View Poll Results: Would You Like Gree To Reset Some Parts of the Game?

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  • No. gree should change a thing

    52 69.33%
  • Yes. but only Items reset

    12 16.00%
  • Yes. Items and Hoods reset

    2 2.67%
  • Yes. a complete game reset of items, hoods, mods and level

    9 12.00%
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  1. #46

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Holy mother of god, what have you been smoking and can I have some?!
    You're suggesting they just erase everything we've worked for and spent real, hard-earned cash (well for some of us...can't say the same for some of these spoiled rich people) on. I'm sorry, but I have never in my life heard of a stupider idea. That's like if during WWII FDR had been like, wow, so many people are dying...I have an idea, let's just nuke everyone so the world can start over and be a better place!

    TL;DR No. Go back to your mother's basement, pal.

  2. #47
    I don't think resetting is the way to go. I'd be p*ssed off If I logged in one day to see a blank, small area where my hood used to be, with my guy standing in middle with 0 att/0 def. instead they need to revamp the respect points, currency system, and the items you can build/buy with them.

    Another problem will be getting the new players to stay and slowly build their hood and rob rivals for respect after bombarding them with huge event after huge event with giant prizes. The newer players are hooked on constant action and enormous prizes. They may not want to grind it out and slowly build a hood or rob a bunch of rivals to buy a decent piece of gear (if gree redesigns the cash items).

  3. #48

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Guisseppe17 View Post
    Holy mother of god, what have you been smoking and can I have some?!
    You're suggesting they just erase everything we've worked for and spent real, hard-earned cash (well for some of us...can't say the same for some of these spoiled rich people) on. I'm sorry, but I have never in my life heard of a stupider idea. That's like if during WWII FDR had been like, wow, so many people are dying...I have an idea, let's just nuke everyone so the world can start over and be a better place!

    TL;DR No. Go back to your mother's basement, pal.
    typical troll.
    u didn't even read the thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by SollyLlama View Post
    I am comparing computer hardware to the stats of CC items.

    You purchase a computer and you expect it to be the best you can afford *when you buy it.*
    i guess u never really bought a computer for yourself because u r talking bs.
    since the days of pentium-3 it was a well known fact that newer technology will come out every year - but there is a reasonable rate of obsolescence that ppl r willing to except.
    if, like u said, every year there will be a new computer whichi is 2 times faster and 2 times cheaper then it will be unacceptable. <- BTW something like that had never happened so don't compare it to CC.

    the real comparison that should be made is:
    what if u bought a computer with 2ghz speed and it cost 200$... and within 6 month a new 3ghz will be given for free??
    this is exactly what happened in CC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe bananas View Post
    I voted no. If they did a reset, we would be back to where we are now really quick. Fixing the shop would help, but then Gree would just make rp harder to obtain. They want gold. Pure and simple.
    I'm hoping all grees gold is going towards making a bug free crime city 2.0 :-)
    the idea is to reset the items and to stop handing out those extremely strong items.
    simply handing out normal (60-90 attack) items.
    Last edited by noamlin; 12-04-2013 at 07:51 PM.

  4. #49

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    We all got the 3ghz for free but some of us paid the $200 update for the 4ghz lol at this pointless thread. I just bought a new car, please come strip all the parts off. I just want the frame now. I'm still lol'g and nobody is trolling, just letting you know it's a horrible idea.

  5. #50


    This post was quite interesting but totally pointless. From the perspective of the owners of the game your changes would see the earnings drop down quite a bit, I'm guessing a drop of at least 80% the first week.

    And the amount of gold-reburst? Every single person that have spent gold the last 6 months would go looking for that gold back. Personally I'm protected by Norwegian customer law (stictes in the world) and that would basicly mean that a game reset would give me, by law, the right to be reinbursted for the gold bought the last 5 years.

    This game will continue to go on in this format for the forseeable future.

    In reality, if the want to do anything of the sort you are suggesting, the only option is to open a new server that starts from scratch.

    On a small side note, the developers of this game have done some (purely from a economical point of view) great changes, they have developed a game with a gigantic fan base that play this game no matter what, they have addicted customers. When you get into a position like this you can do a lot to maximize your profits, gree have done that.

