How to make KA good again


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Thread: How to make KA good again

  1. #1
    Consistent Contributor alonibb's Avatar
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    How to make KA good again

    Here are some easy fixes to make KA good and fun again. Gree please read this.

    1. Change algoritm for CP during a battle to a very easy one. You simply get points depending on the lvl of the player you defeat. If you defeat a lvl 200 player you get the max score. If you defeat a lvl 25 player you get very low score. Your own level as nothing to do with the score. A lvl 200 player who defeats a lvl 200 player should get the same score as a lvl 25 player defeating a lvl 200 player. Then there could be a small random part of the score as today so you could get little less or more depending on luck.

    2. Put a required level on units. To be able to use a certain unit in your army you have to be a certain level. A unit with very high stats should demand a high lvl on the player. You still get the unit but it stats dont count until you meet the lvl req. This will make it impossible for minis at lvl 20 to have 5M in stats. I think when you have reached lvl 100 you should be able to have all units in your army.

    3. The same thing could be applied to weapons. To be able to use a certain weapon you have to be a certain level.

    4. Never ever change the rules for an event after the event have started except for bugs which makes the event unplayable. When you do this its very unfair for your customers because of the different timezones. If you screw up an event so its too easy to finish you have to live with it. Make them right from the beginning instead.

    5. The war matching algoritm should never match guilds where not one single player have a target in the other guild.

    This is 5 quite simple changes which I think would make a better balance in the game.
    Victorious Warriors (merged with TheGoodLife 6 times 50 wins)
    Rank 33 in Battle for the Barrens

  2. #2
    Verbose Veteran
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    Not to rain on you, but I have lost count on posts like this and gave up on making suggestions. Gree doesn't listen to criticism or suggestions to make the game better(additions to the game that make more for them yes then they listen sometimes) but for making it better and more"fair" they seem to care about is there bottom line.
    They will fix and change events mid way through when it's in there interest to do so..but say if there mistake was better for them than fixing it(making us spend more)we get told sorry can't change things mid way through due to all the complaints we get.
    I wish gree would listen but alas they have selective hearing..and hear only what they want.
    Daily player

  3. #3
    Consistent Contributor
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    Do not allow guilds to be matched more than once.

  4. #4
    Prominent Poet
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    Why should I be punished for being a very strong low level player?
    All of my units I've earnt, I've never been carried by a guild without doing my part. To put a cap on me using my own units that I worked hard for and spent gems on to get is no answer. This would just stop any new players from starting because they would be unable to compete.
    Also if I've done well enough to be able to beat someone a much higher level than me, I deserve more cp than someone only beating there own level or lower.
    Some of these ideas are purely from a hlp perspective feeling sorry for themselves.

  5. #5
    Master of Musings
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    Your #1 idea is awful. A win is a win and shouldn't depend on level; if there's any factor influencing CP it shoud be the relative stats (ie you get more for beating a player closer to your own stats than a weak one)

    #2 misses the point a bit. It's not units that cause the inflation so much as the bonuses attached to some prizes. If those were graduated by tier it would go some way to reduce the overinflated power of some LLPs.

    #5 I see where you're coming from, but so long as match ups are largely determined by total attack power of a guild there will occasionally be mismatches - especially with small but hugely strong streak guilds being put up against much larger but more modest average attack levels. That's a problem with the tactics developed for streaks, not necessarily inherent to matching.
    "The Tokyo Rose of the Trailer Park"

  6. #6
    Consistent Contributor alonibb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PedroPimples View Post
    Why should I be punished for being a very strong low level player?
    All of my units I've earnt, I've never been carried by a guild without doing my part. To put a cap on me using my own units that I worked hard for and spent gems on to get is no answer. This would just stop any new players from starting because they would be unable to compete.
    Also if I've done well enough to be able to beat someone a much higher level than me, I deserve more cp than someone only beating there own level or lower.
    Some of these ideas are purely from a hlp perspective feeling sorry for themselves.
    Im not a HLP player myself, but I really cant see why a HLP player who has played long and invested much in the game should score less even if he/she beat other strong players compared to a low level player who only parks in a good guild and do almost nothing.

