1. #1

    Gree Screwed up the goal prizes - there's no prize for 55 win streak. REFUND TIME

    So, after splashing down the neon party grenades for 3 days as the prize for 55 win streak, it now appears that there is no prize for 55 win streak and the neon party grenades were for finishing the "streak goals" that end with 12/12 streak.

    Has any one else accomplished the 55 wins in a row only to learn there's no prize for it despite the splash screen offering the neon party grenades for accomplishing the 55 in a row? Has Gree offered compensation prize & modifier?

  2. #2
    mxz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    The 99%
    Umm, that is the 12/12 streak, bro. http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthre...-Club-District

    Quote Originally Posted by Assault and Flattery View Post
    SLTQ prizes:

    Ready to build a Movie Theater, Loft or Night Club? Click here.
    CC Loot Drops 20130122_3
    MW Loot Drops mw20121214_1

  3. #3
    I know that's what the forum post said. But they splashed down same prize for winning 55 in a row for 3 days.

  4. #4
    I dont think you understand man, the way the streak goals work is like this:

    Win 2 battles in a row (starting from 0), then once that goal is complete you get reset back to 0, and then you have to "Win 3 battles in a row" (starting from 0 again) and so forth, until you get the last goal which is win 12 in a row, added up with all other streaks that is winning 55 in a row.

    Hope that made sense

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    that list totals 56.........
    I don't care if you agree with my opinion, its my opinion so move on and find someone who cares.

    rough stats:- level 257 - 9att 4.5def - 322mil iph

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Was under the impression that there was a win 55 in a row and the streak goals prize but ive never personally gotten 55 wins so I wouldnt know but 2 prizes for basically the same goal doesn't seem logical but what is with gree.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by therealbengie View Post
    that list totals 56.........
    Was going to say that
    "The Tokyo Rose of the Trailer Park"

  8. #8
    I've seen others with the win streak prize
    Attack 9,xxx,xxx
    Defense 8,xxx,xxx
    CC Mafia Code 343 308 986

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Give me a f---ing break. Yeah, the splash screen for the final win streak prize says "55 wins" and it has said so in every single war since they first introduced the streaks in Boardwalk Bash. This is because GREE cannot be expected to correctly add a few numbers together, but anyone with any sense knows it's 2+3+4+5+...+8+9+12 = 56. Don't act like you were counting your "wins in a row" starting with 0 and ending with 55-- otherwise you could disqualify any team that lost a match in the middle of a streak, only to recover later. You have to finish the final 12 streak to get the final prize, and it's always been that way. Trying to blame an errant splash screen citing "55 wins" instead of a total of 56 is like trying to take your traffic ticket to court because the officer's handwriting is messy. Shut the hell up, you knew you had to finish the 12-streak, end of story.

  10. #10
    Thank you^
    Although.. I do find it hard to believe anyone would actually win 55 battles in a row, and NOT check the synd goals to realize you were 11/12 & 1 win away from finishing the elite mode
    I am pretty sure it did say win 55 battles AND complete the elite syndicate goals to receive..

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    It would be nice to know how many syndicates actually completed 55 wins, or more, in a row.
    Advertising a prize for 55 wins in a row and not having a prize for that is BS. That's like having a splash screen for an individual goal saying win 1200 fights without losing one fight and get a prize. This really grinds my gears....

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by indians View Post
    Give me a f---ing break. Yeah, the splash screen for the final win streak prize says "55 wins" and it has said so in every single war since they first introduced the streaks in Boardwalk Bash. This is because GREE cannot be expected to correctly add a few numbers together, but anyone with any sense knows it's 2+3+4+5+...+8+9+12 = 56. Don't act like you were counting your "wins in a row" starting with 0 and ending with 55-- otherwise you could disqualify any team that lost a match in the middle of a streak, only to recover later. You have to finish the final 12 streak to get the final prize, and it's always been that way. Trying to blame an errant splash screen citing "55 wins" instead of a total of 56 is like trying to take your traffic ticket to court because the officer's handwriting is messy. Shut the hell up, you knew you had to finish the 12-streak, end of story.

    Indian, just because you are willing to excuse misleading advertising by a billion dollar corporation that can't effen add up to 56, can't hire proper English speaking writers, and can't fix a damn number error in a splash screen and drops that incorrect splash screen for 73 hours straight, doesn't mean everyone else has to excuse it too. I completed the 56 wins needed for the 9/9 goal ending in 12 straight wins, so I finished that streak goal, and I did it while going 56-0. And your post implies that you think I should have known there's only one prize because it's impossible to win the streak goal without going undefeated, which is ridiculous. You can have loss immediately after completing each steak of 2,3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 etc. and still reach and win the 12 in a row, theoretically going 56-8. It just depends on when exactly the losses come.

    The ad the splashed for 3 days straight offered a prize for 55 straight wins. Any way you read it, its misleading in 2 ways - it offers a nonexistent prize for 55 wins in a row, which is totally different from 56 wins for the multiple streak goals ending in 12/12, and it says 55 "In a row." This "55 in a row" is totally different from winining 56 battles which need not ALL be in a row in order to go 9/9 in those streak goals.

    And this is NOTHING like getting off a speeding ticket because of messy handwriting. The ticket is not Misleading, it simply lacks sufficient minimal clarity under the law. This gree splash ad for the 55 in a row was not messy, it was quite clear - Winn 55 in a row and win this prize. Telling customers that WE SHOULD HAVE KNOW WHAT THEY (Geee) "REALLY" MEANT is not how things work, at least not in the USA.

    So, gree effed up and anyone who won 55 in a row deserves compensation for it.

  13. #13
    Further, the correct thing for a responsible company that actually cares about its clients is to admit they screwed up, and to compensate people for their mistake. It costs them zero to offer some kind of compensatory gesture, and it creates good will that creates loyal customers. Treating customers like crack dealers treat their desperate powerless crack-addicted customers is not the way to go.

  14. #14
    TZora's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    maybe they're standing up to the name of the game... bunch of criminals running the game and the company .. what do you expect.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by TZora View Post
    maybe they're standing up to the name of the game... bunch of criminals running the game and the company .. what do you expect.

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