1. #1

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    USA AL.

    Exclamation why are active daily players getting punished?

    I want to know the logic in the way XP points are a bad thing...every game I've ever played XP points was a good thing...but not on MW! If you play alot and try to finish every event then your lvl gets so high that you have a hard time during war to get points. and like the current boss event player with high lvls has a rough time beating the boss. So what are you supposed to do? Don't play as much?...just seems backwards to me....someone explain!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    There are many theories and opinions.
    No one really knows.
    The authorities haven't said much about this.
    Your guess is as good as the next guy's or girl's guess.

  3. #3

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    Gree HQ
    My thoughts too. Why does this game make leveling a negative and not a positive step. Seems that Gree would make more $$$ if players did more actions rather than not participating in events in fear that they may get too much exp.

    Remember the Race to 300?

    Defense buildings?

    Unit casualty?


    All seem to be aspects of the game once upon a time

  4. #4

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    Jul 2013
    They (Gree) figure if a player has the money to spend on finishing events, then more than likely they (the player) has money to burn on WD. And this is very true. I have yet to see a player who finishes most if not all events do poorly in WD. That is most likely their logic.

  5. #5

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    It's a known fact that Gree thinks with there pockets and not about loyal players that keep them in business in the first place!

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Yes this is a bad and discouraging thing. Two things to fix it:

    1. Calculate WD points the same as Battle points.
    2. Make one tier for epic boss event or give better prizes in higher tiers.

    This would make:
    Players want to level up and be active and participate in everything.
    Eliminate a NEED of low lvl players for their ratio and camping. People can still choose to camp to stay under the radar, but at least it will not be requirement to stay competetive.

  7. #7

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    Jan 2013
    This actually could be a good strategy from Gree. They know the game is very addictive so they designed it in a way where you are better of not playing so much. And they threw in a lot of bugs and glitches too so real addicted players get to hate the game and quit... Its not about maximizing gold use, they do it all for you MagicMark!
    Proud officer of The Dutch Fighters
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  8. #8

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    Gree believes they can extract the most revenue with this business model.

    Basically the elasticity of active players is different than new customers. This basically means, active players are most likely to continue to pump gold for diminishing returns versus a new customer.

    A new customer will get massive benefits from Epic Boss, WD points, etc and scale faster than long time active players who get punished for level.

    Now breaking down the active long time player. We need to understand if this practice makes sense from a revenue perspective. The question becomes:

    Are there enough active, long time players that are satisfied with getting fleeced with massively diminishing returns to more than compensate those who feel overly alienated with Gree's ways that rolled back spending substantially or all together?

    The answer over the past year seems to suggest Gree feels they make more money by fleecing active long time players than not. Its a lot easier to increase gold usage through events on the higher rollers who are hooked to spend, which increases profits faster in the short-term bringing new customers.

    Ultimately does Gree care if 99% of the people drop out as long as revenue rises, I think we know the answer to this.

  9. #9
    lemonhaze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicMark View Post
    I want to know the logic in the way XP points are a bad thing...every game I've ever played XP points was a good thing...but not on MW! If you play alot and try to finish every event then your lvl gets so high that you have a hard time during war to get points. and like the current boss event player with high lvls has a rough time beating the boss. So what are you supposed to do? Don't play as much?...just seems backwards to me....someone explain!
    they do it just for the fact to milk us out more cash..they wont get another dime out of me on these side events..i still buy me 2 vaults for war bc i actually still enjoy that but there is nothing enjoyable to me spending 300-500$ on 1 event and then the process get penalized for doing so..when i started this game in nov 2011 i tried to lvl up as fast as i could thinking that the higher i get the more units and more cool rewards i could get..which at first it was ok bc as i moved up the rival list i would find better raids(there was no LEs then) so a lvl 10 bio dome,oil refinary, and oil rig was like getting a lvl 10 artic mining rig b4 the stat and iph inflation..so when WD begin i was already capped out and then gree comes in to make us suffer for playing the game how it was suppose to be played..its all about makeing us spend more money,but i think alot of players are finally seeing that no matter what stats u have as long as u are getting 450wd a hit from certain targets then there is no point to keep lvling up and getting higher and higher bc in the end its only gonna screw u over and get u less WD points at a higher cost
    Last edited by lemonhaze; 03-12-2014 at 11:16 AM.
    Retired to free playing