    What I fear though is that this prosess have been badly planned out and rushed to save the mothership who we all know have been buying up games a little to fast and have a very strangled liquity situation. The stocks have also been over estimated for quite a while. The stat influx have gone a little out of control and I've seen a lot of good games ruined like this many times. I'm very very interested in seeing what they will do next, going like this the game will soon start to loose income so they need to make some very very smart choices soon to save the potential income for the years to come.

    Btw, I probobly just rewrote what someone else have written but I only read your first post, I have a one of my last exams on my econimics mayor tomorrow and need to start reading

  6. #51

    Crime City Light

    Why not create a new game called "Crime City Light" where we start from scratch but with less time demanding quests. This version will have some of the quests of the original game.

  7. #52
    The_'s Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Lol @ the poll results essentially making this thread completely irrelevant.

    On a serious note, what's the point of an item reset when there is still going to be inflated rewards? unless gree magically changes their business model by going back to the archaic status quo. In any organization, games, or settings, change is essential to move forward so I doubt they'll be inclined to take this route.

    The only thing item reset will accomplish is taking away items from hundred of thousands of players who have spent years attaining their units. Google play and iOS store will certainly have busy days ahead of them filling out refund orders if this happens.
    Last edited by The_; 12-04-2013 at 11:35 PM.

  8. #53
    i think stat inflation is inevitable under any model. my thoughts on curbing it:

    1. See things from Gree's point of view. A gold spender from days past that chooses to go free makes no more money for them. I see no reason why players shouldnt have to continue paying to maintain those top spots. You can be champ for a day, but you gotta keep working at it to remain the top dog. nothing wrong with that.

    2. continue giving out monster stat items for events. I see no problem with a 70k item. minus the modifers.
    3. Control the modifiers. I think that if you give out modifiers for top events such as wars and case leaderboard events, stat inflation would control itself. Because yeah, the heavy gold spenders should have the best toys. this could be the best way to reward gold spenders.
    4. introduce small modifiers on Limited Edition Gold items. Stuff like a +1 modifier on top of an item. with a cap on the amount of modifiers that would stack. Same with crates. Make these two things worth buying again.

    A gradual behind the scenes reset of modifiers would certainly go a long way to curbing it as well. If they could make it gradual enough to make it almost transparent... As it is, most players already dont know how the algorithms work and how stuff is really calculated behind the scenes.

  9. #54

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by noamlin View Post
    You ask for sympathy but have none left over for the free players which might have even more experience than urself and even better input. No matter wethere you are a low lvl or a free player, the issue you bring up will affect everyone if it got implented, therefor everyone vote should count.

    Quote Originally Posted by noamlin View Post
    Hi guys.

    i have been playing CC for almost a year now, and even tho it's such a simple game (u basically tap, tap tap, tap tap tap) it got me hooked because i always strived getting better - better hood, better items, better mods etc..
    What app game doesnīt require taping?
    Quote Originally Posted by noamlin View Post
    for the past two months gree has gone mad. 10k+ items are handed out like it's free (it is free!).
    the game had a purpose:
    the more money u have - the better items u can buy.
    the more RP u have - even better and rarer items to buy.
    The game still has a purpose, it got evolved and more focused on syndicate instead of the individual player. Maybe you missed that train, but in short, the better you get with your syndicate, the better and stronger every member gets.

    Quote Originally Posted by noamlin View Post
    today we have no need for RP nor cash (the most basic currency of the game!).
    i can't find a reason to keep and upgrade my hood.
    buying item's from the store is a joke.
    no reason to attack or rob other ppl, it gives u nothing.
    I could list tons of reasons to keep doing those things, but you seems to fail to see most part of the game anyhow so there might be no point in putting it out here for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by noamlin View Post
    there is no strategy anymore.
    Yes there is, you only need to figure it out, no money can do that for you though.

