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Thread: Ridiculous match ups all through war

  1. #46
    Prominent Poet Big John's Avatar
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    Meeting streak factions all day.
    Have fun, it's only a game

  2. #47


    Same here... Our faction has been hanging around top 500. Our strongest member - 7 mil a/d. Yet, last night we got matched up against "Farewell." With respect to Scrooge McDuck and "Farewell"... How did we pull that matchup Gree???

  3. #48
    Master of Musings Thief's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dansgek View Post
    When you face a one man faction with more than 40 ppl.
    Just lay low and unleash all in the last minute at the command centre. With 40 ppl you can score:
    40 x 4 = 160 times 80 = 12.800 points (and that's without using gold).
    I keep telling everyone this....If you have 3-4X as many people in your faction online as your opponent then you can win simply by hitting the command center.

    You get 80 points for hitting the Command Center. Thats 240-300 points for everytime they hit one of you guys 3-4 of you hit the command center.

    Also helps if you play on Ipad instead of Iphone as you get less lag and can rack up points quicker.
    VFF Legends

  4. #49
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    And They wonder why people are quitting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #50
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    Thief, absolutely. One man factions aren't a massive problem. Coordinated CC hits can do the damage. 10-12 man beast factions are....
    We are a solid 150ish faction, varying depending who we get in the last couple of wars in each campaign. This campaign we have faced beast factions that I've not seen before. We simply can't hit them even with PA hits. Hey are spending Gold like it's going out of fashion... So far nearly half a mil in 45 minutes. Only time we've had that was facing the buckwheat connection last war. We've put up 2.5k in comparison. Absolute waste of money even having a go.

    We've also drawn factions who can't cause us damage this war and they must be feeling sore in return.

    So for this campaign it is what it is... But currently the match ups are too extreme. Everyone wants a CHANCE of a win, the ability to compete. Those wars are the ones we all enjoy the most, where it's close, the team work together to win or lose.

    Good luck to those guys who changed their approach and 'won' prizes....

  6. #51
    Steady Scribe Mr Sunshine's Avatar
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    Well said Rob, the close battles are the most fun and really bond the team and have kept us all in the game spending $ and time. I did the streak faction thing w my mini this war just to see what it was like and got the 50 wins without too much effort but I have to say it lacked the thrill of fighting w the large group. Very frustrating for the morale of the faction to have only 1 or 2 of us that can hit targets. We've had this before w high ranking matchups but not quite this number. Majority of prime time Saturday was impossible matchups. When we finally get a decent matchup the guys have left for other more enjoyable activities. We've been on the other side as well w really weak opponents but quite frankly that's not terribly fun either, like beating up on a puppy. Sry, had to vent : ) I like the game, just hate to see this death spiral.

  7. #52
    Master of Musings Thief's Avatar
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    I'll go ahead and put my 2 cents in as i can see it from many different sides:

    First Gree will never be able to fix the matchup systems to where everyone is happy. It won't happen.

    Looking from the Top Down Sup needs to match with someone..No one wants to match them as they have very rarely been beat (and only by 2 other teams)

    So the top 25 teams typically get matched the most with the top 3. It sucks but its the truth and when you pull them you do exactly what others described...use your free hits on the Command Center and wait until you can match again.

    The biggest issue is there are only so many teams at the top so they keep running into each other. That means those that aren't in the top 3 have very little chance of getting 50 wins or streaks. This war due the the matchmaking changes it has helped to improve that chance. Not only did the matchup times seem shorter but the different opponents that were encountered ranged (so you didn't see every top 25 team 2-3 times) This was a positive thing for those at the top.

    On the other hand the smaller teams are now being matched with larger teams (as the windows have increased) So now the top 25 see down to top 100 and i would assume that top 100 teams see down to top 250.

