It is obvious to everyone what you do. You contribute nothing and just try to shoot people down. At least speedy engages in thoughtful discussion, even though we may often disagree.

    Anyway, I was interested to see you reply to my post but ONLY to come to the glorious defence of SUP. "How dare anyone post something negative about such a splendid faction? All trolls, I say, off with their heads!" Yes, you are very transparent. Why don't you deal with the substance of my post? Which I will summarise for you neatly as follows:

    1. SUP says, it is no-one's business how people spend their money. Stop pointing fingers.
    2. SUP then asks OSW to split the cost of an independent firm to weed out hackers.
    3. OSW refused said offer, preferring to spend their cash the way they choose to.
    4. Now SUP says, the inference we all need to draw is OSW is full of hackers. Nothing else.

    First, it can't get more hypocritical than that. Spend your money like you want, provided it is how SUP wants you to spend it. LOL, LOL, LOL!!! Have you ever read Animal Farm? The analogies are becoming striking.

    Second, I'm sure OSW pays Gree shed loads of money already to provide a quality product. It isn't their responsibility to police the game. Or yours. Or mine. If you want to get Gree to do anything, why don't you do what you did last time and threaten not to play with us this weekend, see what happens.

    Third, I am pretty sure the original post only wanted to accuse OSW of hacking or condoning hacking. In which case, straight TOS violation.

    Fourth, I am equally sure the original poster won't get banned even though others get banned for lesser infringements. I wonder why that is always the case.

    Fifth, and I know this is just theoretical, just how would this independent company work? Won't they need access to Gree servers? So isn't your whole suggestion a bit pointless, as I just cannot see any tech company like Gree admit they can't solve something as basic as this without having to call in the cavalry?

    Sixth, I am convinced you will not respond with reason, and only call me a troll because that seems to be your default setting when anyone says something that remotely sounds like logic - but doesn't favour SUP. Buddy, I don't care about SUP and I don't hate them either. I am ambivalent (That means I don't feel anything positive or negative towards them). I care about my own faction and I care about this game to which I am addicted. I also like to point out hypocrisy when I see it on this forum. And I still wonder, what was the point of the original post other than to create unrest on the forum through misplaced accusations?

    So, Razors, fire away. Let's see how you respond to this.

    actually I was defending honest Play, whatever team you play for Honest Play is what I defend, if SUP is an honest team and has honest play then I will stand up for them and if teams in the 4000 rank are honest I will also be supportive of their drive to play with no hackers or cheats

    per your points

    1. Its not my business how you spend your money I agree up to the point if it is to purchase a hacked game and put it in the arena I play well then it becomes all our business to find you and remove you.
    2. I don't know much about that, you can ask this to the person who posted it, this is his business.
    3. again you can ask them that, this is not my business
    4. there is no inference, a few WD ago OSW had around 1/3 of their team removed for hacked games, this is a FACT, its proven and its not an inference. (I want to state that maybe OSW and their leaders didn't know that they were a rat fest of hacked games, but this is where you can make your Inference)

    ** I can define the word inference and I can define the word Fact if you like

    Moving on to your un numbered points:

    both SUP and OSW spend a lot of money per their choice I agree.

    Why would the original poster get banned or even considered being banned, what did he do wrong? you cant just ban people to ban them, a direct correlation to the act of banning only happens when the action that was wrong is committed with your account being so new from this past month and you having 104 posts, what were you banned for before.

    Well your last 2 sentences are mute and wrong I did respond and I responded with facts and not opinion and you should learn the definition of inferences and facts, all your points and assumptions as you wrote your theory on were really bad inferences, I can define any word you want if you are stuck.

    I really enjoyed the response you gave and especially my counter it, it tickled me pink with pleasure.

  13. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ajk View Post
    I agree. It didn't seem to slow OSW much, they actually reclaimed second place again I believe.

    If I'm wrong I'll edit my post.
    your correct they got second, but only reason this happened is SUP had some weathered members who have moved on and retired and their team is one working unit, OSW because of some really good people retiring got second, but this is the only reason this happened, OSW had nothing to do with it.

  14. #119
    Steady Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimplyminiMW View Post
    It was proven that SUP had hackers. How interesting that gree runs a script and SUP cuts down to one team and their second team changes name & drops to light gold.
    You guys are totally fully of yourselves, for no reason.
    who? your very mistaken my friend, this is not the reason for one team. none of your sentence is true, sup had people that retired, they are playing gold free, all those accounts are still in game. and because of the friendship most retired together, it happened the WD before the script was run and Gree caught all the cheaters, there is not one game that was removed from Sup. maybe this is why you guys are all off base with the comments, you still see them in the game.

  15. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jannski View Post
    I completely agree with screw this. Don't care about any faction's fight, but this does seem hypocritical on the surface. ... And who in their right mind would go into partnership on anything with someone or an entity they don't trust? I'd work on earning trust first? ( Probably not possible in this fued.) That leaves a ton of reasonable doubt for me against the OP's case.

    ... And mouse I know you keep getting comments fired back acknowledging half your point. I get what you're saying. It's not like the leaderboard in pac man where everyone paid their quarter and skill at playing the game got you to the top. ...thus earning admiration from others for the ability a player has to earn that spot.

    The way this game is structured someone with a ton of cash could buy their way to the top even if they had bad strategy... so no skill required, just strategy makes it a less expensive climb.

    Please don't misunderstand me. I wouldn't pretend to be on the inside of any top ranked factions' strategy and I'm sure it's a mix of cash and streamlined strategy to somewhat control spending.... But it's the fact that cash has more weight than actual strategy in this game that undermines everyone's achievements.

    That's the part of mouse's point I think got missed.
    Screwy is obvious a member of one of the 2 groups being discussed and we know he isn't in SUP. the entity was never in question by either, it was the point that they didn't want it because they knew it would catch them. in the end they got caught and almost 1/3 of their team was banned from game.

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