    Quote Originally Posted by noamlin View Post
    no "the more u play the faster u progress".
    no more "the bigger ur hood and iph the better u r".
    Well to my knowledge it is still a requirement to play to progress, so that should still mean that the more you play the faster you progress. Or you are saying I could let the game be for a month and still progress at the same rate as I would play 5 hours a day? I bet I would progress much faster if I played 5 hours a day than nothing, otherwise I am doing something wrong here.

    Quote Originally Posted by noamlin View Post
    i remember the days i thought the when i'll have the biggest hood i will buy tons of Rocket Launchers and many Doomsday Frags. the days where u farm a building for it's prized weapon (which gives 10 atk/def lol)!
    if anyone was to buy a weapon with gold he was unbeatable. today, spending real cash (!) on items is just money down the drain...
    with 500 mafia (total of 2000 weapons(?)) i would say my weakest weapon is 300+ attack - ten times stringer than any weapon u can with cash.

    I remeber the 80īs, those where the days! Stupid evolution..... There are 2500 items for you to use with a full mafia, I suppose you just miscalculated there.

    Quote Originally Posted by noamlin View Post
    SO... before i'll take any extreme decision (like quitting) i decided to ask an extreme question:
    What do you say about items reset?! (<- my vote)
    maybe even total items and hoods reset?
    maybe complete game reset (everyone starts fresh, a new game at level 1)?
    HELL NO!

    Quote Originally Posted by noamlin View Post
    clearing everyone's items stock, but leaving our hoods and mods - because some of us still played 1+ years and do not want it all to go to waste.
    In my mind that would be even more hurtful keeping the mods while stripping away everything else. That just proves you really do not understand the basics of the game, even with +1 year of experience. I restarted with a new character and gave up the mod ( canīt remember the name right now ) which lowered the cost of upgrade buildings by 20 or 25%. That seriously made some big difference not having it compared to have it.

    Just think of the numbers of mods out there, those low stat items you speak of would still cause a huge gap instant if the mods where to be kept. The elite players who obviously spends tons of real cash on this game are mainly doing the events for the mods, the stats they get from the items are just a bonus, cause they know a mod is making the difference, not the good stat item which will be trash in a few weeks anyway.

    I suggest you adopt to the game instead of hating it, you seems to have a thing for the game ( or had ) but you just fail to understand the changes the game is going through.

  10. #55
    wow. thems is some big wurds.

  11. #56
    hexie's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    OP, I don't like any of your available options but I am intrigued by some people apparently caught cheating and getting a reset, to level 1 I assume, with their gold spent up to that point credited.

    It actually sounds like a respec that you would pay for in other games if you messed up your skill tree or wanted to try something new but with all your gold back rather than skill points.

    I would actually purchase a respec. With that big gold balance once used on everything from crates to opening cases (and UI lag inspired accidental henchman, scratcher, energy and stamina purchases) I'm pretty sure I could spend it much more wisely the second time round gaining far more powerful items than any previously purchased why keeping my level low.

    I'd even sacrifice my hood...

  12. #57
    Guys instead of resetting the game (which gree will never do) how about they just start a second server so everyone can have a fresh start without deleteing the game? I'm sure if gree does start a second server lots of "retired" people will come back along with new people to.

  13. #58

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    first of all cubic i want to thank u for this comprehensive reply!

    Quote Originally Posted by cubic View Post
    You ask for sympathy but have none left over for the free players which might have even more experience than urself and even better input. No matter wethere you are a low lvl or a free player, the issue you bring up will affect everyone if it got implented, therefor everyone vote should count.
    excuse me but it has been said that resetting the game will take away the progress of ppl who PAID for.
    if u didn't pay then u don't get to vote.
    ppl r saying that gree can't take away their progress - as a free player u may (and will) uninstall, but as a gold player it's another issue.
    i don't remember Gree eployees going to work every day because of free players.

    Quote Originally Posted by cubic View Post
    What app game doesnīt require taping?
    ummmmm... every game?!
    what kind of games do u play that require only tapping? (no thinking, no moving, no skills).
    (angry birds, fruit ninja, candy crash - all require much more than just tapping lol).

