Constantly attacked by same people, ticking me off! - Page 3


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Thread: Constantly attacked by same people, ticking me off!

  1. #31
    Prominent Poet
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    “An unexamined life is not worth living.”- Socrates
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    Or, if u have 300 or under, have 200 requests waiting and then one time, add them all and give those attackers/raiders a surrise...

  2. #32
    Member Since
    Feb 2014
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    If I get raided for some cash, I usually go and visit their base to see stats. If they are much bigger, I leave them alone. If they have a low iph, especially MUCH lower than mine, I like to give some constructive feedback as to how they can improve their iph so they don't need to waste time raiding.

    What......? I like to help people play MW ?

  3. #33
    Articulate Author
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    If you do not have the IPH to overcome 3.6 mill attacks, the only person you should be blaming is yourself. You have played this game poorly. Cause and effect.

  4. #34
    Member Since
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    Attacks aren't real, nor are they harmful. The cash is fake. I ignore ALL attacks. Many moons ago I was much dumber than I am now.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big she'd View Post
    That's just the game , you raid other people , you get raided , , I accept it when I'm taken for money cos it's my fault I left my cash vulnerable , what I hate is hitting boost buildings , no need for that
    yeah. I hate that too. I never do it to other people. Some are close to my stats, if I'd drop their boosts, I'd be winning, but not doing that and passing on. But there are some **** who just drop Ur boosts and then take Ur cash. I have to make several extra clicks to repair the boosts

    Quote Originally Posted by DTA-HOG View Post
    No you probably hit them first and are on their news feed. What you do in that case is spam them 50 times in a row and your base will run off their feed. You have to hope they are not on to block you though.

    The best thing to do is just get a lot stronger so they can no longer attack you. Next option is to gain or drop allies so that they are no longer seeing you on their rivals list. About 20 allies either way should do it. You can also level up real quick by doing missions or stop leveling up so they can advance and in turn not see you on their rivals list. You camping will be awful boring though so I would just do an ltq or two and kick their A.

    Once you are in their "hood" just open their profile and go to the 3rd tab labeled "comments". There you can leave them a comment. Be nice, kiss their A, and they will probably leave you alone. At least I leave the ones alone that beg for my mercy. Lol
    1) spamming doesnt help
    2) 20 allies upper/lower doesnt help. Nowadays there are very big spreads. Especially in shark tank...up to 200-300 differense. Levelling up isnt a good idea also. better stay low and focus on Ur IPH to sustain the attacks. With low IPH it hurts...and it hurts a lot. If U get it up a good time and always collect on time, then U can go very far.

    P.S Many people are quitting now. I see it in masses, so overvaulting right now is 10x easier than it was 3 months ago

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