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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Hey guys, I apologize, Sirius was going to drop a reply in here but he has been out for a few days.

    It's not a glitch; stat inflation has made attack stats incredibly variable at higher levels (particularly max level), which means using the average to determine what is "difficult" can result in numbers that can look crazy in some cases. We're talking over here about how we can retune the boss mechanic so that it is actually challenging at different power levels without being off-putting to some players. We don't want to scale it to individual strength, though.

    Nope. Also, same terms of service clause applies to everybody, new accounts and old accounts.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Hey guys, it looks like we've hit some additional snags with the fix. My apologies for the issue at hand, I'll be updating you as I get a bit more info.

  3. #33
    Is there a day 7?? Is the clock correct?? I need to know if I have time to finish!!!

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