    Quote Originally Posted by cubic View Post
    The game still has a purpose, it got evolved and more focused on syndicate instead of the individual player. Maybe you missed that train, but in short, the better you get with your syndicate, the better and stronger every member gets.
    that is half correct -the game does focus more on syndicates but u don't have to get the best syndicate in order to progress.
    a syndicate of 30 ppl at level 50 each can benefit from sltqs 3 times more than a syndicate of 20 ppl at level 200!

    Quote Originally Posted by cubic View Post
    I could list tons of reasons to keep doing those things, but you seems to fail to see most part of the game anyhow so there might be no point in putting it out here for you.
    u say u could list but u didn't - because u can't!
    except for syndicate's bonuses (which are worthless) there is no need for cash.

    Quote Originally Posted by cubic View Post
    Yes there is, you only need to figure it out, no money can do that for you though.
    what strategy??
    we used to plan fighting times, send scouters on wars and what not...
    today u need no strategy - just be a low level of the 1st or 2nd tier and u r set! u can beat every mission without strategy.

    Quote Originally Posted by cubic View Post
    Well to my knowledge it is still a requirement to play to progress, so that should still mean that the more you play the faster you progress. Or you are saying I could let the game be for a month and still progress at the same rate as I would play 5 hours a day? I bet I would progress much faster if I played 5 hours a day than nothing, otherwise I am doing something wrong here.
    we used to play 5-10 times a day because of few things - collecting money all the time and maximum participation with bosses.
    today u can do the same with playing once a day - no need to collect money anymore, and some events can be finished with a few minutes (e.g. the epic boss, where ppl reached a point they kill all bosses from level 1 to 100 with one hit!)

    Quote Originally Posted by cubic View Post

    I remeber the 80īs, those where the days! Stupid evolution..... There are 2500 items for you to use with a full mafia, I suppose you just miscalculated there.
    yup u r right lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by cubic View Post
    In my mind that would be even more hurtful keeping the mods while stripping away everything else. That just proves you really do not understand the basics of the game, even with +1 year of experience. I restarted with a new character and gave up the mod ( canīt remember the name right now ) which lowered the cost of upgrade buildings by 20 or 25%. That seriously made some big difference not having it compared to have it.

    Just think of the numbers of mods out there, those low stat items you speak of would still cause a huge gap instant if the mods where to be kept. The elite players who obviously spends tons of real cash on this game are mainly doing the events for the mods, the stats they get from the items are just a bonus, cause they know a mod is making the difference, not the good stat item which will be trash in a few weeks anyway.

    I suggest you adopt to the game instead of hating it, you seems to have a thing for the game ( or had ) but you just fail to understand the changes the game is going through.
    modifiers and hoods are something ppl have really worked for.
    i bet 90% of the mods where given to ppl who used gold, unlike items that are handed out like candy for free.
    for the last year i worked hard on two things - my mods and my hood. i did not work hard for 95% of my items.
    Last edited by noamlin; 12-05-2013 at 04:53 AM.

  14. #59

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by hexie View Post
    OP, I don't like any of your available options but I am intrigued by some people apparently caught cheating and getting a reset, to level 1 I assume, with their gold spent up to that point credited.

    It actually sounds like a respec that you would pay for in other games if you messed up your skill tree or wanted to try something new but with all your gold back rather than skill points.

    I would actually purchase a respec. With that big gold balance once used on everything from crates to opening cases (and UI lag inspired accidental henchman, scratcher, energy and stamina purchases) I'm pretty sure I could spend it much more wisely the second time round gaining far more powerful items than any previously purchased why keeping my level low.

    I'd even sacrifice my hood...
    let me see if i understand:
    u mean - reset the game and give back to ppl their gold, so this time they will be able to spend it more wisely?
    that is a very interesting idea!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arionek View Post
    Guys instead of resetting the game (which gree will never do) how about they just start a second server so everyone can have a fresh start without deleteing the game? I'm sure if gree does start a second server lots of "retired" people will come back along with new people to.

  15. #60
    if gree has made many of the old gold items and prizes obsolete/irrelevant, then i see no reason why the same couldn't happen for modifiers. for example, if everyone keeps getting these 25% gun and car modifiers, youll soon reach a point where the majority of players have them, making them obsolete.

    this in a sense resets an aspect of the game.

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