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  1. #91
    Hi I'm a active player who would like to join.But one question did your guild come second in the latest guild wars ifso I would like to join.So if that's true I would like to join pm me with details please.bye!

  2. #92

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    If they came 3rd u wouldn't be interested^ dude seriously u don't look like someone who wants to be a team player shouts out to daex for helping out noobs become better

  3. #93
    Hi I would like to join the Centurions

  4. #94

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Ya we came in 2nd for both guild wars.
    Read the posts here carefully n see how to apply with instructions.

    And lol Blackheart5, agree with ur comments

    In game: Miyabi
    Guild: Konoha

  5. #95

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I can understand wanting to be with a strong guild but what can u provide its not all about 1st 2nd or 3rd its about contributing to the cause

  6. #96
    just looking to be considered for the guild. everyone left my old guild but i applied for both of the centurions guilds, would be nice to be apart of the community

    edit: why is it so ******* hard to get a response from anyone on this forum?
    Last edited by ZFxAltiMeR; 09-26-2013 at 02:19 AM.

  7. #97

    Looking for a guild

    Hi do you guys have line? or a recruiter who does have line? I'm interested to join level 143 and gem spender. 2 maxed tects and comb+ maxed. So far got mats but looking for epic/leg+ armor to max out before using them.
    Ign: Wrath
    Line ID: Jongy
    Guild: Knights of Flame

  8. #98

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Request to join pls look for...

    Some spots opening..[/B]

    Guild: Centurions, Centurion Academy, Konoha

    [CENTER]As our sub guilds opened up slots for players, we are looking for more players to join our this family.
    Confirm you wont feel lonely here!
    For interested applicants, please add LINE id to;

    (can include your photo too for resume... )
    Briefly tell us your maxed armors, castle setup, age, gender, country you from, hobbies, married or single, have boyfriend/girlfriend anot, any pets at home, occupation, any alt accounts, any kids?.. etc etc....
    We will then access you through an interview process to see if you are eligible to join our this big family.

    [SIZE=3][I]please take note that only level 100+ players need to apply.
    Successful candidates will be notify via LINE chat.

    iGn: Justice
    Line ID: thejustice711
    Guild: Konoha

  9. #99

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ZFxAltiMeR View Post
    just looking to be considered for the guild. everyone left my old guild but i applied for both of the centurions guilds, would be nice to be apart of the community

    edit: why is it so ******* hard to get a response from anyone on this forum?
    Sorry I am no longer as active in forum. Can find me via Line please

    iGn: Justice
    Line ID: thejustice711
    Guild: Konoha

  10. #100

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Still looking for awesome players to join us

    iGn: Justice
    Line ID: thejustice711
    Guild: Konoha

  11. #101

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Bump back to the top!
    IGN - Centurion Dex

    Level - 100+

    Code - XBC-PYB-HDD

    Guild - Centurions, where level 100 is just the beginning.

    Please pm before sending requests! Thanks!

  12. #102

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Some spots opening..[/B]

    Guild: Centurions, Centurion Academy, Konoha

    As our sub guilds opened up slots for players, we are looking for more players to join our this family.
    Confirm you wont feel lonely here!
    For interested applicants, please add LINE id to;

    (can include your photo too for resume... )
    Briefly tell us your maxed armors, castle setup, age, gender, country you from, hobbies, married or single, have boyfriend/girlfriend anot, any pets at home, occupation, any alt accounts, any kids?.. etc etc....
    We will then access you through an interview process to see if you are eligible to join our this big family.

    Please take note that only level 100+ players need to apply.
    Successful candidates will be notify via LINE chat.

    iGn: Justice
    Line ID: thejustice711
    Guild: Konoha

  13. #103
    Budd's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Are you guys still recruiting? Im lvl 133 Looking for a good clan. I have 4* maxed full TF 4 armorsmith, lots of gold, fusion stones, decent gems.
    Knights and dragons: Budd
    Level 100

  14. #104
    I am currently lvl 92 and looking for guild with the same commitment to wars as I am XBF-DRQ-PVC. Would love to get into Centurions or Konoha

  15. #105

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Lcharlie View Post
    Centurions guild is made up of three guilds with over 80 active players with a common goal to become the best guild we can be. We help each other become stronger and we work as a team. Our main guild is already level 73 and close to maxing out and our second guild Centurions Academy is also on its way to become a top 5 guild. All our members contribute to all three guilds and it is not an accident that we consistently place 10 players in the top 25 and over 25 players in the top 100 of the arena.

    You DO NOT have to be a gem spender. Everyone is welcome to join us and our coalition as long as you are active and contribute as a team player. We have free players with multiple gold medals and gem spenders with black medals. We value both equally.

    Please send a request in game by searching for the two guilds or PM any of our players usually active on the forum if interested in joining one of the top guilds and play with a lot of fun people that love this game without the pressure of having to spend tons of money.
    I want to join . Gimme a shout back I'll let u know everything u need to know. Lvl201 guild master the rising dead. Want to move on deserve more. Sky majesty ,blaze, moon all 99 with a bunch of legendary maxed

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