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  1. #31

    Cant login after update

    Please gree, fix my problem soon.. Why I cant login to the game after last update (9/26/13)??. This app auto closed when loadg the game..

  2. #32

    Can't load game

    Today when I went to go play on my iPad the game would not load for me. When it was in the loading screen it would just kick me back to my iPad home screen. I tried redownloading and restarting the app but no luck any suggestions?

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    game keeps crashing when i go to Alliance tab, or try to change servers after a period of time.

  4. #34
    Jwld's Avatar
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    May 2013
    Does having 2 defense grids on a base make a difference?

  5. #35

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    Nov 2013


    what happens if your base runs out of fuel. do your units start to die or still live. what are the down falls of running out of fuel?

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    defense grid

    there is not a lot of info on the defense grid. it says increases the battle distance and range of siege units. by how much with each level? is there more exact info I can get on these structures?

  7. #37

    Question Superconducting magnet

    Whats a superconducting magnet for because i have one
    It sais accelerates particles

  8. #38

    Wink /

    Quote Originally Posted by abyss View Post
    there is not a lot of info on the defense grid. it says increases the battle distance and range of siege units. by how much with each level? is there more exact info I can get on these structures?
    Wel everytime you upgrade it it gets more health so it takes longer to destroy it

  9. #39

    Chat bans

    Not allowing to chat with alliance members is ridiculous. It maybe not be more then 5-10% of players but it ruins the game for us. I was chat banned for reposting what someone said that was disgusting and I got banned?!?? Now I'm permanently mute. The other time I was banned was for calling some guy looking for 12 year old girls a pedo. Literally the thing I said was "only a pedo looks for 12 year old girls on a mmo". Gree is unforgiving and now the game is pointless for me. I can no longer coordinate with teammates. I've spent over 100$ and I refuse to pay anymore to be ripped off by this "greedy" company.

  10. #40
    Fanta32's Avatar
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    I feel the pain, 5 days ink a new world I get one month ban for using the F word that rhymes with tuck, it wasn't used in an aggressive manner, and the rules don't sate you can't swear or use bad language it says you aren't allowed to be threatening, racist, offensive, obscene. I used it in disbelief at a player talking down to and discouraging new players with "noob" questions, basically sold up against a bully and got banned

    Rules are very very unclear yet a thread on the forums that I read today for the first time go into the language ban and terminology in a lot more detail, why this is not on the game rules I don't know. I'm banned for breaking an unwritten rule. First ban I for was for telling a joke from an Ashton kucher movie, now thinking its in a film world wide unthought it would be ok, but no you get people on the worlds wanting to report anyone for anything to ruin the game.

    I'm writing to iTunes for a refund for my gold. I believe if people are that bad behaved it should put a ban on their account for say a week so they can't do anything then lift the ban, muting people will only drive people like you and I out of the game, both gold spenders. And I like to help all new guys with advice etc now I can't.

  11. #41
    Max Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fanta32 View Post
    I feel the pain, 5 days ink a new world I get one month ban for using the F word that rhymes with tuck, it wasn't used in an aggressive manner, and the rules don't sate you can't swear or use bad language it says you aren't allowed to be threatening, racist, offensive, obscene. I used it in disbelief at a player talking down to and discouraging new players with "noob" questions, basically sold up against a bully and got bannedRules are very very unclear yet a thread on the forums that I read today for the first time go into the language ban and terminology in a lot more detail, why this is not on the game rules I don't know. I'm banned for breaking an unwritten rule. First ban I for was for telling a joke from an Ashton kucher movie, now thinking its in a film world wide unthought it would be ok, but no you get people on the worlds wanting to report anyone for anything to ruin the game.I'm writing to iTunes for a refund for my gold. I believe if people are that bad behaved it should put a ban on their account for say a week so they can't do anything then lift the ban, muting people will only drive people like you and I out of the game, both gold spenders. And I like to help all new guys with advice etc now I can't.
    Honestly, when has it been OK to drop f-bombs in any public setting, forum or game? Ever. Someone has to tell you not to do it? Seriously?

  12. #42
    Fanta32's Avatar
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    Correct, there are age restrictions for a reason. And yes I have been on games and forums where a swear word isn't frowned upon unless it is in a threatening or offensive manner. Why the need for so many questions? Actually?

  13. #43

    transfer 3gs to 5c

    how do I make the transfer?

    I cant get my old data to this new phone.

  14. #44
    Fanta32's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jerricklo View Post
    how do I make the transfer?

    I cant get my old data to this new phone.
    I'm not fully sure about transferring but when I got new phone I downloaded app, signed in using game centre and it pops up something like "there is already an account for this user, transfer game now?" With yes or no options

  15. #45
    Drifting death's Avatar
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    Death to Ming
    Quote Originally Posted by jerricklo View Post
    how do I make the transfer?

    I cant get my old data to this new phone.
    Make sure you have a game centre account on your old Iproduct then as above, install the game and login to your game centre account as long as you use the same account it should link it to your game. If you have started a new game centre account on your new phone you may have to factory reset it if you still can not get the game to link.

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