1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Dirty South


    For those of you who have older Android phones with physical keyboards, and have issues with the app constantly crashing, I recently found something that seems to help out.

    Before opening the app, slide out the physical keyboard and leave it out. Then try to open the app. I was just able to do this and have the app open twice in a row, which is literally unheard of for me and my phone.

    I was also able to use all 3,950 of my energy to hit FLTQ targets before the app crashed, which again, never normally happens.

    I hope this might help some other frustrated DROID users

  2. #2
    Agent Orange's Avatar
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    That is very weird but somehow figures!
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  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Need to upgrade your droid. I know your pain well. 16 months I went where I couldnt raid. Now with a new phone I havent had one game crash since I got it 6 weeks ago. Samsung galaxy s4 is the way to go. ( the whole time I thought it was the games fault but actually it was the phones fault all along). Gree got my respect for their programming the minute I got my new phone.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    I as well feel your pain on a 2-year old Android phone (Ice Cream Sandwich). Last battle we were in we made a charge in the last 2 min. I called for all hands on deck and to unload on their targets, then my game crashed and couldn't get back in until battle was over. Luckily we won.
    Through chaos comes clarity

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Dirty South
    I wish Motorola would make a new phone with a physical keyboard. I use my phone too much for email to not have a slide out keyboard, and the DROID4 is the last one they've put out

    But the first 6-8 months I played the game, I never had any crashes or issues. And from what I hear, I couldn't go back to an older version of the app because they don't allow you to connect to the game.
    Last edited by Oceanz; 02-08-2014 at 12:08 PM.

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