    They can keep it the way it is and it makes it more frustrating for the masses in lower level factions or they can adjust it back to the way it was and make it more frustrating for the top tiers.
    VFF Legends

  8. #53
    Steady Scribe Mr Sunshine's Avatar
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    You're right Theif, I should clarify that it was the constant streak team matchups w 6 to 10 man mega armies that were the frustrating part of the weekend. It never bothered me before with a PUN or SF matchup, that's part of the game. I just think the system should go back to war rankings without the strength factor. Streak teams don't care about rank. My 4 man mini team worked hard to stay low points. I know, I'm part of the problem : ) Just had to try it and see what it was like. Wars have always been the best part of this game but it's definitely beginning to wane.

  9. #54
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    gree as usual has managed to ruin war. it seems they are on a one way road to driving all the old players away. there is no fun when we cannot use strategies since most of the teams we have seen are so far above us. as our faction got tired of chasing the "brass ring" we just go for a few win streaks, but alas gree seems to be ruining that as well with the match ups. has gree ever heard the saying of going up s hit creek without a paddle? that is where they are headed.

  10. #55
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    Thief, no issues with matching top 3 teams. As I said we drew the buck wheat connection when they ended up 3rd (I think). They had a team of 50+ players, stronger, better organised and willing to spend more Gold than us. Suck it up and move on. Never matched Sup and again if we did so be it. I don't suffer from spending envy and if that's what SUP choose to do that's their business, they also have to be able to play wars in the campaign. Not going into a discourse on that one.

    But Do I think the ease of creating small mega teams disrupts the game and creates an artificial outcome, yes. I presume these guys will be jumping back to a main faction for any FLTQ. So because they can't compete at their level in a full faction (Against Sup etc) they have got to they drop down and have fun crushing the "little people"to get trinkets.
    Personal view is that the faction size could be added to the algorithm in matching. I'd guess that NONE of them meet a top faction because of the policy to run low so they were effectively reaching up into the higher ranges to play teams like ours.

    For me and the 60+ folks in our faction group the principle applies. We want to have some fun, have a chance of hitting Streaks and work with the same group that we've had for most of the wars to date. Top 100 is a possibility, beyond that a dream. We are prepared to spend cash to improve the game, but like many there are times when the fun is sucked from it...

    By the way it's The Real Kings faction that I refer to. Been around since the start. Not high profile or that well known, but we're as important to the game as SuP and all the others out there.

    Good luck to all teams, it's only a game and we're now onto the next campaign....

  11. #56
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    We were in top 75 and got matched with a team ranked 654. Good for us...bad for them. No rhyme or reason. Stop trying to apply logic to the situation....it only causes stress. If you must get into the mind of this madman GREE....then think "bean counter" and "$$$$$$$$".....should help you get closer to the real picture.

    Burning is learning.

  12. #57
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    A strategy in this game is only good until they figure it out. We had our streaks end with teams we could not get a hit on. There is no strategy for that. Our last game we had one player we could hit for 81 points. 24m a/d players and minis with 8m a/d is out of control. Our faction leader just sold off his base and is quitting. Throw in the bugs, and all the other crap and you might think they are laughing at us.

  13. #58
    Steady Scribe Hellish's Avatar
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    We are a top 100 team, but getting matched with SUP 1, SUP 2, GSF, and 15 other teams from top 20... Doesn't seem right. Why didn't we get matched with the teams 50-120? Seem a little closer to the mark. Just my pennies.

  14. #59
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    Totally Random

    Why not make the match-ups totally random. You'd still run into mismatches but you'd make it where you could be matched up against someone you could really score points on and vise versa where you'd have trouble scoring points if you are much higher. It would keep the top X percent from mapping out who they know they are going to matched up on and just raking in the points.

  15. #60
    This was the hardest war yet, we only got 10 wins total and never reached a 3 win streak. Usually we rank top 2600ish and this time I think we were in the mid 3ks. Wish they changed the reward system to 4k 3k 2k, but since it's 4k to 1.5k.. I'm not trippn about where we placed in the end
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