Thank You Gree!

I’d like to thank Gree, specifically CE, for helping me with my account. Although their timing wasn’t great, in the end, Gree made it right.

During the last war, my account either spontaneously glitched or was hacked by somebody, and I suddenly had a IP bonus of 1028%. As soon as I realized this, I immediately sent in a ticket to report it, and only did free hits in the war in the hope that Gree would fix it. (FYI, during War # 9, we had a 6 million point lead over 4th place, and my points in no way had any impact on the final results).

Two days ago, on Thursday before the war, I was locked out of my account and removed from Rogues Gallery. I can only assume this was done by Gree while they worked on my account, and not the result of a hacker. This war started with me unable to access my account and was forced to move my Junior account from Rogues Alliance to Rogues Gallery at the last minute to fill my old spot.

Many Emails later, Gree fixed my account and finally returned me to Rogues Gallery (and also returned my Junior account to Rogues Alliance), effectively getting me back to where I was before war. Gree is still working to resolve what caused the issue in the first place.

Thank you to Gree for setting things right. I lost patience at times when my tickets were inexplicably closed without resolution, but am grateful to be back where I was prior to the whole ordeal, and am happy to see Rogues Gallery fighting for 3rd place and Rogues Alliance fighting for top 10.
The world is again in order.