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Thread: Mods: Question about Rivals List

  1. #76
    Newbie Benzini's Avatar
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    There are always the same 30 to 40 guys on my rivals list in different order... I robbed 200 to 300 millions every day! All guys together on my list now don't have this income...

    And again: I hate the new rivals list!

    Everybody should who fells similar should send Gree a ticket!

  2. #77
    Articulate Author
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragon001 View Post
    Actually, it was a point of honor to be the best/strongest stat player in my region of levels. Are you without honor? Sounds like it. It was the goal of any good player to have the best hood, with the best IPH, and the highest stats. They have just deleted/negated the purpose and possibilitie of being the best. I am only level 118, but I have a lot of 200's-250's now on my rivals list. In many ways this is a giveaway to the players who were doing poorly and leveled up too high and too fast. Gree hates its longterm good players for some very strange reason. You will say income based as well.... less than half of my IPH is the best I have seen in the 200 up levels.
    why do people think that if you haven't got x stats per level then you are bad at the game, how about those of us that have ben here long enough to long after 50k stats and spent gold to push ourselves over the 100k mark? the truth is the vast majority of people with super high stats are those that have either started spending or carried on spending over the last 6-12 months during the crazy inflation, some of us were pretty much burnt out and bored with gree by this point and either stopped using gold or use very little hence the "horrendous" stats that you refer to.
    I don't care if you agree with my opinion, its my opinion so move on and find someone who cares.

    rough stats:- level 257 - 9att 4.5def - 322mil iph

  3. #78
    Articulate Author
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    I have pretty high stats for my level, but now I looked up and down the rivals list for about a hr and found 5 people to rob/att I thought this was supposed to make it a lot more fun? Seems like a majority of players do not like it Gree, what was the method to this madness? What is the incentive to get higher stats if I am always going to be the small fish ? No one complained about the old rivals list, when people are happy you want to change their attitude?
    One shot, one kill, ready to die, but never will!

  4. #79
    Articulate Author
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benzini View Post
    There are always the same 30 to 40 guys on my rivals list in different order... I robbed 200 to 300 millions every day! All guys together on my list now don't have this income...

    And again: I hate the new rivals list!

    Everybody should who fells similar should send Gree a ticket!
    I strongly agree with you brother!
    One shot, one kill, ready to die, but never will!

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ice Cream Man View Post
    I like it.

    Why, because now I don’t have to work hard to build my stats, no matter what I do, I will always be level with my Rivals. Didn’t purchase gold to complete the event, no worries, we will bump you down to a lower bracket so you are level with your rivals. What’s that, didn’t do well in the syn battles, no worries, we will bump you down to a lower bracket so you are level with your Rivals. Its like they are rewarding us for not using gold, and punishing us for using gold.

    HAHA, WTH genius thought this up.
    We are all winners now guys and gals....Everybody gets a Trophy!!

    // Lvl: 250 // 488 394 051 // Atk: 9,917k // Def: 9,602k // IpH: $24,290,680
    // Lvl: 147 // 365 655 496 // Atk: 6,954k // Def: 6,790k // IpH: $12,586,132
    // Lvl: 79 // 233 936 800 // Atk: 5,978k // Def: 5,901k // IPH: $1,572,478

    As of 1-27-14

  6. #81
    Steady Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by therealbengie View Post
    why do people think that if you haven't got x stats per level then you are bad at the game, how about those of us that have ben here long enough to long after 50k stats and spent gold to push ourselves over the 100k mark? the truth is the vast majority of people with super high stats are those that have either started spending or carried on spending over the last 6-12 months during the crazy inflation, some of us were pretty much burnt out and bored with gree by this point and either stopped using gold or use very little hence the "horrendous" stats that you refer to.
    I completely agree. Some of us started playing this game long before the addition of syndicates. Myself being one of them. My stats have gone up 10+ million since the syndicates started but I was not a bad player before that. The addition of syndicates came with events that raise stats tremendously and the ability to raise stats with the help of your team. This doesn't mean I am a better at the game in the last year than I was the two plus years I played prior to that. I have spent thousands of dollars on this game only to have the gold I bought the first two years useless.

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fredfreddy View Post
    My IPH and stats are also around there (though stats closer to 9m) and I'm finding the same thing. I thought it was just a fluke last night but this morning it's cycling all the same folks.Have you been robbed since the rival list change? I had a L8 WSFG sitting out for like 6 hours and it didn't get touched. I'm hoping that people with high IPH have sort of a gentleman's agreement, but we'll see what happens over the next few days.
    I haven't been robbed once since they implemented the new rival list. I collected over 50 million this morning that had been sitting for almost 5 hours. I also noticed my newsfeed seems to be longer. I have gotten at least 10 messages today but no one is falling off of my newsfeed. Which is fine with me just wondering if anyone else has noticed this.

  8. #83
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    I'm lvl 144 with 5.34m att/5.23 def and $7B IPH. Trying to keep an open mind, I sampled 35 random rivals from my new rival list.

    72% of rivals have a higher defense than my attack.
    Rival defense ranged from 12% lower to 29% higher than my attack.
    I could probably win most robberies but I would have to be selective about attacks.

    On the flip side is retaliation. Once I'm on a news feed, my rivals can eat me up.
    66% of rivals have a higher attack than my defense.
    Rival attack ranged from 15% lower to 51% higher than my defense.

    Here's the bad part....
    Average rival IPH is $3.1B (54% lower than my IPH)
    85% of my rivals have lower IPH than me.

    You've given me a RL where 100% of rivals can regularly beat me and 85% of them have more to gain from robbing me than I can gain from robbing them.

    Gree, I'm trying to keep an open mind but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep working on this or go back to the old format. If you keep this format, please consider some ideas to even it out for higher IPH players. A couple of ideas...

    - Tweak the algorithm to put more weight on IPH. That would balance the RL better.
    - Clear out the news feed after 12 hours so we don't become easy targets for days/weeks
    - Expand the RL. I'm seeing same names over and over.
    - Give us some options to build up defense against robberies.
    - I've heard new def bldgs are coming
    - maybe let us buy/build up defense for a specific bldg
    - maybe we could buy hidden defense or security systems to deter attacks or reduce the success rate.
    - lower the cash limit that can be robbed on high IPH bldgs - this could be tied into the defense we build up

    There are probably a ton of good ideas out there. I'm not a Gree hater. I enjoy the game but I need some reasons to love it again. Please help us out.

  9. #84
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    I took the most obvious solution; sell all buildings.

    I was quite happy at level 124, slowly creeping along with 7m+ stats and $14m IPH - Since the rivals list change, I've basically been ****d every 45 minutes by several different players with less than $200k IPH.

    No point attacking back as the amount stolen represents more than they'll earn in the next week.

    Now I can be one of many with an empty hood

    I have money banked for LTB's so I'll just build them for the stats and sell them, if I need cash to finish them, I'll rob people knowing they can't do anything except what I've done.

    No need for me to log on every few hours, no need to watch videos, no need to buy gold, I can just rely on all of the people increasing their stats falling into my range. Thanks for making the game free to play again GREE.
    Last edited by cynicalmofo; 01-29-2014 at 09:39 AM.

  10. #85
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    Thumbs down

    I agree... The new rivals list stinks! Way to go gree(d)

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