"All roads lead tu Roma"


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Thread: "All roads lead tu Roma"

  1. #1
    Consistent Contributor phrosty's Avatar
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    "All roads lead tu Roma"

    They say all roads lead to Rome! But are you're in good company for the RIDE?

    Brazil 75th Greenland 79th Egypt 49th China 59th
    Ireland 73rd Columbia 36th Madagascar 79th Poland 83rd
    Australia 94th Canada 67th India 40th France 56th Mexico 60th

    We are looking for new recruits and offering you the chance to join BAF!:

    Please visit; Brits.forumotion.co.uk

    What are the BAF after?
    We want leaders, people who want to step up and share the responsibilities of a successful faction. We want daily active players. All our members step up to the plate when required and carry out duties as required. No-one shirks their responsibilities. We fight together and we win together.

    Why such high stats?
    We get matched against factions that contain members of equal or higher stats. To earn points you need to be able to win PvPs. We want you to win as that helps us to win.

    Do I need to be a gold spender?
    No, in fact a big fat no. We do have members who spend gold, some more than others, some that don't. We don't care and we want you not to care. This is a game for fun and we want you to play it for fun and to do that we don't think its fair to pressure you into spending your hard earned cash if you don't want to.

    What support do I get?
    We have a very active community which includes big stat experienced players. We have evolved to our own forum where we discuss everything that concerns the faction, from hints and tips to Battle for Country (BfC) guides and strategy. This section is only available to faction members.

    We analyse and assess the results of each BfC so we can adapt our strategy for the next BfC.

    We can also offer to assess your units and base to help you grow your stats quickly and efficiently. The stronger we can make you the stronger the faction becomes.

    Faction Leadership
    We are very lucky to have a fair and just leader. He remains objective at all times and can be ruthless when needed.
    His strong leadership is why we have retained a very good team, why we have been highly organised and why we have achieved great results without having to be reliant on gold.

    Application process
    We are a tight-knit team and we select members not just on their statistics but also on their personality. We ask players who are interested in joining our faction to apply via our own forum. The recruitment window is open.

    Your application will be viewed by all our faction members and they will ask you all manner of questions to try and assess your character. Its a fun process and it will help you get to know us more and make you feel confident you have made the right decision in applying.

    If you are successful you will be asked to leave your faction and join us via the supplied invite code. Be warned though, that the application process may take 5 or more days before a decision is reached. This is so all our members across multiple time zones have the ability to view your application. I can guarantee the wait is worth it.

    Ok I'm interested but I'd like to know more
    If you look at my signature you can see our faction bonuses. If you follow this link http://brits.forumotion.co.uk/t34-applications you'll find our forum that provides more information about our faction, membership and our application process.

    I hope to see you there. Thank you for considering BAF.

    We do not accept players who hack this game in any shape or form. If you are a hacker we do not want to hear from you. Please find an alternative faction to ruin. If we discover evidence of your hacking you will be reported and immediately retired from the faction.
    Last edited by phrosty; 11-04-2013 at 09:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Articulate Author simpleman's Avatar
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    I AM Spartacus!

  3. #3
    Consistent Contributor phrosty's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
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    Simps brother the banner, me likey.. So what does a retired hooters waitress do with themselves?

  4. #4
    Articulate Author simpleman's Avatar
    Member Since
    Dec 2012
    Wherever my iPad is
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    I can't believe you posted that photo of me!

  5. #5
    Articulate Author simpleman's Avatar
    Member Since
    Dec 2012
    Wherever my iPad is
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    I don't feel like Spartacus now.
    ...perhaps an blonde with big <censored>

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