Epic Boss Feedback - I've Seen More Competence and Common Sense From Rodents!


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Thread: Epic Boss Feedback - I've Seen More Competence and Common Sense From Rodents!

  1. #1
    Articulate Author Lys's Avatar
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    Epic Boss Feedback - I've Seen More Competence and Common Sense From Rodents!

    "We don't want to base the Epic Boss off Individuals"

    I know one of you mods said this not too long ago. You had a massive thread basically stating that the Epic Boss was imposssible for most of your player base. I gave you the bloody benefit of the doubt and held my tongue to at least see what you were going to do for the balancing. I thought to myself... "Lys, hold thy tongue for now before giving them a verbal lashing, surely they must realize the way of their error to some degree and work to correct it!"

    Once more, you prove just how inept you all are. Whether it's you specifically, or the Japanese executives that hold you by your balls, it no longer makes a single iota of difference to me. The end result is that, once more, you all prove to your players that you simply do not learn from your mistakes and you don't give a single **** about us, the players. At least when a rat realizes there's no cheese in the maze, they change what they're doing to try and get closer to it.

    So, two-fold issue here. HP Values and Gold Required for the Epic Boss. I could go even further and explain to you just how retarded it is to run two high-gold consumption events at the exact same time, but I fear that it would be encompassing too many things at once, and therefore would simply be too much to take in at once.

    HP Values are TOO FREAKING HIGH. PERIOD. I've spent more than I should have on this incompetent game, and dealing 105m per GOLD hit, I'm struggling to keep going. That is downright retarded. LEVELED TIERS ARE OUTDATED AND STUPID. You don't want to base their HP on personal attack? Well, too freaking bad, because that's the only viable solution left now. Otherwise, I'm freaking done, seriously.

    Gold required per hit is bloody insane as well. We don't get all that much from killing each level of the boss, at least nowhere near enough, and that's even with raiding and attacking until my fingers fall off. I've already abandoned the Building LTQ, and even with 22.5 million gold (Now 20.5m after a few Epic Boss levels) I don't think that it would last, even if I kept my sstamina from fully recharging. It's freaking retarded, that's what it is.

    And oh, the difficulty to get the bloody bosses to spawn. What idiot thought that was a good idea? He or She desserves to be tossed out head first from the roof of your building. We already have 100 levels to try and kill, making it a chore to spawn them? ... ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?

    To end this post, I'm selling a $100 iTunes Gift Card code, because I'm certainly not spending them on this pathetic excuse for a game.

    Matter of fact, I'm done. I just don't care enough about this bloody game anymore.
    KA - Lys - ID 176-137-752

  2. #2
    Articulate Author
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    I found you on my rivals list the other day, we have very similar stats. nice kingdom by the way. I usually dont agree with your rants on here but this time I am on your side.


    What in the actual f**k are you thinking with these health tiers? In the first day of this quest my guild had 3 1200 win players quit the game. Those players alone from just our 1 guild just cost you several thousand dollars a month. Most of the rest are not spending gems to finish this quest and even those willing to do it have given up because its too hard to summon the bosses. These are people that want to give you money and you seem to not want to take it. How is this a smart business model?

  3. #3
    Articulate Author Lys's Avatar
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    Typically I like to post ideas that I know will be disliked, mostly in the hopes that GREE can examine them and maybe learn something for the future. Plus the conversations it starts, even if most of the replies are to tell me I'm off my rocker. This time though, I just said to hell with it and ranted. It felt quite satisfying, I gotta say.

    As for in game, trying to recall if I've seen your name. Probably have, since I've spent way too much time going through it in the vain hopes of doing the bLTQ on top of the Epic Boss, but it all just blends together... I seriously need to find something better to do with my time, and GREE has finally proven to me that they won't fix anything, so... time to go find a good book and kick it back, I guess.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dogs Pizza View Post

    I found you on my rivals list the other day, we have very similar stats. nice kingdom by the way. I usually dont agree with your rants on here but this time I am on your side.


    What in the actual f**k are you thinking with these health tiers? In the first day of this quest my guild had 3 1200 win players quit the game. Those players alone from just our 1 guild just cost you several thousand dollars a month. Most of the rest are not spending gems to finish this quest and even those willing to do it have given up because its too hard to summon the bosses. These are people that want to give you money and you seem to not want to take it. How is this a smart business model?
    KA - Lys - ID 176-137-752

  4. #4
    Steady Scribe
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    As usual quest is much easier for anyone below level 150 if your over and not in top 3 forget it. Ridiculously too hard. Too hard to summon too hard to kill and too expensive to kill for the prize id happily spend a mountain but it's impossible. Lower level players continue to get stronger I can't compete or complete quests now end result is I quit. I will ask itunes to refund the gems I have as there is no use for them!!!!!!!!!!!

    The fact you don't have the balls to respond to any thread sums up your useless money grabbing low moraled excuse for a company.

