Invetory Check shows the smoking gun!!! - Page 2


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Thread: Invetory Check shows the smoking gun!!!

  1. #16
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    I can moly confirm a few that have used this glitch, one actually did it and raised his stats 40% over night! nothing legit about that, you buy 4 LE sets and you receive hundreds of the bonus unit, there is nothing that can be said to back that up, like I said I have screen shots of it all

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranklyFactual View Post
    Just a guess, but I'd imagine that a player with "hundreds" with just 4 LE sets probably followed the same path to get them that the player with 272 (which is technically also hundreds) after buying 22 LE sets or the player with 82 after buying 4 LE sets did… Just a guess though. And judging by your previous post, i'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you know and talk to those players, so please tell us all --- are you also sending in tickets on those players???? Or is it ok with you that those players who are on your team did it and its just not ok with you that your opponents did it? Looking forward to you clearing this up for us all.
    I never noticed what was going on until I saw a player go from 600 mil def to 1.1 billion def overnight, checked his inventory and saw exactly what was going on, and trust me, weather you do or not, I look very hard into anyone and everyone who is cheating/glitching/hacking or whatever you want to call it

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by wwwjason View Post
    I can moly confirm a few that have used this glitch, one actually did it and raised his stats 40% over night! nothing legit about that, you buy 4 LE sets and you receive hundreds of the bonus unit, there is nothing that can be said to back that up, like I said I have screen shots of it all
    Jason then send me a forum pm and I will provide the screen shots of the players mentioned so you can include them in your ticket to Gree. Deal???

  4. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by wwwjason View Post
    I can moly confirm a few that have used this glitch, one actually did it and raised his stats 40% over night! nothing legit about that, you buy 4 LE sets and you receive hundreds of the bonus unit, there is nothing that can be said to back that up, like I said I have screen shots of it all
    What faction you with??? I have lots of screenshots of lots of players in lots of factions who did this. If I know what faction you are in, I'd be glad to give you at least a couple names in your faction that did it, and in return I'd like for you to come on here after confirming it by looking at their inventories yourself and tell us you are submitting tickets on them too. By all means, submit a ticket or two or however many you want. I think we are all eager to see if you will take me up on my offer. We are all eager to see whether you are upset at everyone who did it, or if its just that you are upset that your opponents did it.

  5. #20
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    And just to be clear, anyone who exploits these glitches, hacks, whatever, no matter what team they are on should be banned

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by wwwjason View Post
    I never noticed what was going on until I saw a player go from 600 mil def to 1.1 billion def overnight, checked his inventory and saw exactly what was going on, and trust me, weather you do or not, I look very hard into anyone and everyone who is cheating/glitching/hacking or whatever you want to call it
    You didn't answer my question. Are you going to send in a ticket on everyone who did this? Are you going to send in a ticket on your teammates also? Or are you a hypocrite???

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bamaboy54 View Post
    Brother I think your missing the point of this thread! The op from what I understand only cares that the s1 leader contradicted himself, really just out right lied! Your screenshots are useless, it was part of the event, nothing was done wrong IMO. Plus your calling out one player that raised his stats higher than yours I presume, there are soooooooo many that did the same thing. What exactly would you say on a ticket, "this guy had more gold than me, it's unfair"? I'm confused by your point as it relates to this thread.

    Sorry to disappoint you but he didn't raise past me, just sad to see some one use a glitch to double their stats overnight when a lot of people earn what they get

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranklyFactual View Post
    You didn't answer my question. Are you going to send in a ticket on everyone who did this? Are you going to send in a ticket on your teammates also? Or are you a hypocrite???
    I would send in a ticket on who ever did this absolutely, top teams whoever

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by wwwjason View Post
    And just to be clear, anyone who exploits these glitches, hacks, whatever, no matter what team they are on should be banned
    Clear this up for me: would sending a player into a rival faction for the sole purpose of exploiting the fact that any player can hit the declare button in a WD event and then relentlessly hitting that button on a rival faction in WD in order to totally sabotage their entire event count as "good tactics" in your lexicon of ethics? Or would this be exploiting a pre-existing programming flaw? I am really not understanding why you are singling out one player to cry about and being totally hypocritical and not crying about all these other players who you can also see on your rivals list (unless they are in your faction and are your teammates, in which case you can look at their inventories through the faction tab)

  10. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by wwwjason View Post
    I would send in a ticket on who ever did this absolutely, top teams whoever
    Great, so check out the inventories of the players listed, and send in lots of tickets. But I think Bama has a point, especially since a certain player on the list did this on the previous FA and yet Gree did not terminate this hole in the game programming. I guess Bama also has another good point in that perhaps a player with more gold took more advantage than a player with less gold, but both still took advantage.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranklyFactual View Post
    Great, so check out the inventories of the players listed, and send in lots of tickets. But I think Bama has a point, especially since a certain player on the list did this on the previous FA and yet Gree did not terminate this hole in the game programming. I guess Bama also has another good point in that perhaps a player with more gold took more advantage than a player with less gold, but both still took advantage.
    You are proving my point, anyone using gold can exploit this GLITCH, but others like myself choose not to, just like the energy glitch, I chose not to do it

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mw Informant View Post

    I 100% agree

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by wwwjason View Post
    I 100% agree
    If this is a cheat or hack in the game then this person should be banned, just like any other person who uses a cheat or a glitch should be banned

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bamaboy54 View Post
    Not disappointed at all my friend. Not sure that I would use the word sad to describe what you feel happened but it's my understanding that nothing was for free, gold was spent and lots of it by the looks of it. Honestly bro I don't think you have much of a case here. Way to many to go after for you to focus on one player.

    A lot more than just one player, the player I am referring to just mad it extremely obvious

  15. #30
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    Gree, can we have another Full Assault soon?
    I found meself a Leprechaun!!!!

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