View Poll Results: What kind of feature would you most like to see added?

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  • New Armors

    3 2.08%
  • More Epics

    2 1.39%
  • Harder modes/levels

    6 4.17%
  • Story mode

    13 9.03%
  • Expansion for those over level 100

    58 40.28%
  • In-game trading

    47 32.64%
  • Chat functionality outside of guild

    7 4.86%
  • New Guild system

    5 3.47%
  • New Epic Boss System

    2 1.39%
  • No new features...fix bugs

    1 0.69%
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  1. #811

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by enflambelg View Post
    My son and I bother play K&D. His commander is level 40, mine 70. We are now both in the tournament to see who beats who at the best ribbon. Right now we are both in Ribbon I.

    However, when I go check the rewards, I am astound to see that he gets much less gold that I do!!!!! How can this be? What is your reasoning behind that? Don' the gems cost the same for both of us? Don't the castle expansions, buildings and upgrades cost the same for both of us? Don't the armor crafting, enhancement and combining cost the same for us (comparing same armor and same armor level).??????

    Doesn't he reach the same points as I do to get into that ribbon? He has fought and defeated as many opponents as I have, so why 35,000 gold instead of 105,000????

    I cannot believe Gree would do such a thing! Now my son is totally discouraged because he believes, too, that IT is NOT FAIR!. Now he wonders what other "scams" are there to prevent lower level players from getting the same benefits as the higher level ones....

    Please, you must fix this as soon as possible. It is outrageously unfair! Thanks!
    i agree on this somewhat, imagine this: u are lvl 10 and does the arena regurarly. u get milestone rewards and bam u got 350k gold. u buy all expansions besides 2 and fill them up with lvl 2 training fields. gz u just skipped half of the game. automaticly made it harder for yourself to do the build, lvl and collect gold quests for buildings. if u are at lvl 100 the 350k wil mean nothing as u can enhance ur epic twice and then its gone. so the impact on a low lvl player is really big when gaining alot of gold compared to the higher lvl player.
    Maxed epics:
    Soulshard necromantle+
    Cyclone platemail+
    Druidic platemail+
    Stormwatch Rainment
    Dragonborn aegis
    Stalward vanguard
    Arclite shroud
    Apocalypse platemail
    Spectre's shroud
    Cryptid Wargear x2
    Forgestone aegis
    Aegis of sky
    Maelstorm irons

    Work in progres:
    Centurion Aegis
    Triskelion Wargear

    LINE id: holydinges

    Proud member of Azure Dragon Nexus

  2. #812


    Best game ever
    but I would find it better if you do together ios and Androit
    Because my friends and i cant use us account from androit to ios device
    And i would it better if you do account application

  3. #813
    a few suggestions:

    1) This is more of a bug: The new friend list is extremely slow to scroll. It doesn't allow you to move quickly and some times appears to hang as you move up and down the list, causes a page refresh, taking several seconds to return to usability.

    2) Please, change the order of the armor in combines back to common to rarest. I constantly make common and uncommon combines, where those armors were right at the front. Now, I have to slide to find them. Changing the order confuses players.

    3) It would be nice to have a quick way to start at the bottom, and a saved row counter to return to every time you return to the list.

    4) The arena battle list has double entries of the same player, one of which is a revenge player. There should only be unique players in the list.

  4. #814
    Hopeless82's Avatar
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    Dec 2013


    While I am doubtful that this post will be read, I might as well get it off my chest.

    I feel an update is needed for the 1-star Quest armours, namely the-

    1) Atlantean Avenger Armor
    2) Crius Armor
    3) Chimera Corps Uniform
    4) Living Flame Armor
    5) Hydra Hunter's Mail

    Specifically, the value of their Enhancement Points.

    Why? Well, the game has been around for quite some time already, and power creep has made it such that current Epic Boss armours now easily dwarf whatever armours you can get from questing, including the Ultra-rares.

    Other than a very brief transition period, there is very little reason to craft these armours nowadays. Worst still, it makes no sense to craft the last three armours for enhancement points purposes when it is cheaper per EP to just fuse 2 basic armours together to get one of the 50-EP 1-star armours.

    I am fairly confident that most veteran players have hundreds, if not thousands, of Phoenix Feathers just rotting in their armouries.

    So I propose that the EP-value of these armours be buffed to 50/41 (matching/non-matching), the same as the Fusion-only 1-star armours. This will give veteran players valid reasons to craft these armours once again, and enable new players to catch up with the current power curve.

