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Thread: Bored

  1. #31
    Reversal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dzermin View Post
    I think the game has flaws at it's most basic level, the gameplay, to add more content which isn't more of the same. Currently the wars don't require a lot of brain power, and top guilds dumb it down even more with stripping. I'm not sure if it's too late to add more interaction from the player which can determinte the outcome from the fights, but that should be done right (better) from the start.
    Yes I most definitely agree on this.
    I think the reason why most people are still playing is because they are in a social guild or have set up personal goals for the game. If it weren't for the people I play this with I would not bother playing at all so I feel the game is highly lacking in that perspective.

  2. #32

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dzermin View Post
    I think the game has flaws at it's most basic level, the gameplay, to add more content which isn't more of the same. Currently the wars don't require a lot of brain power, and top guilds dumb it down even more with stripping. I'm not sure if it's too late to add more interaction from the player which can determinte the outcome from the fights, but that should be done right (better) from the start.
    Actually you would be surprised. haha, people are more easily attracted to simple mechanics and shinny stuff, but the problem with the game is that it lacks depth. When a game lacks depth people get bored easily and will leave the game pretty quickly.

    Having simple and easy to understand mechanics makes the game easy to play and very accessible but it the depth of the game that keeps plays excited and keep playing.

    The other way that keeps people interested is that they have to increase the power cap. At the moment there is a deadlock at the top. The strongest player will have max epic +, with max guild bonus and maybe GM ranking. Maybe for an average player, max epics and HC ranking in a top 10 guild. After that there is pretty much a plateau of strength and it is exactly this plateau that makes people bored.

    If there is like unattainable goals, constantly increasing caps and power levels that players will strive to become stronger and keeps people interested. Currently, most of the new content only benefits majority benefits newer players but maxed players don't have much to do anymore and it's actually in the max market where GREE can benefit the most.

    However, GREE doesn't seem to be able to produce sufficient content to capture this market. I'm not sure if this is due to the design/programming of the game, which is at it's core very basic. It doesn't havethat much variable to work with. Your knights only have 3 variable stats, HP, atk and def. Basically HP is fixed so only 2 variables atk and def as compared to other games which perhaps have various other stats, atk spd, agi, evasion, dodge etc. As such there is alot less play styles as compared to other games.

    GREE does very well with shinny stuff and getting "new" content out, but the game always lacks depth.I think GREE have always focused more on the shinny stuff and simple mechanics rather that deep game play.

    I just hope they up the level of the new updates within the next few months because there is really very little that max players can currently do now.

    lol, apologies.

    Android, Level 140+ (Retired)

    1) Kerstman's Shroud (+)
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  3. #33
    Reversal's Avatar
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    The power of a game like this usually lies within the people who are being blind-sighted by the frequency of "new" events.
    Once people realize this, they usually are already too deep within the game for them to easily let go off their already wasted time and thus you see a ton of people complaining and nagging on the forum.

    I wish I could turn back time to start up Knights and Dragons and actually bring out useful content to you guys.

  4. #34
    TheFrontiersman's Avatar
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    Lots of "bored" remarks. Gree will need to change things up or players will be moving on to another game soon.
    The Legends
    Legends Frontier

  5. #35
    busteroaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFrontiersman View Post
    Lots of "bored" remarks. Gree will need to change things up or players will be moving on to another game soon.
    Soon? People already are/have been moving to other games.

    Beer: Give your brain the night off

  6. #36

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    I just think that they need to increase the upper limit of the game, it has been pretty stagnant now. People with max epic plus, max guild bonuses have nothing to strive or to look forward to.

  7. #37

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    Jan 2013
    If you would refer to this thread:

    "Keep us updated! The update worked fine in testing but we still need to hear from you to know it works for all of you. Please contact customer support if you find the new update isn't working for you! Thanks a lot!

    Worked fine in testing?
    I have 2 phones on me at all times, it took me a single account bind & transfer to see the system was 100% broken lol. What was this supposed in house testing? If Gree needs real testers, RR is more than willing.

    A more recent quote:
    Quote Originally Posted by Elita View Post
    'We are working on fixing some issues that occurred with the update in December. I do apologize for my silence on the forums as things have been crazy here. I have been reading through some of the posts although I do not always reply. Keep with the posts as they don't go unread!
    Any new content coming our way was MAJORLY set back because Gree is still scrambling to restore all the accounts that were lost (including an RR member who was in Santa war but is being told he cannot be given the armor to his restored account)

  8. #38

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    Quote Originally Posted by busteroaf View Post
    Soon? People already are/have been moving to other games.
    indeed follow me and do exactly like i did, ditch this game. And yes i'm still on the forums just because the forums are more fun than the game itself (true)
    Lvl 11x Daily player. Add me, if lvl 100+ i'll accept, below 100 please send a PM. XBB-YDQ-DVY

  9. #39

    bored aswell

    Must admit ive been getting bored for a while now peeps

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