1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2013

    My First Ever Nemesis, and I won't be using it

    Just picked up Nian's Nemesis armor from the DPC. Max stats are 619/578.

    It's not worth the effort of levelling up for me as my third string earth/air armor, Witch's Robes+ 1278/1255, is going to perform almost as well if nor better. The weak nemesis defence means it's going to get just one shot at the levels that matter, and levelling it to 50 is a lot of resource used for just a dozen attacks, each of which will need a gem use to ensure they don't miss completely.

    So, hello Nemesis, nice to see you, bye.

    For those who are upset by Gree recycling old boss armor skins in new color combinations, wouldn't it be nice if GREE switched the Boss/Nemesis armor skins, so we got to see and use the 'Nemesis' armors in the Arena? I think the Nemesis armors are frequently better looking than the Boss armors, and we barely get to see them.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    I would atleast like them to amp up the nemesis armors like they did with the bosses stats. The nemesis armors have been outdated for a couple months now. If nothing else atleast give it a little more defense.
    Level 160+

    Maxed Armors: Tectonic (x2), Blazeborne, North, Arborsteel(x2), Blaztestone, Santa, Druidic, Runic, Cyclone, Hellfire, Snowstorm, Arcane, Sol, Centurion.

    Line ID: bluntman57

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Use your imagination
    Indeed. The stats on the nemesis should be increased as they increase the stats of EB's.
    LvL: 438 - Bandroid
    Activity: Barely due to Gree's incompetence
    Armors: I hear Gree laughing at us.

    Favorite question:Why do you even keep playing KnD?

    Guild: LvL 75 Conquering Knights (Members 2x/40)
    Bonuses: Fire 10%. Spirit 10%. Earth 10%. Air 10%. Water 10%.

    PM me for more information

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