1. #4711

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Recruiting for SBE is now in full effect. We are looking for dedicated and loyal players from across the world to join us in our friendly and easy going faction. We are hoping that some of you who are tired of spending thousands in the top are willing to cut back and enjoy the game again. We all have lives outside the game but want to enjoy as well! We come top 400 in wd and operate dockbot in Groupme.

    Recruiting room:

    Health regen: max
    Ground attack: 10
    Infantry attack: 15
    Infantry defense: max
    Ground defense:25
    Air defense: 20
    Sea defense: 15
    Building defense: 35
    Building output: 15
    Guild increase: 24

    Click on the recruiting link now and talk to us!

  2. #4712

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    True gumps recruiting
    True gumps want you

    We are a new faction which has only been around for a short while.
    We finished in 850s in full assault and 1100s in Armenia
    FINISHED TOP 750 in ZAMBIA and Greece.
    We have 26 active players and have 5 spot open.

    Ideally looking for players in Far East but open for world wide players.
    Min WD 20k
    Gold not an issue
    Stats min a+d 15million.

    Bonuses so far.

    Health regen max
    Infantry attac. +15%
    Infantry def. Max
    Ground def. Max
    Ground atta. +10%
    Air def. +25%
    Sea def. +20%
    Building def. Max
    Cash bonus. +25%
    Guild +12
    Air attack +5%

    If you are looking for a fun open active faction give us a try.
    We use LINE APP

    Faction code. 348-718-246
    We have 5spots.

  3. #4713
    danman_085's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    North Carolina
    Hello, I'm Colonel Spencer, leader of CHAOS Empire Alpha Regiment. Check us out! Faction ID# 126-687-675. We are looking for dedicated daily players willing to contribute during peace time and during wartime. We are diplomatic about decisions, but we enjoy having fun & playing the game! Stand up and fight with us.

    Requirements: 50k WD points, 5X IPH daily donations, minimum stats of 75m, participation in ALL faction events & use of GroupMe.

    Here's our faction bonuses:

    Casualty Red.: 4 of 7 +20%
    Health Regen: 7 of 7 +35%
    Ground Attack: 6 of 7 +30%
    Air Attack: 4 of 7 +20%
    Infantry Attack: 7 of 7 +35%
    Sea Attack: 3 of 7 +15%
    Infantry Defense: 7 of 7 +35%
    Ground Defense: 7 of 7 +35%
    Air Defense: 7 of 7 +35%
    Sea Defense: 7 of 7 +35%
    Building Defense: 7 of 7 +35%
    Building Output: 7 of 7 +35%
    Guild Increase +38

    Previous WD finishes:

    Netherlands 101
    Cuba 48
    Chile 53
    Turkey 105
    Finland 111
    Mongolia 150
    Armenia 126
    Zambia 113
    Greece 78

    We are headed in the right direction, come & join the CHAOS!!! My GroupMe name is Colonel Spencer & my email address is danman0085@gmail.com. Please ask if you have any questions.

  4. #4714
    We Fight All Top 25/50 is recruiting

    What we're looking for:

    • Active player/Communicate with the Team
    • Stat 400M Def
    • 75k War Domination Points
    • Donation 20 Mil daily
    • Folder donation minimum depends if there's a Masters Raid Boss Level
    • Must be active in all faction events
    • Must use Line app main communication/GroupMe for Dockbot

    (SS of WD points from previous war)

    **We Finish All Faction Events**
    We also Finish Masters Raid Boss

    Faction Bonuses:

    Casualty Rate14%
    Health Regen -30%(maxed)
    Ground Attack +35%(maxed)
    Air Attack +25%
    Infantry Attack +35%(maxed)
    Sea Attack +20%
    Ground Defense +35 (maxed)
    Air Defense +35%(maxed)
    Sea Defense +35%(maxed)
    Building Defense +35%(maxed)
    Building Output +35%(maxed)
    Guild Member Increase +40(maxed)

    You must join a fun group, we work together as a team..
    Faction Invite Code 464-140-541
    Pm me if you're interested on Line chat my ID is l7230 just copy and paste my ID

  5. #4715

    Cool DeathB4Dishonor, Top 150

    Who we are:
    Tired of not finishing events and begging your faction members to do their part? We are a world-wide top 175 (173 and 164 last two wars) faction looking for a couple of qualified candidates such as yourself to join our team.

    What we want:
    Use of LINE chat app, Faction LTQs participation, 35K WD points and a minimum weekly donation of $50M (stronger players are expected give more) are our MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. You can't have fun in this game dragging dead weight.

    What to do:
    If you are that active daily player who meets our minimum requirements, just copy/paste Invite Code: 276200759 to request to be part of our team, or PM me.

    What we have:
    Health Regen MAX, All Defense MAX, Ground Attack +20%, Infantry Attack +30%, Building Output +25%, Sea Attack +10%, Air Attack +15%, Casualty Reduction 10% and Guild Member Increase of +38.

