Mods please HELP!


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Thread: Mods please HELP!

  1. #1
    Newbie Mr Gunny's Avatar
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    Exclamation Mods please HELP!

    **Issure resolved. Thank you Gree.**

    My faction leader spent two vaults to complete the Project Gunrunner LTQ and FLTQ, but did NOT receive the SR-71 Raven! He finished the individual prestige and helped the faction get the faction prestige and has the units to prove it.

    I personally searched his inventory, and he has the Water Dazzle Battleship for completing all individual goals on normal, the X-200 Prototype Soldier for completing all individual goals on prestige, the HM Carriage M8 for completing all faction prestige goals on normal, and the Krzesiny 28 for completing all faction goals on prestige. The only unit he is missing is the SR-71 Raven.

    As you can see from his inventory he has completed all goals necessary to receive the SR-71 Raven, but every time he sends in a support ticket he is told that he did not complete the faction prestige goal. Obviously this is impossible since he has the Krzesiny 28 unit in his inventroy for completing it. Furthermore, myself and dozens of others personally saw him in the faction when the faction prestige goal was completed.

    I have included screenshots of the previously mentioned units in his inventory below. You can check his inventory for yourself to confirm that he has them. This is clearly some kind of mistake or glitch, and support has been unable or unwilling to help thus far. I am hoping one of the moderators here will be kind enough to have a look at the evidence provided and be able to aid him in obtaining the unit he earned. His name, invite code, and the support ticket number can be provided upon request, since it is against TOS to post it here.

    Last edited by Mr Gunny; 11-08-2013 at 08:27 PM.
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  2. #2
    Prominent Poet Thunder Child's Avatar
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    Mr. Gunny is refering to me - and I'm sure I can mention my own name and invite number:

    Thunder Child - 554164644; I have two ticket numbers I can provide

    A little over 12 hours after the end of Project Gunrunner, I am onto my second ticket and have sent a dozen emails about this.

    So far I have been told (in order) that I didn't complete the faction portion (I did and have the units to prove this above) and then that somehow I logged out just before the end of the event and logged back in just after it was over, and so missed getting the SR-71 Raven.

    "With your case, I was able to review our data and see that you had actually left the game shortly before the event ended, which the event ended at 11AM on 11/7/2013, and then returned just as when the event had ended."

    A whole team can vouch that this was not the case; MOREOVER, I live in South Korea and was fast asleep at 4am local time when the event ended.

    Finally, Mods, you should know that a second member of my team has also not been awarded this unit in exactly the same circumstances; his ticket has not yet even received any attention; I'm sure he'll be along here soon himself.

    It's a lot of real money to spend to be given the runaround like this from people who clearly are not properly reading the emails I am sending and will continue to send.
    Last edited by Thunder Child; 11-07-2013 at 11:48 PM.
    formerly playing as

    Hammer Slammer & Thunder Child

  3. #3
    Member Since
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    I can also confirm I was in REG at the same time. Player id 931448663. A breach like this on top of recent scandals brushed aside is seriously making me question my commitment and gold spend in this game.

  4. #4
    Steady Scribe
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    Gree please, I thought someone will not leave the faction when he/her pursuit the unit and use their money to get the unit, and back in after the event end, after use a lot of gold, not make sense to me.
    so please fix it ASAP

  5. #5
    Prominent Poet Thunder Child's Avatar
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    To be clear - at no point during the FLTQ did I even once leave the faction.
    formerly playing as

    Hammer Slammer & Thunder Child

  6. #6
    Newbie Mr Gunny's Avatar
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    The idea that a player can spend large amounts of gold and complete all the goals publicly listed to receive a reward, and then be denied that reward, is extremely disconcerting. A breach of trust like this, besides have legal implications, would make many players very nervous about spending money/gold in the future, for fear that they may not get what was promised to them. I can understand that mistakes happen, but to refuse to acknowledge and correct that mistake in the face of overwhelming evidence is not acceptable. I remain an optimistic person and dearly hope that this is all a misunderstanding. This is why I have posted this plea to you here on the forums.
    Last edited by Mr Gunny; 11-08-2013 at 02:28 AM.
    The Netherlands - 30
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  7. #7
    Member Since
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    it doesn't make sense why they do this. it happened to me and i sent them a ticket. their reply is the same that i didn't complete the event. i replied back together with all attachments that i did finished the LT. i hope they fix this issue as soon as possible.