  5. #5
    Articulate Author Skyraiders's Avatar
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    I tried really hard not to respond....but I cant help it.....MOC has been saying this for months....you all laughed or gave us a hard time.......exactly why we left

    I got to say it.....

    TOLD YOU SO!!!

    KA: 630-568-270

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyraiders View Post
    I tried really hard not to respond....but I cant help it.....MOC has been saying this for months....you all laughed or gave us a hard time.......exactly why we left

    I got to say it.....

    TOLD YOU SO!!!
    so you just hang around the forum to rub the pain in the rest of us!? You are like the Ben Affleck character O'Bannion from Dazed and Confused!

  7. #7
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    Poorly thought out on so many levels. When people realise they can't keep up with the stat race, they lose the sense of achievement and quit the addiction. Wonder if we'll get an 'easier' box event next. In an effort to keep us hooked, or am I giving Gree to much credit?

  8. #8
    Consistent Contributor Cola3's Avatar
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    I tried really hard not to respond....but I cant help it.....MOC has been saying this for months....you all laughed or gave us a hard time.......exactly why we left

    I got to say it.....

    TOLD YOU SO!!!

    I had to say it a second time.

  9. #9
    Articulate Author Skyraiders's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SenorSwamp View Post
    so you just hang around the forum to rub the pain in the rest of us!? You are like the Ben Affleck character O'Bannion from Dazed and Confused!
    no I like to keep up with the friends I have made......and convince them this is not the game for them.....lol

    I did try very hard to keep quiet.....lol...ok not really that hard.......I still like to read the forums even if they are not quite the same that they used to be.....I just found it very Ironic that what we and sooooooooooo many others have been saying is still being repeated over and over.....which by the way is the definition of insanity....

    doing something over and over with the same results.....well this is according to Joe Banner Ex GM of the Philly Eagles

    KA: 630-568-270

  10. #10
    Articulate Author
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    Well done Lys I've nothing left to say.
    And oh Wait something weird is happening here...
    It've been 4 hours since Lys made this thread and it's still here!! They didn't delete this thread too unlike the previous one :/
    Those f******* I really hate them

  11. #11
    Articulate Author The red Baron's Avatar
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    They dont delete it as they do not read threads anymore, or is there an other reason that we get no answers ?
    The Red Baron TRB

  12. #12
    Consistent Contributor Cola3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionOfBalance View Post
    I say this not from disrespect, but from experience. If you've "quit" playing the game, stop visiting and involving yourself in the forums. Especially not to antagonize people. You're not making any friends, it comes off as juvenile, and it can become an unhealthy addiction. For your own sake, please stop and move on to something that you enjoy. It's not worth it.
    The real unhealthy addiction is playing this game. We've already made friends, maybe its time to antagonized and watch you noobies drain your money on this god-forsaken game. LOL, j/k. Give us a break, it's only been a couple of months since we left this game. Smokers and drug users still takes hits once in a while, even criminals go back to the crime scene after a few months. We will be gone soon....in time.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionOfBalance View Post
    I say this not from disrespect, but from experience. If you've "quit" playing the game, stop visiting and involving yourself in the forums. Especially not to antagonize people. You're not making any friends, it comes off as juvenile, and it can become an unhealthy addiction. For your own sake, please stop and move on to something that you enjoy. It's not worth it.
    I like having the old timers around. It gives a good perspective about how KA used to be uphill through the snow both ways.

    In all seriousness, back to Lys' original post--this is getting ridiculous. I certainly hope the game is not being 'forced to an end', with this being a last ditch effort by management to milk us for the last few dollars before closing. If that is there is a short to medium end-game in sight, let us know so we can go out with a bang!

    If there is no short to medium liquidation happening--then wow does there need to be some attention genuinely paid to the game. I am also a long time player (and rare poster) who really has had fun with it over the years. I would like to keep doing so and am (unrealistically) hopeful that someone at Gree who is empowered to make a change (versus just 'passing along that great feedback') is reading this thread and others.

  14. #14
    Prominent Poet Ratma2001's Avatar
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    For those that like to hang around like the Oldies, they have been through more than most , so they may have some different perspective on these events, obviously so many have left and so many have started , but these new events are as stated above Ridiculous !, Gree have drop the ball , i think they need to get back to the Core Roots of gaming instead of Money grabbing, then maybe make most players happier , may even get some to spend once in a while...Crikey who am i kidding, it a sad state when i read all these events have gone to the wall, at least make them semi obtainable for less than 500 - 1000 gems.

  15. #15
    Articulate Author
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    I usually don't agree with Lys either... but she is SPOT ON with her rant! Sht is getting out of hand!

    Also glad to have the old timers popping into the forums. MoC/Ratma has done a lot for the forums in the past. Show some respect. I hope whatever the other game is called is treating the MoC crew well! I may have to join you all one day. lol. Once i become level 150 im quitting. haha

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