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Thread: We're having a meeting this week, voice your concerns here!

  1. #121
    Member Since
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    Levelling up

    To stop people camping out, an indestructible unit reward as a reward for levelling up, with higher stats and possible boost as you go along , the current limit of L300 needs to be increased so unit rewards to start from L301, so as not to penalise those already there, a money building that can be bought with valor or attacking boost building bought with valor, valor for valor

  2. #122
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    Event Rankings

    Similar to those in the raid boss event. Can we have a rankings tab for faction events to see what players have contributed across the entire ltq. Not just the current level. It's very hard to track who has helped during events when there is no real record of it unless we work out the difference in the faction ranking before and after (Long).

    This would be great!

  3. #123
    Articulate Author
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    Money building set at different tiers for different lvl, the higher the better, as said many times, lvling up should be a reward, not a punishment

  4. #124
    Articulate Author
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    I think biggest issue is hlp player spent all there time playin this year or two

    Than they get punish in Wd event ... Cause get no points for attacking and give away tons of points! An one is epic boss I m lvl 171 I can kill 40 bosses max with 9 mil aa and my mini with less than mil aa lvl 38 can compelete the event !! As if your punishing the players than being playing this over year.. I say you should be rewarded for playing so long... We have turn down hlp player in are faction because there to big target.. That ain't fair to us players been playing so long ... Why don't y'all just get rid of teir of lvl of bosses just be how strong you are.. Same with with wd event just make it higher ad defeated more PTs scored !! Hope u read it. But doubt it

  5. #125
    Consistent Contributor
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    already beed said - revamp cash unit and its mechanics (if there is eg strong against) - hopefully they could be selected for battle too.

    account flag:
    with variety of unit types (inf ground air sea) indestructibles from events, the account flag which favors a specific unit type seems blurred. Please review account flag and unit specialty. Thanks.

  6. #126
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    Update the prizes for Moving up the Rivals Rank.

    The prizes for ranking up are very out of date. The valor units unlocked are worthless, the 4mil for making General.... Also a energy regen bonus when reaching certain levels.
    MW ID 739 000 483 faction ID 899 575 252

  7. #127
    Articulate Author johnnybravoo77's Avatar
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    #1 and #3 from your list. inventory in alphabetical order should be relativly simple.

  8. #128
    Prominent Poet Dutchie's Avatar
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    Too little, too late! Actions speak louder than words! Some of these suggestions are over a year old...

  9. #129
    Articulate Author Allday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dutchie View Post
    Too little, too late! Actions speak louder than words! Some of these suggestions are over a year old...
    Most likely Dutchie. However I'm going to try again. These in my opinion are the biggest issues with the game.

    1.) Game security. Energy hacking is still happening, players with multiple boosts are still being allowed to played without being banned. If you can't patch the energy hatch/glitch then suspend LTQs until you can.
    2.) High level players are routinely pentalized. WD points per attack for HLPs are horrible. Loyal longtime customers should not be punished.
    3.) Stat inflation, this problem is made even worse by all the energy hackers out there.
    Last edited by Allday; 02-05-2014 at 07:45 AM.

  10. #130
    Prominent Poet Web323's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Generik79 View Post
    I want to reiterate a last time what's been said here and in many other places. THE WD POINTS SYSTEM SINCE GREENLAND IS A MESS. Higher level, longtime customers shouldn't be punished with lower points in battle. WD is the core of the game now around which we all plan. And for the best part of a year it has punished the most active players and biggest spenders. It MUST be changed. It is a JOKE that players who spend less time and money, do less events, etc. Etc., have higher (way the heck higher) points averages in war. I know players who don't spend a dime on events, just so they can spend LESS in WD. If that's no motive for you all, I guess I don't know how to light a fire. Just follow your own priorities...maximized customer satisfaction and revenue. A more even system can do both way better than the present god forsaken one. Whoever envisaged this one must not play the game.
    Could not agree more

    Derek of iDelph

    iDelph faction code: 792-952-652

  11. #131
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    please review application disk size usage. Thanks.