    And I have played this game long enough to know that the strong players feed the small ones. The only way to be competitive as a low lever player is to get units that other in your guild have earnt. At some point when you are strong enough you can contribute in Epic boss. But thats it. How many games have you played where you become "weaker" when you level up?
    Victorious Warriors (merged with TheGoodLife 6 times 50 wins)
    Rank 33 in Battle for the Barrens

  7. #7
    Consistent Contributor alonibb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sister morphine View Post
    Your #1 idea is awful. A win is a win and shouldn't depend on level; if there's any factor influencing CP it shoud be the relative stats (ie you get more for beating a player closer to your own stats than a weak one)
    Please explain more why its so bad please. For me its quite natural that if you defeat a lvl 189 player you should get more points than defeating a lvl 100 player. Thats how it is today. What I suggest is that even if you are a lvl 200 player you should get the same score as a lvl 50 player defeating the same lvl 189 player (except for the small random diff).
    Victorious Warriors (merged with TheGoodLife 6 times 50 wins)
    Rank 33 in Battle for the Barrens

  8. #8
    Prominent Poet
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    I've never been carried by any team. I built my stats and when I was strong enough I joint a guild. I've always been in the top tier of scorers in my guilds.
    I agree with sis m though, it should be more based on beating people with closer stats.
    People do get stronger as they level, the one and only time they suffer is in a war. Ltqs, raid bosses they are treated better than low levels.

  9. #9
    Articulate Author Vclone's Avatar
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    Ahem...A post from over 3 months ago
    The Sailing Alpacas

  10. #10
    Steady Scribe
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    Why bother ? GREE never listen.
    Its very to late n damage. its beyond repair....
    All efforts in 2 years BOOM by 1 RB, lol.
    The game is dying, n all GREE have in mind is how to squeeze more $$$ from whatever left to dry.
    Its useless thread.
    Last edited by Bohemian; 01-04-2014 at 07:36 PM.

  11. #11
    Articulate Author Vclone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vclone View Post
    Ahem...A post from over 3 months ago
    Quote Originally Posted by The Evil View Post
    Half the people in that thread have retired, or been banned... I don't think this thread will change anything either.
    This is exactly why I bring it up every time I see this kind of thread. It has all been tried before to no avail
    The Sailing Alpacas

  12. #12
    Steady Scribe
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    Going by the latest quest after the 'fix' by Gree, if that is the road forward for KA, well, i guess pretty soon people will just leave KA or die from boredom.
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  13. #13
    Verbose Veteran Zenobia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PedroPimples View Post
    People do get stronger as they level, the one and only time they suffer is in a war. Ltqs, raid bosses they are treated better than low levels.
    It is not only war. HLPs Epic Bosses are also many times more difficult than LLPs. Also, I fail to see how a HLP has an inherent advantage over a LLP in Raid Bosses. Nothing about Raid Bosses that I know of is level-dependent.

    Really, most or all of us who have 2 accounts, a HLP & a LLP, only created the LLP because Gree made the game so that only LLPs can do well in CP and Epic Bosses and only HLPs can do well in quests. Raid Bosses are the only event they have equal chances in. The rest of the game you MUST have 2 accounts in order to have a chance at success in one half of the game with one account, and the other half with the other account. If Gree would allow a HLP to succeed in all aspects of the game, those of us with LLPs would allow them to level as Gree keeps trying to force us to do against our will.

    • War - only LLPs can get good CP. They can typically average TWICE the CP per hit. This is grossly disproportional.
    • Quests - only HLP can complete (even if LLPs were created over 6 months ago and therefore may have a decent weapon/armor, they cannot complete quests without leveling out of LLP territory)
    • Epic Bosses - only LLP can get 100 (and now they can't even do that any more because Gree sabotaged the Epic Bosses on LLPs only to give them massive XP, over 250 per single kill in cases).
    • Raid Bosses - equal
    • PvP - there is an advantage to being L200 in that you can see people in their BL who cannot see you, but until that level cap, there is no advantage to being a HLP or a LLP. Also, the huge BP at L200 means that when the game crashes on you in the middle of a raid, or you know when someone's manors are coming due, you can NEVER find them again in the BL so arguably there is as much disadvantage as there is advantage.

    NO CHARACTER can succeed in all aspects of the game as it is now. We didn't WANT to have to create minis in order to succeed in the other half of the game. Gree forced our hands. The correct way to fix that is NOT to kill the mini but to empower the HLP, to make people WANT to level their characters.
    Last edited by Zenobia; 01-05-2014 at 09:22 AM.

    All your manor are belong to us.

  14. #14
    Prominent Poet
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    Hlp have better regen rate for raid boss.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenobia View Post
    The correct way to fix that is ... to empower the HLP, to make people WANT to level their characters.
    This!! ^^

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