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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    A personal view and decision about the current boss event

    Hi, I have decided to not go for the level 100 boss in the current event.

    Before some of you draft a nasty response to this post and thread please keep reading.

    I chose to not go for it because the amount of gems (money) and especially the amount of time required to finish it is absolutely absurd for a high level player. I heard from other high level players that boss 80 requires about 70-80 gold hits and about 200 gems for health refills. I am not against challenging events that cost money and time to complete but this time Gree has gone overboard for me. I currently have enough gems to finish it but the time required to complete this event is not worth it for me. I am not willing to donate every single minute of the day (and necessarily the night) to Gree trying to finish an event in a video game.

    If that is the way Gree is going with KA events, I will follow what others have said before me. Free play is not an option for me, I would rather quit. If this game becomes ( and it rapidly does) a burden for me, then I will gladly delete it.

    Please know that I am not telling anyone what to do, rather voicing my own decision. If anyone wants to go for this unit, and it is a great unit stats-wise, please do. Everyone has to make their own choice. I have participated and finished every single KA event for the last many months but this time Gree went way overboard in my eyes.

    Nothing for me is worth spending that much time on a game.

    The actual reason for starting this thread however is that I would like to invite every moderate to high gem spender to post in this thread if they also choose to NOT go for this unit. Please refrain from posting hostile and accusing posts. I would like to keep this thread on track so that Gree finds the opinion of players who spend a considerable amount of money on this game in one place. You gotta make it easy for them

    I know that I annoyed and maybe even angered some players here on the forum before. But please hold no grudge. Sometime it is just fun to stir the pot a little bit. But this thread is meant to be serious and please keep it that way.

    I am looking forward to read your responses.

    Guido (FUN member since the start of the guild wars)

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I dig it. This event is unrealistic for any medium-high level player. No gems from our guild.

  3. #3
    Euchred's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Meticulously Collecting
    I wrote in to support yesterday explaining that it was too unrealistic and as such very frustrating. They told me they sent my feedback directly to their engineers. I was ready to drop some gems for this to the tune of 2-3k.
    Last edited by Euchred; 10-14-2013 at 04:12 PM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    California, USA
    I am not going for it (I have been a low level bonus player).

  5. #5
    Uberfauker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Heavy gem spender, approximately $1,500 US

    To me, this is a "wake-up call" that GREE is defiantly going under and they are trying to get us to spend as much money as we possibly can before they shut everything down...last minute desperate attempt. I'll spend the remaining gems that I have on the wars and then it will be difficult for me to purchase again without some assurance that the game will still be here for a while...

    Obviously, no gems from me on this event.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Wow 70-80 gold hits for a level 80 boss from top players in the game. That's ridiculous. If a player who has gotten the top prize in every conquest event and LTQ takes that many hits... how is it possible for any other players to come close to finishing? FUN pays to be the best, therefore IMO every event should be much easier for them to complete. Everyone complained when FUN finished the first raid boss so quickly... WHO GIVES A ****. They paid to be able to do that. Now gree makes EVERY f'n event so much harder so FUN needs to spend gems to complete it as well. If FUN needs to spend 1000s of gems to complete an event... guess what??? A average player like myself who is around 4-5m attack is now screwed and has no hope of completing these events. Unless I'm willing to dish out 5-10 times the amount of gems as FUN players... which im not.
    I agree that events should be challenging BUT doable for the top 10% of players willing to put the time and effort to complete it. With a reasonable amount of gems. If the .001%'s can't even do it... then that's just BS.

  7. #7
    Ratma2001's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    i will not be participating due to the time commitment and gems required ! I am not a bank or a money machine, why would i spend a mortgage repayment for a game when i can have a HOUSE !, i think Gree is pushing too hard for the $$ and thus pushing many player to Alternative platforms or the door!

    I'd be lucky to get to Boss 40 at the moment , last Boss i got to 37 with a Push
    Shame really from what it used to be to just out and out give us your money !

  8. #8
    Zenobia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    New York, NY
    I am not spending a single gem on this event due to "winning" it being an obscenely unattainable goal.

    I do believe that is the case for every member of my guild, which normally runs the gamut from free to heavy gem spender. All getting only as far as gold will take us this time.

    All your manor are belong to us.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2013
    (ex-HEAVY gem spender here)

    ....I will NOT be doing the 100 BOSS kill.

    I can only think that GREE got too far ahead of themselves on this one. They thought they could just up the ante more and more....but guess what? even the top of the pyramid likes a break now and then.

    That's why I say "vote with your dollars" folks.

    If you don't like it, don't do it.

    Contrary to what some believe...GREE *does* listen to our complaints and suggestions.

    If you are a Moderate/Heavy gem spender - join me in sending in a support ticket saying "I will not be spending any money or gems on this event". Feel free to add adjectives and superlatives where necessary.

    [edited to add]
    Ticket sent
    Last edited by pendentive; 10-14-2013 at 02:54 PM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Thanks guys for all the responses so far and for keeping it on track.

    Let's keep hearing it from all of you out there...

  11. #11

    Join Date
    May 2013
    I am will help my guild get each of the daily quest units. But 100 bosses? Gree has gone way overboard on this one.

  12. #12
    Perfuzzie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    i`ll do the 45 and stop there , the Sh@dow unit is a must have ... 100 ? Gree has lost their damn mind ...
    Kingdom Age 238-864-928 P3rfUZZI3


  13. #13
    Namine33's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I am with Perfuzzie... I am stopping at 45... will help the guild as much as I can though, but definitely not trying for 100
    Namine -
    Rogue: 190k attack at lvl 112 w/173allies
    (update) 2.8M/3.4M at lvl 143 w/500allies

  14. #14

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    As soon as I needed my first gold hit at boss 8 I knew I wasn't going to spend any money on this event. It's absolutely stupid to be completely frank to spend that much money on a unit that will help you gain 10% stronger attacks against epic bosses that they will raise by 300% strength at the drop of a hat and take away your advantages.

    I also won't spend a dime to complete the guild portion. At max you would gain 25% more points in ONE war and likely will spend 1500 gems if your guild gets it. I usually go anywhere between 100k-250k(and am probably going to spend even less due to my recent dissatisfaction with the game in general). Why would I spend that much to gain an extra 10k when that same amount gems I spent on it would double my war output? <----------Purely rhetorical question.
    Last edited by Alexius; 10-14-2013 at 05:35 PM.

  15. #15
    aphroKEN's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I think it would be much faster if you used Mega Attacks. It would be more expensive than gold hits + refills. But when time > gems, it is a viable option.

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