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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Angry TRANSPONDER BOXES: Who else is stuck yet again at 9/10 Access Cards? Use gold?

    Hey, I understand random chances etc... But I do not believe for one second that it is random chance that I receive 9/10 Access Cards the first 24 hours and after that, esp as a gold player, that I NEVER EVER RECEIVE THE 10th card, the 10th what ever goal item! This is the second crate event that I haven't received the 10th and final item. How could I get that many right away and then no more if the chances were the same on day 1 as they are on day 2, 3, 4....etc. No way! There is more at play here than they admit to. It used to be that if I was religious about setting a timer and opening enough boxes/crates or whatever, I would eventually receive the required number of the item we were seeking... Not the case anymore. Once I began using gold to get it done quicker, it doesn't happen at all.

    Who has had the same problem? Who else received almost all access cards the first day? There has got to be a shut off switch in the programming that decreases the drop rate on these Access Cards... And in my case, the turn on switch never gets reset to the, "ON" position! Otherwise we would have it on day 2... I want to know the truth, (of course that will never be disclosed) but is there different chance for gold users than non-gold users on the Access Card coming up. Not getting to open the crate/box etc as obviously it opens when you spend gold... But what us the chance that it will be the desired item? I have the 8/8. I opened plenty of boxes... But the Access Card? I doubt that will happen. Been here before.

    I'm not a doom and gloom person. I am normally a positive energy person. Put out the positive energy to receive good things and good things will come to you. However, in this case, something is plain haywire! I don't believe it's the same for gold users. And try not using gold in the last few hours when you need those boxes to open...

    Android or iSO? Mine is iSO.

    Makes me think it may be better to skip the event all together than to get my hopes up that things will be any different this time than they were before. To do the same thing over and over and to expect a different outcome is what???

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Same here

    One thing you've got to understand is that this is a lottery event, your chances of opening the #10 crate is greatly reduced once you open #9 and the same with the units, the last 1 is supposed to be like getting hit by lighting. Using gold on these events only increases the amount of chances you have of getting hit by lighting. I don't know about you but I've had a ton open just none with the required code or the last unit. This is done this way to make you want to use gold because your just so darn close but can't get it. Good luck in getting the units but I've learned to just accept that sometimes you win em and sometimes you lose em.

  3. #3
    Same here. Got to 9/10 on day 1 using gold. I have dropped almost 2k gold since then trying to get number 10. This is the second time this has happened to me on the 10 crate event. Fool me once shame on you....fool me twice shame on me. The answer is to skip this event entirely or at a minimum play it free. That is what I will be doing henceforth....

  4. #4
    Romulus.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Same here, this is shame.. Scam...

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    In Your Head
    Im on iOS. Got 10th with 3 days to go. Got 8/8 units with 1 day to go. Have completed 7/8 of last collect 10s without spending money. Some gold resets on day 1, but only with vid/tapjoy gold. So yes, they can be done without spending a fortune.

    As others have stated, the chances of getting the 10th item is very low. Think it's less than 2% with a successful open. It just takes lots of luck.
    Last edited by Evil Mastermind; 03-08-2014 at 08:27 AM.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I got my 10th using 60 gold- 4 openings. I only use gold if I get to 9/10. Several in my faction have opened all 10 for free.

    Remember, you CHOOSE to play.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Gree HQ
    Got both the collection unit and the 10th item unit in the last 2 events with low gold use.

    It's a crapshoot and as you get more cards the odds of getting the next card goes down. It's not the best event but the boost units are great.

    Good luck you have a few more hours to go.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Indiana USA
    I'm at 6/10 but 3 players in my faction got 10/10 with cash openings it can be done just got to get that lucky draw

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I agree with you that it is rigged. Im sure that for some players, the box opening chances/item drop chances are altered in an attempt to get those players to spend gold on the last day.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Rparker1979 View Post
    One thing you've got to understand is that this is a lottery event, your chances of opening the #10 crate is greatly reduced once you open #9 and the same with the units, the last 1 is supposed to be like getting hit by lighting. Using gold on these events only increases the amount of chances you have of getting hit by lighting. I don't know about you but I've had a ton open just none with the required code or the last unit. This is done this way to make you want to use gold because your just so darn close but can't get it. Good luck in getting the units but I've learned to just accept that sometimes you win em and sometimes you lose em.
    I got the 10/10 and 8/8 with no gold spent with 7 hours to spare

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Finnaly got 8/8

    Now all I would like to have is the 10/10 unit. 4 more chances.

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Spent 650 gold first hour which got me 9/10 and 6/7, got 8/8 on day two and just got my 10/10 about 2 hours ago. Faction member got 10/10 in 24 hours for free. All a crap shoot. I love it at times and then hate it as well. Good luck to all

  13. #13

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    UAE - Dubai
    Am stuck in 9/10 and 7/8 for 3 days already !!!!! Am not greedy all i want is one of these....
    Last edited by iMoe; 03-08-2014 at 10:07 AM.

  14. #14

  15. #15

    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Thumbs up Chomping on my words right now! The 10th one!

    Crazy, the one way to shut me up is to make me eat my words. I am finally, happily chomping, eating my words every single one of them. Chewing on the 10th one right now! I didn't think that would happen. As sad as I was last time, that's about as happy (in reverse) as I am right now. I do think the odds change when you have 9/10. It's certainly not the same number. Thankfully I had my 8/8 fairly painlessly. I have certainly opened more boxes than usual. Set an alarm. In the night if I woke up, I played the game. I'm not hooked. Lol!

    The one thing I really think the did right this time, is giving us something to do with all those extra units we received. That 8/8 reward was sweet too! Nice job Gree! I didn't think those words would come out of my mouth.Lol!

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