Hi GREE!!!
Hopeful you'll listen to us.
1. Could GREE please add a Water LE next cycle and possibly give it some "amazing" payout and bonus for reaching Lvl 10 on it? Not only would you catch everyone off guard but because if that you would also get lots of people to spend Gold( aka real money) to finish expansions and finish the upgrades to Lvl 10.
2. Could GREE please make the valor rewards from fighting and robbing worth it? Instead of some 20 valor or whatever it is could you make it 100?
3. Could GREE please add some Health Regen units in the next LTQ or something?
4. Could GREE please add some Building Time bonuses or units in the next LTQ or cycle?
5. Could GREE possibly add a Valor building that's gives out valor.