  8. #8

    Open letter to GREE

    I'm writing on behalf of THUNDER CHILD, a fellow faction
    member, who, like myself, finished both individual and faction prestige
    LTQ's in gunrunners. He; however, did NOT receive the reward for
    completing both. (SR 71 RAVEN)

    I know that it was rewarded, as that I received mine.

    This player is a dedicated, consistent player, with whom GREE has greatly
    benefitted from financially. Without gold buying players, there would be
    no MODERN WAR! There would be no GREE!

    If this is how Gree continues to treat the players that spend "real" money
    on their games, expect a backlash. NO ONE wants to spend time and money on
    a game that doesn't payout what was rightfully earned.

    We may as well lose our money in a least there we would get
    free drinks!

    I trust that you will look into this matter, and do what is fair and just.

    Strap on Your BOOTS!

  9. #9
    Prominent Poet Tate's Avatar
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    To the Mods and tech support,

    As the Leader of Ranger Elites Guild, which Thunderchild was a member of for the duration of the FLTQ in question, I can state unequivocally that TC was never removed from the Faction, nor did he leave at ANY time during the event prior to REG completing all of the goals as required.

    I would submit that possibly there is a problem with how you are tracking his membership since there is no question that there have been numerous problems with members not showing up in the member lists, members being bumped form Factions and Guilds in KA, since Gree's shutdown for "maintenance" this past weekend.

    I respectfully request that you take a serious look at your records, and the units in TC's inventory, to ensure that he receive the appropriate Top unit, which he has earned!

    Also as TC mentions, there is at least one more member of REG that is also missing his Top unit after spending approximately an equal amount of $$$ to achieve your imposed goals. I'm sure that we will be following up for him soon as well.

    Ranger Elites Guild.
    Last edited by Tate; 11-08-2013 at 12:36 AM.
    MW id# 904002220
    CC id# 306196941
    game name tate

    KA id# 544044079
    game name Cobra

    If you send a request, please PM me so I can add you and drop a stranger,
    and there a
    lot of strangers.....

  10. #10
    Lurker Mc K's Avatar
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    Please take a closer look at this situation. I am the other member of the same faction that this happened to. I also have the X-200 protoype solder and the kresinsy 28 in my inventory, but no SR-71 raven. I never left the faction at any time during the event and was still in it when I turned MW back on. I spent over three vaults on this one event alone. There is no reason for us to leave before receiving the prizes after all that money spent. Since it happened to at least two of us in the same faction, another reason has to be behind this error.

  11. #11
    Consistent Contributor Romaro's Avatar
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    wow, just curious if we have different time and result between Gree with the player, first my wife's account with different WD rank and now this, OMG

  12. #12
    Prominent Poet mickymacirl's Avatar
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    Happened to me a few LTQ's ago as well and never got the unit even after proving I had completed the goal.

    I hope you get ur units TC and Mc K.

  13. #13
    Prominent Poet
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    Just a thought, this isn't linked to when pkayers found themselves out if their faction last week after the downtime??

  14. #14
    Prominent Poet Thunder Child's Avatar
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    Didn't find myself anywhere; all I know is that I went to bed IN FACTION and we were 13/15 final faction prestige mission (I had already finished Individual prestige many hours earlier), I wake up IN FACTION, the event is over and I have the faction prestige unit to complete the four units BUT NO SO-CALLED 'wrap-up' unit.....

    And yet I'm told by Support that I somehow dipped out of my faction in my sleep at the critical moment and then jumped back in after it was all over, still asleep!

    I really want an answer and I REALLY want the SR-71 Raven I spent 3000 gold on and invested so much time and energy to get...........
    formerly playing as

    Hammer Slammer & Thunder Child

  15. #15
    Articulate Author Tanner's Avatar
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    Team Gree,
    TC and Mck were both in faction for The duration of The quests. Having seen both of their inventories, I'm left to wonder whether I should spend anything?

    Are the game servers malfunctioning in a way that caused us to miss units we are supposed to be awarded? I wonder who will miss out next time?

    Even MMIRL didn't receive one, in the same manner; he's PUN and if they can't get stuff fixed, who can? Is this just the future of the game? I suppose your actions will indicate whether you have any idea where or what the problem is and whether the game will remain playable.

    Time will tell

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