  10. #10

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    Well said.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MagicMark View Post
    I want to know the logic in the way XP points are a bad thing...every game I've ever played XP points was a good thing...but not on MW! If you play alot and try to finish every event then your lvl gets so high that you have a hard time during war to get points. and like the current boss event player with high lvls has a rough time beating the boss. So what are you supposed to do? Don't play as much?...just seems backwards to me....someone explain!
    You get punished for leveling up in Clash of Clans and similar games. I can think of numerous games where reward vs effort goes down as you rank up. Its giving a carrot to the newbies in the hopes they become attached. Once attached, its time for the game makers to try and cash in. These guys were never prepared for people to play for years. 3 months to a year is about all these types of games can typically muster.

    MW has done a nice job in "trying" to introduce new content, but the overlapping events has led too many to burnout. I think what they miss is that once a paying customer stops paying…. they don't tend to start again.

    I havnt bought gold since I did the LTQ to get the +energy just to find that it was useless the very next month. I never got to enjoy my purchase. They never let you catch the carrot…its always moved in front of you. I think the pleasure factor would be much higher if you could at least temporarily conquer. I guess they didn't like it when you could spend gold to finish a boss event and actually be able to do the next for free.

    FYI..back to original topic… Long term players were at a clear advantage in LTQ and PVP as compare to newer players. Equal advantage in case events and lower advantage in boss and WD. They do mix up who gets the upper edge.

    Lack of penalties for those who exploit has led many who would otherwise refrain to join that madness when possible. Its gotten to where if you don't exploit, you lose. I watch people who spend less gold than me end up with higher stats…I guess I will deal until I walk away. It is what it is.

  12. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crammer View Post
    if you don't exploit, you lose.
    Tempting to make that my sig.

  13. #13
    Do what I did start a alt account I have 6 build the stats for the boss event. I made it to lvl 70 on the boss. I will trash my main then start to build one of my other accounts.

  14. #14
    SHANESTER's Avatar
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    This game's main strategy from day one has been about stat to level ratio. Even before WD started. Since they pair you with rivals of the same level, the strategy has always been to build better stats per your level then your rival. If you just mindlessly played or chased stat gains with no regard to experience gains then you wound up surrounded by a bunch of rivals that could kick your...well, you know what.
    If you screwed up you need to adapt or start over. Changing the core point structure to modern war to accommodate those who strategized poorly would wreck the game for everybody (including you).
    What your saying is that it shouldn't matter what level you are per your stats. What else would you like them to do? open your rival's list to all level players? Do you want every lvl 300 player to have access to your base every day? Because thats ultimately what your logic implies.
    I'm not saying adjustments cant be made but to remove the reward system for having better stats for your level would be suicide for Modern War.
    They can help in other ways like reducing the point swing. instead of a 50-450 point swing they could make it more like 225-450 so higher levels won't be so handicapped by the scoring difference.

  15. #15
    Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Yes this is the problem with this game, you are tricked into levelling up but as a result if you have poor strategy or shallow pockets you are ultimately screwed.

    MW is the first of this type of game that I have ever played and it never occurred to me in the very beginning that spending insane amounts of real money was the strategy to use to become the strongest. Silly me, thought that having a good strategy would be better and for maybe the first month it was. But now strategy is replaced with heavy spending and that really takes a lot of the strategy part of the game out of the equation.

    Now I'm not saying to radically change the game at this stage because that would be totally unfair to those who have spent copious amounts of cash on it. But as with WD I think tiers need to be looked at in some depth.

    #1 we should have had bonus units for hitting certain levels say every 50 as that would give incentive to the eager beavers who levelled up dramatically. I think having time limited awards for levelling up though a nice way to pick players pockets was a mistake.

    #2 increase the maximum number of levels. If we are at 300 then bump it to 1000 or not have a maximum at all. That should give those guys something to look forward to and also spread out the players a lot more. Mainly so that L300 monsters can't get down to much lower level weaker players.

    As I mentioned in another post I think WD should actually be full time, factions that want to fight can and those that aren't that interested don't have to. This bi weekly WD schedule is just brutal and is the main reason why I left my faction. I do not want to be a slave to this game any more.
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