  6. #4716

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Faction Recruitng Information

    North American Forces
    880 706 653

    A well organized faction is recruiting highly active players
    we like having fun but we take faction events very serious
    so that we can finish them. So we can all boost our stats
    the best we can.
    We finish all faction events.
    We have Alliances that are in top 50-150 ramks.
    So finishing faction events usually isn’t a problem
    We are a feeder faction to the top 50 team. So there
    is always some where to go if you qualify.
    We are looking to keep the players stats as even as possible
    between each other so the opponents don’t have to many
    targets. But we do have some minis/LLP that help out in various
    events depending on event when they are allowed to be in faction.
    We also have a feeder for N.A.F. That’s where we send mini’s
    and LLPs when there not being utilized to help N.A.F.
    also that’s where accounts go when they have personal issues
    in life that they cant be considered active but once they
    are active again they can come back with out going through
    the faction requirements again.
    Gold not required but is very appreciated.
    Attack divided by the level = Attack ratio = AR.
    Defense divide by the level = Defense ratio = DR.
    Line is our main outside communication app.
    We do have a GroupMe room only for recruiting though.

    Faction Requirements:
    (Use Line app for communication)
    Be active
    Participate in all faction events
    Follow instructions from the leader/officers
    Respect all faction members
    Attack or Defense ratio needs to be higher then AR.225k +/ DR.300k+
    25k minimum Wdp
    Defense Leader- at least 75-100m
    Scouts- at least 30-80m
    Wall Bangers- Depends on ratio
    PA-DL Squad- minis
    Attackers (4) Points- All the above (Everyone)

    Faction Bonuses:
    Casualty Rate: -5%
    Health Regen Time: -30%
    Ground Attack: +20%
    Air Attack: +15%
    Infantry Attack: +25%
    Sea Attack: +10%
    Infantry Defense: +35%
    Ground Defense: +35%
    Air Defense: +35%
    Sea Defense: +35%
    Building Defense: +35%
    Building Output: +30%
    Guild Member Incease: +32

    Leader is Active 24/7

    Line info ID:
    ID: bLgtex
    ID: minitex

    GroupMe Recruiting Room:
    You're invited to our group 'North American Forces Recruiting Room' on GroupMe. Click here to join: https://groupme.com/join_group/8657888/SiumCD

  7. #4717
    Over 30 Spots open in well developed faction with great bonuses! Bring your faction over. Lots of room!
    Seal Team 7
    Faction Code: 645-479-249

    Guild Increase: +38
    Infantry Defense: +35%
    Ground Defense: +35%
    Air Defense: +35%
    Sea Defense: +35%
    Building Defense: +35%
    Building Output: +35%
    Health Regen Time: -30%
    Infantry Attack: +30%
    Ground Attack: +25%
    Air Attack: +20%
    Sea Attack: +15%
    Casualty Rate: -19%

  8. #4718

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Saskatchewan, Canada
    We currently have 12 spots open and are open to a mini merger.

    Faction Name: Babylon 5
    Leader: KevLar306
    Invite Code: 508958722

    Casualty rate: -10%
    Health Regen: -30% max
    Ground Attack: +25%
    Air Attack: +20%
    Infantry Attack: +30%
    Sea Attack: +10%
    Infantry Defense: +35% max
    Ground Defense: +35% max
    Air Defense: +35% max
    Sea Defense: +25%
    Building Defense: +35% max
    Building Output: +30%
    Guild Member Increase: +34

    Our faction is looking for active players with strong stats and strong economies. We expect members to make daily contributions and to be active on the faction forum and GroupMe so we can keep the lines of communication open and coordinate effectively. If you are looking to join a fun, friendly, competitive faction, come check us out.
    Faction Name: Babylon 5
    Invite Code: 508958722

    Greece: #437 Zambia: #498
    Armenia: #437 Mongolia: #319 Findland: #396
    Turkey: #482 Chile: #467 Cuba: #418
    Netherlands: #553 Italy: #627 Mexico: #485
    France: #284 India: #366 Canada: #352
    Australia: #340 Poland: #355 Madagascar: #431
    Columbia: #251 Ireland: #162 China: #485
    Egypt: #345 Greenland: #285 Brazil: #201

  9. #4719

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Join 'WRECking CREW'! Our Invitation code is: 211-138-952

    Now seeking active players who can help in FLTQ's and Boss events!

    Last 5 WD: Mongolia 431, Armenia 682, Zambia 771, Greece 524, Jakarta (24h) 441

    Boosts as of 13 June 2014
    • 35% Faster Health Regen
    • 25% More Cash from Buildings
    • 35% More DEF from Buildings
    • 35% More DEF from Infantry
    • 35% More DEF from Ground
    • 35% More DEF from Air
    • 30% More DEF from Sea
    • 25% More ATK from Infantry
    • 20% More ATK from Ground
    • 10% More ATK from Air
    • 5% More ATK from Sea
    • 36/46 Members

    • Mix of gold and free players.
    • Regular donation to faction is required based on your IPH or def. Required but flexible.
    • Minimum stats 10mil/10mil.
    • Minimum WD points 10k.