  12. #132
    Steady Scribe
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    Not sure if this has been said but really should be fixed. Android users have been unable to view the leaderboard on faction events beyond the first 4players. This makes it nearly impossi to tell whos contributing. Also we havd noticed display differences betseen android users and ios users for players that have pendi requests in to factions. Sometimes as much a double the stats on droid. This makes it hard to review recruits for acceptance when yiu dont even know what their real stats are.

  13. #133
    Steady Scribe
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    What funny is...

    Quote Originally Posted by TheOracle View Post
    What's funny is the players who have skill points in energy want to move it into attack/defense and the players with skill points in attack/defense want to move it out. Grass is always greener?
    I haven't heard of ONE player complaining that they'd rather have attack/def skill points (or stamina for that matter) over energy right now... regardless, if it's really a "grass is greener" syndrome... why not let people move skill points around? Especially since the events keep changing, which causes people to misallocate the skill points for the current state of game play. Keep making light of it, but doing nothing about the problem doesn't really make the problem go away... just sayin

  14. #134
    Master of Musings Thief's Avatar
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    Wow this list could take awhile to create but i'll give you a highlight of what i think should be addressed (kept being addressed)

    1) Transparency and Communication. Yes it seems to keep getting better but it still has a long way to go. You are loosing customers to this issue i believe which is why i think its soo critical.

    2) WD. This is the core of your game. Its what has kept most players around as long as you have had them. However there are definately some issues. The first being how the spread of points are awarded (you can score 150-400 on the same target), The win/losses (i can attack someone with millions of def lower than my attack and still loose) and last the matchup systems. I hate to say it but i'm not sure there is a fair way to mathcup teams? So you make it based on total strength...so those that spend LOTS of money are penalized? Your not apart of the top 2 teams but your going to faced them 3-4 times each in a war? This is just as much of an issue as having 5 man teams match with 50 man teams. (it just impacts fewer teams...but the teams at the top...have you looked at how the top 10 scores have dropped?)

    3) Skill points are only important if you tell us how they work. No one believes that Attack/Defense actually work If they don't then everyone should have those points reset because they don't work.

    4) Inventory management is needed. It is a cosmetic thing but at the same time i can't find anything. Its just a cluster of units. I win something...thats nice...no idea what it is because i'm not wasting 20 min trying to find it.

    5) Stamina based events. There is no use for this. I loved the FLTQ that used stamina to raid vaious buildings. Would be fun to see it again.

    6) Lets see a variety of boosts. In the units that are awarded and in possible the LE buildings and everything else. Its boring to see the same attack modifier again and again. Give some new blood into the game. Maybe offer up upgrade 2 buildings at once at some point, stamina regen, health regen, energy regen, raid % increase etc etc. Make the game a little more fun in that sense. You don't need to flood the game with them but offering up a cool one ever 3 weeks doesn't seem to be out of the question. (also make them reasonable to obtain...maybe an LE building....maybe an LTQ that is under 3000 gold etc etc.

    7) Cash and Valor uses....Both have virtually very little use (cash is only good to upgrade the most recent LE buidling so you can get a prize...which is nice but that is the only use for it and valor has no use unless you are a brand new player.

    8) More Boss Tiers on the Epic boss. Don't need to make it such a huge gap for the 151-300 players when compared to the 5 tiers for 5-150
    Last edited by Thief; 02-05-2014 at 10:28 AM.
    VFF Legends

  15. #135
    Consistent Contributor
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    1.do not punish high level players by marginalizing their points in wd for being a long time player....insulting
    2. Reward those who put in the time to attain the higher ranks.....spec ops and above deserve significant rewards and or bonuses for the sheer amount of time invested.
    3. 60 members factions should be able to finish faction events if they work hard.....without gold
    4. A new player shouldn't be able to kill the boss more than a 200 level 5 mill attack player
    5.events requiring energy shouldn't overlap
    6. Stamina needs to be included in events
    7. Force degradation and invasion op levels need to be re-done adjusted for inflation
    8. Level 200 250 And 300 should come with bonuses....especially 300

    Could go on and on.....these would be a good start

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