    Thanks for reading.
    Starlite, A Lvl-376 Knight of Android. [WBG-XYY-MHM]

    Temp Guild Master of The Social Contract, Lvl-75 Guild

    Bonuses: Earth(10%), Water(9%), Fire(9%), Spirit(10%), Air(10%)

    Orc Raid: 10th Knight

  5. #815
    Agility system or no more "random" misses:

    This is about the consistency of missed attacks. First I would
    like to point out that there is no agility formula, which make these misses nothing but annoying for every player. (I've been asking players via different guilds.) Additionally, I am noticing a very common factor while attacking players, there is almost every single attack that has a miss for the attacker and far less for the defender. In my case, I have been attacking GMs from other guilds with 3 high level epics and losing to their 3 legendary armor's because of the simple but frustrating fact: They start with a higher bonus, they get the first attack and then consistencly get fewer non-ratio or statted "misses" which most players agree, should not exist.

    The easiest fix for this would be to eliminate the miss chance, however it would add a new element that may be exciting if Agility was included to Strength and Defense, to make a new set of armor's available and adjusting to the current armor's that we have.

  6. #816

    Arena Energy Notification

    Make a notification for full arena energy? thanks

  7. #817
    Sol Invictus's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Allow me to send more than five requests to join a guild per hour.
    Make it fifteen.

  8. #818
    Sol Invictus's Avatar
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    Aug 2013

    Who is with me?

    There really should be better rewards for guilds that fight like crazed maniacs for three days, and then end up falling short of Bronze. Spare me your "yea but it was already revamped once and next you'll be asking for new Epic+ armors for everyone in the top 250." Shut up. Just shut up. You're a silly person and something like this should be implemented.

    Change creates excitement and renewed vigor for when the status quo becomes boring. I was right before and I'm again. Who agrees with me?
    Not any of the elitists in their ivory tower over at the DK empire, for sure, but no one cares what they think.

  9. #819
    legalious's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Southern California

    New Area

    There needs to be a change to the current map layout. The dark prince should attack the areas and have the bosses and map change. The game is currently on a linear build and not much changes day by day. Spice it up a little with either new map bosses or expand to include something like Dark King (dark prince father or something similar).

  10. #820

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    "Line App" bigmike102477
    I would like to see an expansion for the people that are level 100 or higher.

  11. #821

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    "Line App" bigmike102477
    I also have a idea that could make this game fun again. Let me know what you all think.

    I was thinking that they could put something together were we could use are gold besides crafting armor, and using it for fusion and just donating it away.

    What if they make a slot machine that we could use and we could bet so much and take a chance at armor, gems, fusion stones, and gold

  12. #822
    Sol Invictus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MK Dragon Master View Post
    What if they make a slot machine that we could use and we could bet so much and take a chance at armor, gems, fusion stones, and gold
    You'd have to elaborate on this idea for me to support or reject it, but it would be nice if there was something to do with excess gold and armors.

    My guild has been maxed for awhile and we've just been dumping our gold into ally and subguilds...but when they're maxed, what then?

    Some kind of casino feature or some kind of mini-game thing would be interesting.

    Guildie-o-mine has thousands upon thousands of all of the regular crafting materials. A "500 material-per-spin" armor slot machine might be kinda rad.

  13. #823

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I'm still looking for the dragons in knights and DRAGONS
    GUILD CHAMPION: Beastmode Gods
    Currently recruiting active players and overnighters
    Line ID: tlob_obviously


  14. #824
    cc_2007's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Lightbulb My guild's wishlist

    A few things that my guild would like are:

    1) The ability to see if guild mates are online. My entire guild is active and there are only a few of us from the same country let alone time zone so we want to see if our guild mates are online before declaring war during guild wars.

    2) The ability to share armor and supplies between guild mates. I have multiple 4 star armors I no longer use and my guild mates could greatly benefit from these armors.

    3) There are quite a few of us that are over level 100 so we would like some quests targeted to level 100+. I understand not increasing the atk/def/health options but if we could at least get some quests to keep us busy between wars that would awesome.

  15. #825

    Lightbulb Armour experience

    Hey guys! :3

    I think that the only to enhance stuff shouldnt be by farming areas and wasting time crafting but instead by using them :) Say, if you were to have a lesson then at the end you are smarter and know more things, likewise i believe that when you use armours in battles they should gain enhancement experience points . Granted that this would be a very small amount but its still something :) So yeah, poeple that use their armours make their armours better :3

    Thanks for reading, Tidgem

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