    Seeking only active players! Our core comes from USA, but we also have an established "Night Crew" of European players!

    Please contact one of our officers in MW or myself in IMO (username Anzi The Panzzi).
    COBRA F1

  10. #4720
    robmurphy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Welcome to the Black Sheep Squadron

    We are a very strong Top 150 faction looking for very strong recruits to consolidate our position and look to help us drive forward.

    We have a 100M minimum stat requirement (unless the candidate can prove they are a high scorer in WD events). We have lots of players over 100M, several over 400M and our DL is over 500M.

    Our faction bonuses are completely maxed out. We will be creating seats for new recruits by transferring some of our lower stats players (and a few second/third accounts) to either our feeder faction, our camper faction or our reserve faction.

    We have finished every event over the past several months.

    We have no gold requirements although we have several players who spend one or more vaults. Our average WD points is around 50,000, but again we have several members who score way above 100,000. The minimum WD points we require are 30,000. For specialist Gold players the minimum requirement is 75,000 WD points.

    Our success comes from superb planning. We have strategy documents for every event and our very well structured and experienced Officer Cadre drive the team through. Each event carries minimum partition levels players much meet, these are not harsh, but we need to ensure everyone does their part.

    We operate and communicate through several Palringo rooms. There is a strong social side to the faction, but we get very serious when events start. If you would like to learn more, please give me a PM.

    If you have a mini that you need to bring with you and it's ITRO 25M+, we could look to place it in our reserve faction if you wish.

    Come and help us break into the Top 100



  11. #4721

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I'm looking for a strong group that would like to fight for top25, I could have 7/8 spot open:

    I'm the Swiss leader of a great top35 faction, Texas. We finish easily all the faction events and ranked also always on top40 on Full Assault events. Most of my guys here are from USA but we have also 10 europeans and 6 asians. We are strong, loyal and organized, only active players, no freeloaders and no minis. Most of us are gold users and we have accomplished all faction events. A great core of guys and vary dedicated to improving every day. So if you decide to consider the Texans as your new home you won't be disappointed. Texas: invite code 667597272
    We use Kakao Talk, well help set you up.

    Our bonuses are:
    + 35% Infantry Def
    + 35% Ground Def
    + 35% Air Def
    + 30% Sea def
    + 30% Infantry Att
    + 25% Ground Att
    + 15% Air Att
    + 10% Sea Att
    + 35% Building Def
    + 25% Building Output
    +15% Casualty Reduction
    Max Health Regen Time
    +38 Guild member Increase

    We are looking for few strong and dedicated players, to grow togheter, stay steadily in top25 and enjoy this game. We are a kind of virtual family so only mature and loyal players will be accepted, no 18 years old over excited or too chatty.
    To join us you need at least 80/90M Att stats, but also negotiable on lvl. minimum score 80k WDP, be active and an expert MW player. If you think this is for you let me know on Kakao Talk App, my ID: Bancodilugano

  12. #4722

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    SBE is top 400 and wants you!

    Recruiting for SBE is now in full effect. We are looking for dedicated and loyal players from across the world to join us in our friendly and easy going faction. We are hoping that some of you who are tired of spending thousands in the top are willing to cut back and enjoy the game again. We all have lives outside the game but want to enjoy this game as well!

    Recruiting room:

    Health regen: max
    Ground attack: 10
    Infantry attack: 15
    Infantry defense: max
    Ground defense: 30
    Air defense: 20
    Sea defense: 15
    Building defense: max
    Building output: 15
    Guild increase: 24

  13. #4723

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Strike Force (Top 250/400 Faction) are looking for new upcomers.

    We have a Top 1500 faction and a Top 4000 faction, we are looking for some established newbies to join our Top 4000 team and looking for a good start with ties to a Top 250/400 faction.

    We ask that you are an active daily player and must have the group chat app 'Line'.

    Faction code is in signature.
    Awesome Beavers - 299 025 375 - Max Bonuses - Top 100 Faction - Top 25 Division - Must have 'Line'.

    Strike Force - 149 485 238 - Top 500
    Zamperini's Hero's - 243 199 821 - Top 1000

  14. #4724

    Join Heat Faction

    Invite code 865705566. Need active players

  15. #4725

    Rival is recruting

    We are recruiting!

    We are pretty laid back faction, just cleared out inactive players, leaving only committed and active players, so we are actually now smaller and stronger. We are looking for active players who wants to grow and have fun doing it, does not matter if you just started. Our criteria are simple:

    - wants to have fun
    - be active
    - donate regularly
    - download and communicate on LINE

    We are top 1000 and have following bonuses:

    Health Regen time: +35%
    ground attack: +10%
    air attack: +5%
    infantry attack: + 15%
    infantry def: +35%
    ground def: +25%
    air def: +20%
    sea def: +15%
    building def: +25%
    building output: +15%
    guild member increase: +22

    If you want to enjoy the game with us, we welcome you to join us and kick some ass together. Join us at 152 809 851. We are on LINE, add me at ahnan83

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