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  1. #91

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    AvatarTBS -- I read.

    Paragraph 3 "Each LTQ collection potion is a fictional class item with a low %, stackable bonus."

    Then you ask an intelligent question -- I wonder what the bonus does? Then you look at your bonuses in game. Then you ask another intelligent question -- how many can I get and still have them work? So you get another potion and see what happens to your bonuses. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Not hard or magical or any special info. Just desire to understand game, have fun and play with others. In my farming I met a ton of new players I have helped with RB and other events since.

    I hope you get over your issues whatever they may be and get back to enjoying the game. If you do not enjoy the game, stop playing. It is just a game.

    For me, I am looking forward to the next crazy quest. See ya in the game.
    Last edited by Bilbo; 06-09-2014 at 04:23 PM.

  2. #92

  3. #93
    Lucky Day's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Lol. Ya beat me to it Bilbo.

  4. #94

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    "Each LTQ collection potion is a fictional class item with a low %, stackable bonus."

    You're right! And I had missed that part of the message. So...every single soul who went all out to farm or hack this specific potion did so because it was a fictional class item with a low %, stackable bonus. Certainly not because the bonus in question was a % bonus to CP in this war? They just really wanted a bonus of some kind?

  5. #95

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    DragonKing, I find you assuming.
    You want to rip RK1 for doing something you couldn't figure but anyone that played this game easily could have.

    First off I am not RK1, second I am not the most tech savvy guy around. Yet farming potions I figured out almost immediately. When my guild finished the guild portions of that I quest I talked to my guild about going out and farming potions and they thought I was frickin crazy. Play this game long enough and you can pick up the nuisances of it... I looked at my bonuses and it clearly said what the potions were for, I didn't need to be told the value they had. Sorry a programmer like you couldn't grasp the concept.

  6. #96
    TMI's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    How Interesting. Seems like the ethical thing to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tadaaah View Post
    Hello all,

    The matter has been brought to our attention. The teams have taken these accusations seriously and dived into an extensive investigation. At the conclusion of said investigation, leaderboards were locked while the teams handled the matter. The leaderboards have been corrected and unfrozen. The matter has been resolved.

    Players that abuse our systems have been removed from the game along with their contributions to teams. Any further abuse of the games system will result in immediate action against any player that breaks our Terms of Service.

    Thank you for your reports and patience on this matter.
    Quote Originally Posted by HavingFun View Post
    Buy more gold

    Quote Originally Posted by bdub View Post
    no need for drama unless it is top 10 drama
    Proud owner of the Civic Center Riot Vehicle (5405/6000 +2 Respect from fights!, from leaderboard event, top25)

  7. #97
    The war may be over but a box event has started. Tell me how within the first 15 minutes of the event players have hundreds (up to 993) of the I prize items on the leaderboard? Even spamming gems would require first obtaining the dropped items to open.

  8. #98

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Gree did not reset leaderboard from last event.

  9. #99

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Lmao did you guys expect an event without bugs? Haha gimme a break

  10. #100

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    This is exactly what I've been taking issue with. Gree launches a new "feature" which seriously impacts future gaming, and does not explain to the players what is is or what it does. Yes, I appreciate the folks that have posted the line from the third paragraph of an announcement buried with a hundred other stickied announcements whose title doesn't even remotely suggest it will explain "potions", dated May 23 yet only seeing its real effects until this past weekend.

    But the fact of the matter is that this information was not released to all the players, just a vague hint of it to the small percentage of people who happen to read this forum and read that specific line in that specific post. What these potions are, and particularly WHAT THEY DO, was spread around by word of mouth, to players in their own guild. Not "trial and error and oh gee let's explore my inventory to see what this does". I call absolute BS on that. The quest in game NEVER suggested that there was any point collecting these stupid random-drop potions beyond having enough to progress to the next level.

    Gree did not share information to the players of this game, as usual. And as usual, those lucky enough to be in the know benefitted, and everyone else did not. Then those that knew took advantage of that knowledge and pushed it far beyond what it was meant to be used for.

    Gree is at fault, both for intentionally failing to communicate with their players, and by not simply placing a level cap on the maximum number of each potion each player is allowed.

  11. #101
    All these issues are happening through out all gree games - dosent seem like , they'll ever fix anyhthing or give right info

  12. #102

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Pretty much.

  13. #103

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    GREE must do more than just remove the hackers to earn back my trust. I have been a fairly big spender in the past, I did go for the 1200 wins in the last 5 wars, but no more. Just removing the hackers now and not talking about it will not make me forget what happened. I want to see a clear explanation of what happened and the specific steps that were taken to correct this. Until this has happened I and many of my guild will go gem free.

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