Whats being done about players with units they shouldn't have - Page 2


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Thread: Whats being done about players with units they shouldn't have

  1. #16
    Consistent Contributor
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    Would prefer the refund!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pidgeot View Post
    I still see players with units from the higher ranks and many copies of them. I thought this was going to be fixed. This is making a huge difference in raid-able matchups as well as WD.
    Pidgeot - Personally I would prefer the refund of my 1,000,000 valor for the dragon commander plane. At 600K/600K it's much worse than the 980K/840K I would have gotten for buying 28 Tech F2 Lightning with the same 1M valor. Or the 1.16M/996K I would have gotten using that valor as part of buying a 50-pack of Tech F2s.

    The big a** plane looks cool - but it was actually a really bad use of 1M valor. Oh well.

    Now, maybe if you are looking to raid players who have already maxed out 3,000 units with Growlers I can see how having access to the top units would make a difference. But it sure wouldn't make much difference, since if you had 3,000 Growlers, each dragon plane is worth about 20 extra Growlers - or just 0.7%

    Not the "huge difference" you describe in your original post.

  2. #17
    Prominent Poet Pidgeot's Avatar
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    It does make a huge difference when most players dont have hundreds of millions if stats, when you get raided by players who can only raid you because they have 2+ of each unit awarded to top ranked players. Its not fair to be losing to players who should not have them and based on what boost those players have, each 600k jet they have could be worth millions.

    Also, stop down rating threads, its annoying.

  3. #18
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    A lot of people are getting Valor and gold units the same way they are getting cheap gold. They send there account to a guy and he adds what ever units they want. He was adding buildings for people as well. I have informed gree about it but of course nothing has been done about it.

  4. #19
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    The answer to you question is nothing. SO shh and keep spending those $$$

  5. #20
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    players have been reported

    Quote Originally Posted by Tardavic View Post
    We are aware of additional of these "valor" units in players' inventories, and having to go in individually as we receive these reports and remove them.

    We are doing the best we can to address this matter, and we do appreciate you reporting this.
    Tardavic in all due respect these players are running wild with the units. I have reported three alone going back to mid May they STILL have the units as of today and I see more today. the players I reported are as followed:

    ACE level 231 (at the last WD) has 2
    Jackson level 264 (at the last WD) has 1
    Alex level 300 (at the last WD) has 1
    Mr. Freeze level 300 (at the last WD) has 3

    It is hard to accept the response "your going through the reports" when the reports are falling on deaf ears. I can provide the numerous tickets numbers sent to Gree in May if you private message me. I provided to Gree level, rank, nation, name, and amount of illegal planes. The response from gree I got was: I needed to provide the Ally code so they could look up the alleged player.
    Last edited by superAfro; 06-26-2014 at 12:38 PM.

  6. #21
    Verbose Veteran
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    another example of grees well thought out setup. Do you want then to ban all 300lvl alex's? So send a report.... but the reports are a waste of time because they cant find the player from the report lol

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